Everyone hates Sitting Bull


Oct 29, 2009
I'm sure it's not 100% true but in many games I've played or watched the other AIs all seem to hate Sitting Bull. Anyone else found this? What about other AIs that seem to attract hate from their fellow AIs? Gandhi seems to be one, Izzy, at least sometimes, another. Is it just me or is something else going on, like maybe founding one of the 2 early religions but other AIs not choosing theirs?
Religions is one thing, but there are "hidden" diplomatic modifiers.

Amongst them are "peace weight" (PW) and "warmonger respect", which dictates the base relationship between AI, for details see this thread.

Peace weight is listed in Civ Illustrated#1. PW is usually more important than warmonger respect, and significantly influences diplo, leading to high-PW leaders being hate-magnets for low-PW leaders.

Additionally AIs sometimes excessively use spies, incurring negative diplo modifiers. SB does this frequently.
ta. I had dipped into Civ Illus before but hadn't really thought about PW. I had noticed that warmongers sometimes seemed to buddy up but not realised they loved to hate high PW AIs
I love SB gets a little write up in the Civ Illus, Every AI needs one. This is so my experience of SB,

"No matter what your strategy for victory is, Sitting Bull is probably just in the way. He is a bad vassal, won't trade techs, pesters you with spies, and generally dies hard. If you don't take him out with siege before he gets longbows and castles, he will stick around until the gunpowder era easily. His high peaceweight and stubbornness makes him a good target to try and direct the more dangerous warmongers to attack, so "punching bag" might be the best use to put him towards. ;)" @Kaitzilla
Gandhi is definitely more PW I think, as it's so extreme it might even be too much for other peaceniks. Izzy I think is less about the world hating her, and more about her hating the (heathen) world... Monty is also in that bucket
Gandhi is definitely more PW I think, as it's so extreme it might even be too much for other peaceniks. Izzy I think is less about the world hating her, and more about her hating the (heathen) world... Monty is also in that bucket
Gandhi is basically a doormat. Walk all over him and he'll be friends 3 turns later
I love SB gets a little write up in the Civ Illus, Every AI needs one. This is so my experience of SB,

"No matter what your strategy for victory is, Sitting Bull is probably just in the way. He is a bad vassal, won't trade techs, pesters you with spies, and generally dies hard. If you don't take him out with siege before he gets longbows and castles, he will stick around until the gunpowder era easily. His high peaceweight and stubbornness makes him a good target to try and direct the more dangerous warmongers to attack, so "punching bag" might be the best use to put him towards. ;)" @Kaitzilla
lol..in all muh years I'd not notice that Bull had that little write-up. He is kinda a special character. Cathy is also a bit special
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