Every month, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.


First, it wouldn't create any jobs. Second, in order to have positive Mexican relations we must allow their people to illegally immigrate here at will?

Mexico is about to collapse anyway. Nuts to them.

America invades countries at will. And America's all worried about people that want to work.

America invades countries at will. And America's all worried about people that want to work.

It's not people that want to work that I'm worried about.
First, it wouldn't create any jobs.

How on Earth are you going to build the walls?! You need people to build them! It's not like a Wall fairy would come and make one!
How on Earth are you going to build the walls?! You need people to build them! It's not like a Wall fairy would come and make one!

You're absolutely right. The people on welfare will.
This, of course, was worthy of a headline on Drudge.
hey... lets pay the illegal immigrants to build the border, and litter the border with bombs and traps and stuff and we can watch it on "Who Wants To Be An Immigrant?"
You voted for Pelosi or goonies of hers. That's what I was referring to. I love how liberals just switch around all the gaffes they make on the republicans.

No, I did not voted for Pelosi nor her goonies. Do I live in the district that she represents? Do I live in California?! No I dont. And dont think about trying to pull a "yes you did" card. This is the exactly the reason why the Americans are sick and tired of this kind of partisan crap and exactly the reason why I am sick of it :rolleyes:. I'm not a liberal, I'm a moderate. If you want to have a civil discussion that does not involve labeling and namecalling, let me know.
In terms of volume, have Democrats made the same number of gaffes as Republicans? And screw the partisanship and party lines, man. What the hell do this news matter? This is as frivolous as reporting about British royalty. Time of extreme crisis and we focus on one or two verbal mistakes? If they make a few more, yeah, sure, bring it up. Otherwise, this is just a waste of time.
In terms of volume, have Democrats made the same number of gaffes as Republicans?
Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi put together? Dunno...especially if you count "stupid stuff Republicans say but which they actually mean" as not being gaffes.
No, I did not voted for Pelosi nor her goonies. Do I live in the district that she represents? Do I live in California?! No I dont. And dont think about trying to pull a "yes you did" card. This is the exactly the reason why the Americans are sick and tired of this kind of partisan crap and exactly the reason why I am sick of it :rolleyes:. I'm not a liberal, I'm a moderate. If you want to have a civil discussion that does not involve labeling and namecalling, let me know.

Aren't you the same person who constantly bashed McCain and Bush and hailed all things Obama? That is far from being moderate. Plus I have no idea where you live. :p
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