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EX I Succession Game - Alexander of the Greeks


No longer here
Oct 2, 2001
Where this man is
This is my first succession game - FULL.

Players (in play order):
1) Exsanguination (me!!!)
2) lkendter
3) Brian J
4) Phantom12345
5) Mardoc

Game Rules:

Difficulty Level: Warlord
Civ: Greece
Opponents: 4 random civs

World Size: Small
World Form: Pangaea
Normal Climate
5 Billion Years

***NO automate workers
***20 turns or less each, I have done 40 to get things started
***Almost forgot - 24 hrs to confirm you're playing, 48 hrs to post your turn
***Please post a picture of our great empire at the end of your turns, and any other pics you find important (I like to see how we are doing)

I am hoping for a Space Race victory, but i have enabled all victory conditions. I stress not going to war, unless you REALLY know what you are doing.

Sign up by posting (something like... count me in), I am looking for moderate-skill level players, but if you are a veteran, hop on!!!!

My email: zigmund-booty@cfl.rr.com

Small World -

Why not. I know they won't be killed turns of 200+ units to move.
It is nice to not have to admin some of the games.
I'd like to play, but I'm not very good just yet. I'll join if you'll have me. I'd also like to be late in the rotation - I'm not very good at spreading quickly, but am better at administering a somewhat stable nation.
Please correct the spelling of my name. It was badly butched :(


We now have 5 players - so let's start! This is more then enough, as additional players mean to long between you turns.
The year is 4000 BC, a lonely Greek settler travels the grassland with his skilled companion. The great city of Athens is founded, soon to become the greatest city the world had seen. The wise Exsang has been chosen to lead the great civilization...

Knowledge of Alphabet and Bronze Working has quickly spread throughout the empire. 50 years later, the mystics decide to branch off into new areas of study...

3950 BC - Ceremonial Burial to be researched. I always start with CB. CB=happy people, fast. I jacked up sci to 90% so we can get it in a meager 12 turns!

3750 BC - First warrior trained, sets out to discover new lands. Warrior 2 in production.

3600 BC - Our warrior disturbs a Patzinal tribe. He barely survives the onslaught of warriors sent to extinguish him.

3550 BC - Warrior 2 trained. Warrior 3 (fortifier) in production. Athens is not growing fast enough to begin a settler w/o wasting turns. A source of Ivory is found to the north.

3500 - Athens expands due to high culture. A source of furs is discovered to the south.

3450 BC - Warrior 3 is trained. He forifies Athens. I check the growth status, we will lose 2 turns by training a hoplite, but i think it is worth it. Ceremonial Burial is also mastered by our mystics - the next line of discovery: Masonry.

3250 BC - Hoplite trained, first settler being trained, finally.

3100 BC - Source of Dyes found to the north-west.

3050 BC - An Etruscan tribe gives us their map. It is useless.

3000 BC - The revered Toynbee completes his Great History on the Most Advanced Nations - it looks like this:
1) Zulu
2) Aztec
3) English
4) Greeks
5) Germans

Bad news - we are against the Zulus. I hate the Zulus.

2850 BC - We find a jealous Suren tribe who send out a contingency of warriors to expel us. Our lone warrior is killed, one Suren warrior has escaped injured but alive. He MUST DIE!!!

2750 BC - Athens begins work on a Temple.

2710 BC - Sparta founded. It is in a good starting locale - furs and a cow. It is ordered to train a hoplite.

2630 BC - Masonry is discovered, our sages choose to develop a form of writing to be used to communicate more effectively. (29 turns)

2550 BC - Sparta trains its first defender, a hoplite. A settler is orderd.

2230 BC - Our warrior destroys the lone Suren warrior, and a Cimmerian encampment. The 25 gold helps our stagnant treasury.

2190 BC - A friendly tribe pays us 25 gold.

2150 BC - Exsang has fallen ill and has left his throne for another to rule...


- both Athens and Sparta are producing settlers. There is some good land to the northeast, but its a little far off. Lkendter - this will be your decision.
- the warrior next to Athens should seek out a barb encampment possibly to the northwest
- EXPLORE!!! We have no contacts yet, so I can't say exactly how good we are doing.
- Lkendter, during your turn Athens (or Sparta) should begin the Pyramids. I believe the Pyramids are a crucial wonder to success. If you can achieve it, get the Great Library, too.
- Find a coastal city, and get Colossus. I have not played a game yet without it, its not life or death, but a SSC would be nice.

Other than that, good luck!

(can you see this pic?)
Pre-turn. Please save the game. Don't use the autosave! I had to finish 2150 BC again. Immdediately switch Athens to Pyramids.

2030 BC - Killed 4 Minoan barb and got an elite warrior.

1950 BC - The cimmerian tribe teachs us pottery.

1910 BC - Kill more barbs.

1870 BC - Next research goal = Literature.

1830 BC - Science reduced to 80% to keep from losing money.

1790 BC - Thermopylae is starting on Ivory. Luxury #2 is ours.

1750 BC - Our culture borders expand and we see Thracian barbs. The Patzianl tribe teachs us Warrior code. The goody huts are treating me well :) +25 for disperising a Minoan camp.

1725 BC - Well I jinxed by goody huts luck - Angry warriors.

1700 BC - Another civ is spotted - The Aztecs with an elite warrior - We give up Masonary, Pottery, $75 and get Iron Working and Wheel. I think this is an excellent trade at this point. We know the critical resource squares now. Horses next to Athens! Iron near Thermopylae

1625 BC - The Atzecs will get horses :(

1575 BC - Dispere a gaul camp - +25.

1550 BC - The Aztecs will get Iron :mad:

Summary -

We are in great shape if we can connect all of our luxuries. We have Furs, Ivory, Spices and Dyes once we build the cities and road net.

2 settlers in progress - Secure our spots near the Aztec borders. I want that triple spice spot!

There is another NEARBY land mass at our far north.

Pyramids are looking good. Keep 1 working improving Athens. I have the other moving to build roads to Thermopylae - 2 luxuries this early will be powerfull.

Explore - I have one warrior heading to the unknown area.

edit - Old attachment deleted to conserve space
alright Brian J, its your turn now.

LKendter - sorry bout the save, I guess I saved it at 2150 BC instead of the turn after (it wasn't an autosave).

***Just in case, I have decided to put down this regulation (it should be pretty obvious though) - do NOT go for monarchy/communism. This will not help us at all. We should be going towards republic right now, and obviously later for democracy.
Wouldn't it be much more easier for us to know if someone is playing to let the player say that he is playing :)? Cause now you just think, hmmmm, is the player playing the game or not?
Wow a big area almost all to ourselves.. Ever notice how the Ai civ always builds straight at the human player? Those Aztec cities are making a beeline for our capital!

1475 BC
The Reign of Brian the Greek!
Building roads and exploring

Sparta cannot finish the settler for 6 turns!

1450 BC
Our exploring warrior kills a barbarian. Literature discovered, started horseback riding.

1425 BC
Another Barb and our warrior is Veteran!

1400-1350 BC
Moving around. A Jaguar Warrior is wandering around too..
barb camp located to the west.

1325 BC
Sparta completes its settler. Heads to close Aztec border. Starts Temple to expand borders.
Disperses Barb camp.

1300 BC
Disperses barb camp on far side of Aztecs. Why let them get 25 gold? :D

1275 BC
Spots a goody hut east of Aztecs.

1250 BC
Goody hut gives us a map.
Horseback riding discovered, Starts map making.
Another iron west of the Aztecs too!

1225 BC

1200 BC

1175 BC

1150 BC
Eep! A barb appears near our worker! Hustles him to Thermopylae.

1125 BC
The peninsula west of the Aztecs goes on and on.. Doesnt show any signs of stopping.. Spices to the west. More horses foudn to the far north east. Great lands to expand into here!

1100 BC
Builds Corinth northwest of Thermopylae. Starts a Hoplite.

1075 BC
Zzzz. Aztecs founded another city but on their penninsula, good! Of course now our warrior is stranded..

1050 BC
BArb horsie approaching Thermopolae. Our Elite Hoplite is there to intercept!

1025 BC
Thermopolae completes its settler, starts a Hoplite. brian the Greek considers renaming this city as that name is just TOO LONG :LOL: Settler heads west to block Aztec expansion.

1000 BC
Corinth attacked by Barbarian Horsie! Our warrior barely fends them off. We need military!
The Aztecs are building the Oracle.

Gak! Augh! Brian the Greek passes away in his Corinthian Villa. An Heir is sought.

Well, there it is. The Hoplite and 2 Warriors are out hunting Barbarian camps. We need to find that horse camp, and get Corinth better defenders! The Warriors to the west are on auto move back to Greek lands, you can change this if you want, to better hunt Barbarians.

Another settler is heading west. The worker near Thermopolae is on the iron square all ready to build a road. Protect it! maybe move the Hoplite back to that square.
The Aztecs appear to be a pushover. We should be able to eventually knock them off the continent, and expand before someone else joins our party! Of course, there are those Jaguars to worry about..

This is probably one of the best starting positions I've ever had in a Civ 3 game!

Only 1 neighbour and lots of room to expand!

Have fun whoever is next!
Phantom steps onto the thrown to lead the great Greek empire.

975 Nothing to do, so Phantom just takes a nap

950 Nothing to do, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

925 Phantom wakes up, barbarians are attacking Corinth, but the warrior over there is far more superior and soon the barbarians perish.

900 Delphi was founded. It ain't a really good spot Phantom thinks, but it will block the Aztec from going into our territory.

875 Temple in Sparta was made. Sparta was soon after assigned to get the strongest men and women together to start a settler. Aztec asks for an adience and was granted one. We trades Writing for Mysticism + 16 gold.

850 Barbarian village destroyed, scientists discover map making. Philosophy is the next subject for our scientists, since we're going for The Republic.

825 moved some troops

800 Aztec creats embassy at our capital

775 The cultural border of Sparta expands.

750 A veteran warrior at the outer end of the island gets killed by an overwhelming force of barbarians

730 Retreated a worker to Thermolpylae because of barbarians

710 Philosophy was researched, next: Code of Laws. People in Athens are happy to report that we have The Pyramids!!!

690 Warrior in Thermopylae repelled 2 barbarian units

670 Worker created in Athens. Phantom decides to let Athens build a few workers before they start on the next great project. In the meanwhile defences in Corinth and Thermopylae are increased because of the freshly trained hoplites. Both begin to build a temple to close the hole for the Aztec.

650 Worker created, city stays at size 6/7 despite constant production of workers.

630 - 590 Nothing really much happened. Mostly warriors scouting for villages and workers being made in Athens.

570 Athens begins the Great Library

Phantom is tired after 405 years of supreme reign and goes for a long vacation.

There is a settler already moving up, but I didn't really know where to start a new city. So I will leave that up to the next King.
We need to have a city which can produce settlers. The only city capable of doing that in our empire is Athens, but Athens is a wonder building city?
Originally posted by Phantom12345
670 Worker created in Athens. Phantom decides to let Athens build a few workers before they start on the next great project. 570 Athens begins the Great Library

The only city capable of doing that in our empire is Athens, but Athens is a wonder building city?

:crazyeyes :crazyeyes I gather you haven't had the frustration of losing a wonder by one turn. :crazyeyes :crazyeyes
This is something I never do.

We have a good setller building city - Sparta! Cows, wheat, 3 surplus food. After the library, put it in permanent settler mode. We need to keep expanding. Once some plains are irragatted, Thermopylae has possiblitites.

As for city sites, I marked up the attached map with a couple of good possible sites.

1 - Quickly goes to size 3, and low corruption.
2 - Two grassland with shield instantly.
3 - Won't have great production, but heads us toward the spices. The spice zone will be the location for FP.
4 - More cows and dyes, though not a high priority.

Mardoc - Have fun playing next.
There should be two things at the top of our list:

1) EXPAND. We have the smallest land area. We need to change this.

2) The land mass to the north is only separated by coast. Mardoc - build a coastal city, fast (I'd say to the very far north-east, past the jungles inthe little patch of grassland), and build a galley!!! There are probably valuable contacts up there.
***We need to get the Colossus. Don't let another civ we don't know of get it!

And, one other thing - there is a horseman in that barb camp next to our settler. If that settler doesn't move, he's toast.
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