I run over a thread that is was mentioned the absence of some units that have the same abilities with the Unique ones.To be honest,for some time i thought that it was a bug causing this lack.I was wondering if this change finds you all in favore,because i for sure cannot accept the fact that some units cannot be built from all civs.To suport this i will ask if anyone of you have calculated the cost of upgrate:I mean it is not for sure the same thing to upgrate an Hoplite to a musketman than a pikemen to a musketman or an infantry...etc.The same counts for all those units that missing.If you have for example 10-15 Hoplites the upgrating cost to musketman is more or less 50% higher than the pikemen cost.The other fact is that civs that can't buit every single unit can't also upgrate their army for some period.An exampleersia/cant built medieval infantry=They cannot upgrate this unit to guerrilla.Or Egypt/Horsemen=Knights-Cavalry.Anyway i think you got the picture for what i am saying,so if anyone is interested let me know,because maybe the same thing counts for Conquests too. (Sorry but i don't know if this discuss has already been posted in other threads)