Everest isn't a mountain tile!!?? Where do I change?


Oct 24, 2016
Hey team,

There's too many files!!

Where can I edit the everest tiles to be counted as mountains? I was super stoke because everest is next to another mountain and I would be getting like +4 from holy site, although I was only going to get +1 from the lone mountain!! :(
Are you sure you weren't making a mistake? Holy Sites should gain +2 Faith from each adjacent Natural Wonder tile.

So if Mount Everest was next to a mountain, and you had put it in between the mountain and mount everest, the Holy Site would be getting +3 Faith.
Sorry so I'm slightly lying now that I double check.. The holy site is getting the bonus from the natural wonder, but it was my campus that was not getting a bonus from everest, because it's not listed as a mountain tiles, only a natural wonder :(
Everest does appear as a mountain tile, but when it comes to Adjacency bonuses Natural Wonder overrides Mountain. So only Holy Sites benefit from Mountain natural wonders.
I had a look at the features file, but is there a way that the campus could get adjacency from it being a mountain as well??
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