Okay, how about events? They'll be fun to do, right? Right?
Bedroom Aide from Mr Historical
You have been caught cheating with a presidential aide!
Requires Mass Media or similar
An aggressive secret society named "The Fanatics" has been discovered in the midst of a brainwashing ceremony; they were armed and are preparing an assault on the city of [city name here].
The chief of your intelligence service tells you that upcoming elections in the neighbouring country could be an opportunity to alter the country's policy in our favour.
Your AA forces report that that spy planes of [country] have been very active in our aerospace recently, threatening our country's security. What are your orders?
A natural disaster had stricken [country]. They evidently need foreign aid:
An amazingly awe-inspiring video game mod called "World 2008 Mod" has been developed and is attracting lots of money.
Incensed by the large amounts of immigrants coming to your nation from <country>, there have been newspaper campaigns, rioting, and mass protests against the regulations currently in place.
Accidental nuclear launch! from Mr Historical
One of your scientists accidentally fired a <nuke> at <city>, with devastating effect!
The leader of a suppressed minority in <civ> is travelling through your country, impressing the masses. Would you like to meet him?
A seismic sea wave has hit your coast. The destruction is devastating. Several foreign states and NGOs are offering their help.
An official in your government has leaked the name of a spy to the press, who has been forced to leave. (A random spy of yours is destroyed)
The religion of your homeland has been subject to ridicule by <civ>. Your religious leaders are appalled!
<civ> wants to join your SDI system and asks to build SDI sites on their territory. Your Foreign Minister warns you that it can trigger protests concerning with the balance of power in the region.
Bedroom Aide from Mr Historical
You have been caught cheating with a presidential aide!
Requires Mass Media or similar
- Silence them! - -20 gold per media/legal building
- I did not have relations with that woman! - Chance you might be discovered grows larger with every media/legal building in capital; Maintenance costs x2 for next 2 turns; If discovered, 3's effects occur but doubled
- "I'm sorry!" -
in all cities for next few turns
An aggressive secret society named "The Fanatics" has been discovered in the midst of a brainwashing ceremony; they were armed and are preparing an assault on the city of [city name here].
- Kill them at all costs - 5 turn revolt in [city name here]; Temporary
in all cities
- Alert the people and fortify the barracks - Barbarians spawn near [city name here]; Temporary defensive police force spawns
- Aggressive? Secret? Armed? Brainwashing?! Send a message to them, we could do business - Some sort of Mercenary system here or some mercenary civ has better relations or extra units (needs work)
The chief of your intelligence service tells you that upcoming elections in the neighbouring country could be an opportunity to alter the country's policy in our favour.
- That's a great idea! Finance the election campaign of the most favorable candidate - +3 in relations with the country
- We must use the situation to its full extent! Find the right man to become our puppet president - The country becomes your vassal state; The country must be a lot weaker than you
- No, we must see to it that the elections are democratic - Randomly +/- 2 in relations with the country
- Let them deal with their elections themselves - No effect
Your AA forces report that that spy planes of [country] have been very active in our aerospace recently, threatening our country's security. What are your orders?
- Shoot them down and analyse the debris! We won't stand any trespassers! - +1
in your cities; one off +
; -3 with [country]
- Send [country] official note of protest - -1 with [country]; one off + to [country]'s espionage points
- Let them fly. We won't risk a diplomatic row with [country] - -20% to your cities defence bonus for 5 turns
A natural disaster had stricken [country]. They evidently need foreign aid:
- Give refuge to some of the victims. We need someone to do dirty work in our cities, right? - +1 population in some of your cities; -1 relations with [country]
- Send minimum aid. One small transport plane with hot-water bottles would be enough - +1 relations with [country]
- We must do everything we can for them! - Subtract gold; +1
in your cities; +3 relations with [country]; +1 with all other countries for 5 turns
- No we don't have resources to spare on these miserable worms - +1
in your cities
An amazingly awe-inspiring video game mod called "World 2008 Mod" has been developed and is attracting lots of money.
- Cash in on its success! - Collect between 43 and 276 [Currency].
- We could use this as teaching material in schools - +1
from Parliament, University, School
Incensed by the large amounts of immigrants coming to your nation from <country>, there have been newspaper campaigns, rioting, and mass protests against the regulations currently in place.
- I hear the peoples call! - +
in all cities for 3 turns; Open borders agreement with <country> canceled and -1 relations
- I will stand by my beliefs! - +1
in 4 largest cities; Chance of anarchy; +1 relations with <country> and neighbouring democracies; +1 pop in some cities
- Crush the impure invaders! - +
in all cities for 5 turns; Switch to Authoritarian* civic without anarchy; -1 pop in some cities; -5 relations with <country>; Open borders with everyone canceled, unless they have a defensive pact or similar; -1 relations with democracies; +300 gold from impounded property if this is possible
Accidental nuclear launch! from Mr Historical
One of your scientists accidentally fired a <nuke> at <city>, with devastating effect!
- It was an accident! - -3 relations with <civ>; Moderate chance enemy will attack you
- Hush it up - -1750 gold; No unhappiness; Very low chance of war
- Declare war! - War is declared on <civ>; -6 relations with <civ>
The leader of a suppressed minority in <civ> is travelling through your country, impressing the masses. Would you like to meet him?
- No! We don't want to spoil relationship with <civ> - No effect, +1
in own cities for next few turns
- Yes I will unofficially meet him - -1 relations with <civ>; +1 with an enemy of <civ>
- Yes! Human Rights have to be respected everywhere. Welcome him with honours! - -2 relationship with <civ>; <civ> refuses to talk; +2 with an enemy of <civ> and all democracies; +1
for the next few turns
A seismic sea wave has hit your coast. The destruction is devastating. Several foreign states and NGOs are offering their help.
- Don't let them into the country! They will only spy on us and influence our people with their propaganda! - Only possible with authoritarian civic; -3 population in coastal cities; -1 relations with foreign civs
- Don't let them into the country! We will accept their humanitarian goods and distribute them to the suffering. Our people will love us! - Only possible with authoritarian civic; -2 population in coastal cities, -2 with foreign civs, +2
in the next few turns
- For god's sake, let them help! - -1 population in coastal cities; +1 relations with foreign civs; With authoritarian civic, +1
in the next few turns
An official in your government has leaked the name of a spy to the press, who has been forced to leave. (A random spy of yours is destroyed)
- Fire a scapegoat - -10% production in capital for 6 turns; Espionage points decreased
- Go to court, and change the security service's coverage in national media- 565-984 gold spent; Drop in espionage points; 15% increase in espionage points per turn
- Fire the heads of intelligence! - -20 gold; -5% EP drop for next few turns; -25% commerce in capital; Workers work -25% for next 2 turns; +2
in all cities for next 12 turns; +1 relations with all other civs
The religion of your homeland has been subject to ridicule by <civ>. Your religious leaders are appalled!
- Denounce their claims! - -1 relations with <civ>; +1
in cities with state religion
- I'm not bothered - No change in relations; +1
in cities
- Fatwa! - Triggers "We love the ... day"; +3
in all cities for 5 turns; Barbarian units spawn in <civ> for 3 turns; -3 relations with <civ> and its allies
- Jihad! - Declare war; +50% military production; Triggers "We love the ... day"; +3
in all cities for 5 turns
<civ> wants to join your SDI system and asks to build SDI sites on their territory. Your Foreign Minister warns you that it can trigger protests concerning with the balance of power in the region.
- Tell them that additional SDI sites are not needed - <civ> gets SDI; +2 relations with <civ>; -1 relations with countries neighbouring <civ>
- Of course! Building additional sites will boost our system's effectiveness - +5% to SDI's chances to destroy ICBMs; <civ> gets SDI; +4 relations with <civ>; -2 relations with countries neighbouring <civ>; Costs 500 currency
- Let's create a global SDI system! - +10% to SDI's chances to destroy ICBMs; <civ> and its neighbours get SDI; +1
with <civ> and its neighbours; Costs 2000 currency
- No, we'll keep our military secrets - -1 relations with <civ>