FëuroNES: Let's Get Medieval


Dec 26, 2001
FëuroNES: Let's Get Medieval

It's 500 AD, Europe has been ravaged by centuries of warfare, pandemics and famines. Nations and Dynasties have been wiped out and Europe has been plunged into chaos and warlordism. It is up to you to unite your peoples create some order out of this chaos and perhaps lead them to a glorious future.

The only Institution that has survived the chaos is the Papacy whom is now seen as the leaders of the Christian world and are a Permanent NPC. North Africa is full of Berber Raiders and Pirate Lords, Southern Norway is home to the fierce Viking Warlords so you can start anywhere besides for those places.

Starting Template
(Please PM me if you want to join as a new nation so that we can work out a fair Income, Army and Navy for you.)

Nation: [Nation Name] ([Your Name])
Government: [Gov. Type] ([Dynasty or Ruler])
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Description: [Short Background/Description or your Nation]

Example Starting Template

Nation: Papacy (Perm NPC)
Government: Theocracy (Pope Symmachus)
Capitol: Rome
Religion: Christian
Income: 1 Gold
Army: 1000 Footmen
Navy: 5 Galleys
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Grey
Description: Home to the Leaders of the Christian world the Papacy controls Rome and its surroundings.

The rules will be kept as short as possible to maximize the freedom for the players creativity and because most concepts seem pretty self-explanatory, though feel free to ask if you are unsure. Here are some things that you need to know.

Army: 1 Gold equips 1000 men, horses and better equipment costs and additional 1 Gold per 1000 men. see post #4.

Navy: 1 Gold buys 5 Galleys

Loyalty: How much people trust your leadership, if you lead them well it will rise to the point that people will gladly sacrifice their lives for you, lead them badly and people will be reluctant to follow your orders, possibly even turning on you and attempt to overthrow your rule. Loyalty is also the most important value to determine how many people will take up arms to defend your homelands from invasion, in a cult of personality most men and even some women will take up arms to defend their beloved nation and ruler, but when rebellious some of your people might actually take up arms to help the invaders overthrow their hated ruler.
Loyalty Levels are: Rebellious, Unruly, Reluctant, Balanced, Dependable, Faithful, Cult of Personality.

Projects: Grand Projects of your nation, their effects can range from a one time stat increase (like +1 Gold income) to more abstract concepts like increased influence amongst catholic peoples. You PM me your idea and i tell you how much it will cost (first stat) and how long it will take (second stat) you can speed up the project by creative means or simply by over funding your project for 1 Gold Per Turn. Truly Majestic projects might gain the status of Wonders of the World gaining additional bonuses.

Projects will also cover other Concepts like Culture, Infrastructure, Technology etc.. If you want a superior infrastructure you can build a Imperial Roads Project, if you want superior culture you can build things like great cathedrals all across your empire etc. if you expand your empire so that one of these projects is no longer sufficient i will warn you and you can extend them to cover your newly gained grounds.

Orders: Limit them to one PM, pictures and links are welcomed.

Stories are not required though you will notice that things will tend to go better for players whose actions are complemented with stories.
Player Stats:

Nation: France (erez87)
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Parisii dynasty)
Capitol: Paris
Religion: Christianity
Income: 4 Gold
Army: 5500 Footmen, 1000 Pikemen, 1800 Crossbowmen, 250 Spearmen
Navy: None
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: The Frankish Horseguard (4/6|4/6)
Color: Royal Blue
Description: The city of Paris under the roman empire became rather large and rich. But since the empire broke and Europe entered the dark ages Paris greatness was shunned by chaos. Now a new dynasty rises to claim the lands of the Frank people and unite France once again.

Nation: Repubblica di Genova (Flavius Aetius)*
Government: Oligarchic Republic (Doge of Genova)
Capitol: Genova
Religion: Christianity
Income: 5 Gold (5 Banked)
Army: 1500 Footmen, 1800 Marinai Genovesi
Navy: 15 Triremes, 10 Galee Genovesi
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: Grande Porto Commerciale di Genova (DONE)
Color: Light Blue
Description: After the fall of Europe, a group of surviving merchants and sailors united, founding an Republic based around the city of Genova. They rapidly united all coastal cities of former Liguria, and they are going to rebuild the Mediterranean Trade Network.

Nation: Kingdom of Burgundy (flyingchicken)
Government: Hereditary Monarchy (Gundahar dynasty)
Capitol: Worms
Religion: Christianity
Income: 4 Gold (2 Banked)
Army: 3250 Footmen, 250 Mounted Foot Archers, 1950 Burgundian Honorguards, 750 Burgundian Shock Infantry, 800 Pikemen, 750 Crossbowmen.
Navy: 5 Triremes
Loyalty: Faithful
Projects: Erste Modernisierung A (1/3|2/5) | Erste Modernisierung B (1/2|2/4) | Erste Rheinfort (1/2|2/5) | Der Rheinklöster (1/2|2/3)
Color: Burgundy Red
Description: An Eastern Germanic tribe who have left their homeland of Scandinavia to seek greener pastures in the collapsing Roman Empire. Though their attempts at acquiring the Empire in the past have failed and their status as foederati is forever lost, the land, influence, and confidence the Burgundians have gained through decades of assisting the Romans have paid off and are more than ready to strike it out on their own. They have just recently been Christianized and now seek more permanent settlement along the Rhine.

Nation: Gothic Empire (Charles Li)
Government: Monarchy (Tanzanta Lornaz)
Capitol: Visnococo
Religion: Christian Rules, Arian Subjects
Income: 4 Gold
Army: 750 Ghuiatas, 875 Gurthias, 1400 Gornothias, 250 Spearmen.
Navy: 5 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: The Great Forge (DONE!), Woodland Roads (DONE!)
Color: Purple
Description: The Gothic Tribes was one of the menaces that defeated Rome. However, the tribe's power is due to Visigothic Spain. Who split from the other Gothic tribes. The Orthogoth's hold on Italy slacked as well, and now, barely 70 years of the Great Gothic Empires... they are limited to East Europe and their homeland. However, the Gothic Forges are still burning, their swords ready, their Chiefs united to create the Gothic Empire. Livre De Gothia!

Nation: Kingdom of Britannia (dldnjstjr)
Government: Monarchy (Cogidubnus)
Capitol: London
Religion: Christianity
Income: 4 Gold (1Gold Banked)
Army: 2600 Footmen, 1000 Pikemen, 1000 Crossbowmen, 500 Archers, 600 British Noble Cavalry, 750 Horse Archers.
Navy: 18 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: British Noble Cavalry (DONE!), Astronomia Britannica (DONE!), Magnus Lex (0/2|0/4)
Color: Orange
Description: After the Roman Empire fell at the hands of the barbarians, kingdom of Britania remained generally unaffected. Not long before, the Roman rules in the land had laxed significantly, and the generals slowly had begun to pull back to protect Rome itself. However, after long Roman occupation, Britain remained loyal to Rome, and its successor, the Pope of the Church.

Nation: Constanbul (Abaddon)
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Constan dynasty)
Capitol: Istanbul
Religion: Christianity
Income: 2 Gold (3 Gold Banked)
Army: 4500 Footmen, 1000 Spearmen, 850 Archers, 300 Light Cavalry.
Navy: 35 Triremes
Loyalty: Reluctant
Projects: The Great Port and Slave Market of Constanbul (DONE), The Great Slave Farms of Costan (DONE)
Color: Royal Purple
Description: Spanning an important river passing, the Contanbul nation has grown fat on the passing trade. Advanced in naval matter, but admittedly lacking in offensive army capabilities.

Nation: Avars Confederacy (Masada)
Government: Tribal Confederacy (Turul Dynasty)
Capitol: Drobeta
Religion: Christian rulers, Pagan subjects.
Income: 3 Gold (3 Gold Banked)
Army: 500 Footmen, 2000 Medium Infantry, 4500 Militia, 1000 Light Cavalry, 2000 Horse Archers, 500 Heavy Cavalry, 500 Footmen ("Tribal" Allies).
Navy: None
Loyalty: Reluctant
Projects: Thoroughbred Horses (1/2|3/10), Southern Border Forts (0/2|0/3)
Color: Brown
Description: The Avar’s are not a tribe from any single origin composed of many different groups from those fleeing the chaos of a collapsing Rome to those fleeing the oppression of other tribes. The Avar’s while of disparate origins are united in the safety that being an Avar gives them.

Nation: Kingdom of Hispania (DarthNader)
Government: Monarchy (de Valencia Dynasty)
Capitol: Valencia
Religion: Christianity
Income: 4 Gold
Army: 3000 Footmen, 250 Spearmen, 2000 Espadachines, 425 Archers.
Navy: 6 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: Fortalezas de Piedra (DONE), Great Hispanian Mining Expansion (1/3|2/5)
Color: Yellow
Description: Hispania is part of what is left of the Roman Empire. The Romans left Iberia with an marvelous economy after their downfall. With Europe in chaos, small groups began to squabble over the land, until one man stepped forward to unify the groups into one glorious kingdom.

Nation: Greek Empire (qoou)
Government: Federative Republic (Athinean Faction)
Capitol: Athens
Religion: Eastern Rite Christianity
Income: 2 Gold (2 Gold Banked)
Army: 500 Footmen, 2250 Heavy Infantry, 350 Hoplites, 900 Archers, 90 Light Cavalry, 2000 Pirates.
Navy: 32 Triremes, 9 Drakōns.
Loyalty: Dependable
Projects: Restoration of Athens (DONE!)
Color: Cyan
Description: A very fragile confederation, the Achaean League is rife with ancient rivalry and is unlikely to last much longer, recently the Athinean faction has consolidated the power and secured the future of the league for the time being.

Nation: Free Cities of Noricum (Sparrow55)
Government: Republic (Dictator Argeo)
Capitol: Noreia
Religion: Christian
Income: 3 Gold (2 Gold Banked)
Army: 3500 Footmen, 3000 Crossbowmen, 1500 Spearmen, 250 Archers, 100 Light Cavalry
Navy: None
Loyalty: Reluctant
Projects: None Yet
Color: Electric Lime
Description: Banded together to restore some order the fate of the Free Cities of Noricum is quite uncertain, as they spend most of their time and energy on pointless bickering. Recently Governor Argeo convinced the Council to grant him the Office of Dictator so that he could secure the future of the Free Cities.

Nation: Geneva (City) (Gelion)**
Government: Oligarchic Republic (various families, incl. Pictet, Dufour etc.)
Capitol: Geneva
Religion: Celtic Rite Christianity
Income: 4 Gold (11 Gold Banked)
Army: 2450 Footmen, 900 Light Cavalry.
Navy: 5 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Indigo
Description: Founded as a Roman colony on the ruins of an ancient Celtic town, Geneva has been a part of the Roman Empire as both prison colony and lately a merchant hub. Chaos in Western Europe have pushed its citizens to declare themselves as an independent city-state and choose a form of government to their liking. Strong military and largely peaceful expansion along the Lac Leman and West in the Gaelic mountains strengthened city's importance as a commercial hub between North and the South.

Nation: Patriarchate of Myra (Sp1023)
Government: Theocracy (The Patriarch of the East)
Capitol: Myra
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Income: 2 Gold
Army: 1250 Footmen, 750 Archers, 600 Spearmen, 900 Heavy Cavalry.
Navy: None Yet
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Persian Green
Description: Encouraged by the brutality of Constan's Armies and Calabrian efforts to restore Orthodoxy the much of the population of Asia Minor gathered behind the Self Proclaimed Patriarch of the Asia Minor in the Holy City of Myra.

Nation: Kingdom of Tunisia (Gninja Gnome)*
Government: Despotism (Berber Dynasty)
Capitol: Carthage
Religion: Pagan
Income: 3 Gold (3 Banked)
Army:2000 Footmen, 500 Spearmen, 750 Archers
Navy: 13 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Cream
Description: Berbers who banded together to become a powerful nation. They wish to rebuild the naval power of Carthage.

Nation: Kingdom of Maure (skizzik)
Government: Monarchy (Nubel Dynasty)
Capitol: Volubilis
Religion: Pagan
Income: 3 Gold (1 Gold Banked)
Army: 1500 Footmen, 500 Spearmen, 500 Archers, 1500 Light Cavalry, 2600 Pirates, 1000 Horse Archers.
Navy: 25 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: Roman Roads (0/1|0/2)The Grand Bazaars of the Kingdom of Maure(0/2|0/4)
Color: Copper
Description: A Morish Kingdom based in the fertile lands of the formerly roman province of Mauretania Tingitana.

Nation: Kingdom of Northumbria (Daftpanzer)
Government: Elective Monarchy (Norse-Saxon Junta)
Capitol: Eburacum
Religion: Celtic Rite Christianity
Income: 2 Gold (+2 Gold Banked)
Army: 750 Úlfhéðnar, 2250 Archers, 2250 Footmen, 2000 Pikemen, 1000 Crossbowmen, 500 Cavalry.
Navy: 5 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: King Thorgrimm's dyke (1/1|1/2)
Color: Woad
Description: A Kingdom spanning from most of the centrum and northern Great Britain and Ireland, recently the Norse and Saxon mercenaries have staged a coup d'etat and taken control of the government.

Nation: Regno di Napoli (Neverwonagame3)
Government: Monarchy (Zottone Dynasty)
Capital: Neapolis
Religion: Catholic with heavy presence of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in southern lands
Income: 4 Gold (7 Gold banked)
Army: 2750 Footmen, 1250 Spearmen, 1000 Archers, 1000 Hoplite (Spartans), 500 Archers (Spartans)
Navy: 2 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Olive Green
Description: After the conquest of the Repubbllica di Calabria the Holy League was disbanded and a kingdom was formed in its under the leadership of the Holy League's best general, Zottone, the Kingdom has very close ties with the Papacy and has some problems with the Orthodox population in the former lands of Calabria.

NPC Stats:

Nation: Papacy (Perm NPC)
Goverment: Theocracy (Pope)
Capitol: Rome
Religion: Christian
Income: 1 Gold (11 Banked)
Army: 5000 Papal Guards
Navy: None Yet
Loyalty: Cult of Personality
Projects: None Yet
Color: Grey
Description: Home to the Leaders of the Christian world the Papacy controls Rome and its surroundings.

Nation: Regno di Sardegna
Government: Monarchy (Ospirione Dynasty)
Capitol: Carales
Religion: Christian rulers, Pagan Subjects.
Income: 2 Gold
Army: 2000 Footmen, 1250 Spearmen, 1000 Archers, 1000 Crossbowmen.
Navy: 15 Triremes
Loyalty: Dependable
Projects: None Yet
Color: Persian Red
Description: After years of oppression by the Pirate Lords the people of Sardegna rose under the leadership of Ospirione and expelled the Pirate Lords from Sardegna and Corsica.

Nation: Kingdom of Asturias
Government: Monarchy (Amalarico Dynasty)
Capitol: Asturica Augusta
Religion: Christian
Income: 4 Gold
Army: 2000 Footmen, 2000 Spearmen, 2000 Archers, 1000 Crossbowmen, 800 Heavy Cavalry.
Navy: 2 Triremes
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Azure
Description: A Kingdom residing in the Northwest of Iberia founded by Warlord-King Amalarico.

Nation: Bulgar Khanganate
Government: Monarchy (House of Dulo)
Capitol: None Yet (Nomadic)
Religion: Pagan
Income: 2 Gold (+6 Banked)
Army: 1000 Spearmen, 1000 Archers, 3000 Horse Archers, 900 Light Cavalry, 700 Heavy Cavalry.
Navy: None Yet
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Goldenrod
Description: The Bulgar Khanganate was the last Hunnic tribe to migrate from the east, they were granted vast territories by the Avars in exchange of their assistance in fighting the Costans.

Nation: Serbo-Croatian Commonwealth
Government: Monarchy (Radoslav Dynasty)
Capitol: Salona
Religion: Pagans
Income: 2 Gold (+6 Banked)
Army: 2150 Footmen, 1250 Spearmen, 1375 Archers, 250 Horse Archers, 900 Light Cavalry, 400 Heavy Cavalry.
Navy: None Yet
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Mint Green
Description: After rampaging trough the Gothic Empire the Serbo-Croatian host settled into the Eastern Adriatic Region.

Nation: Republic of Cyprus
Government: Republic (Winemakers Faction)
Capitol: Salamis
Religion: Eastern Rite Christianity
Income: 2 Gold (2 Banked)
Army: 2500 Footmen, 1250 Spearmen, 1000 Archers, 300 Light Cavalry.
Navy: 8 Liburnas, 5 Transports
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Misty Rose
Description: After living for many years in Myra the Descendants of the Slaves and the Refugees that fled from Costanbul seized the lands of Cilicia and Cyprus and made it their home.
Land Units Cost Guidelines

Light Units (Leather Armor, Basic Armament and Training) (1 Gold) Examples:
Light Cavalry (2 Gold)

Medium Units (Chainmails, Good Armament and Good Training) (2 Gold) Examples:
Cavalry (3 Gold)
Horse Archers (3 Gold)

Heavy Units (Scale Armor, Excellent Armament and Advanced Training) (3 Gold) Examples:
Heavy Infantry
Heavy Cavalry (4 Gold)

Naval Units Costs Guidelines

Liburna (Carries 50 Men) 1 Gold Per 16 Ships
Bireme (Carries 100 Men) 1 Gold Per 8 Ships
Trireme (Carries 200 Men) 1 Gold per 4 Ships
Quadriremes (Carries 400 Men) 1 Gold per 2 Ships
Quinquereme (Carries 800 Men) 1 Gold per Ship

Transport (Carries 100 Men) 1 Gold per 15 Ships
Units Descriptions:

Militia: Usually armed with farming implements and no armors, shields or real training.
Pirates: Lightly armed and with little armor, pirates are good in ship to ship battles and raids but fare poorly in true battles.
Marinai: Lightly armed and with little armor, the Marinai Genovesi are good in ship to ship battles and shipbourne attacks but fare poorly in regular land battles.
Footmen: Armed with one handed maces, shortswords, axes and similar weapons, medium shields and leather armors and helmets.
Warriors: Tribal Warriors are similar to footmen but more fierce and less reliable.
Ghuiata: Gothic footmen, armed with two handed weapons.
Veliari: Saxon footmen, they are armed with long knives.
Spearmen: Armed with spear-type weapons and usually large reinforced shields and reinforced leather armors and helmets.
Hoplites: Greek spearmen, they are slightly better than regular spearmen.
Espadachines: Hispania's medium infantry, armed with swords, metal armors, shileds and helmets.
Æþeling: Saxon Nobles, seeking employment as mercenaries since the destruction of their Nation. Functionally Medium Infantry.
Úlfhéðnar: Odin's special warriors, they wear pelts of wolfs or bears and equipped with shields and spears.
Væringjar: Scandinavian Mercenary Medium Infantry, known for their extreme loyalty and reliability.
Gurthias: Gothic Skirmishers
Archers: Armed with bow-type weapons and at times with shortswords.
Crossbowmen: Armed with Crossbows, they have a lower rate of fire than Archers but are more efficient against armored enemies.
Burgundian Shock Infantry: Heavy Infantry, specialized in fighting in tight formations.
Auxiliaries: Barbarians or non citizens troops from rural areas, often mounted and lightly armed and armored.
Light Cavalry: Lightly armed and armored but very mobile.
Gornothias: Gothic Light Cavalry.
Mounted Foot Archers: Regular Archers that use Horses for extra mobility.
Horse Archers: Cavalry armed with bows and able to shoot from horseback.
Heavy Cavalry: Heavily armed and armored mounted troops, they dominate this era's battlefields.
British Noble Cavalry: Britannia's Heavy Cavalry, Fiercely Loyal to their King.
Burgundian Honorguards: Burgundian Shock Cavalry, specialized in breaking enemy formations.
Frankish Horseguard: France's Heavy Cavalry, equipped with the best weapons, armors and horses available.
Papal Guards: The Papacy's elite Heavy Infantry, they are heavily armed, armored and extremely skilled.

Galee Genovesi: Genova's extra swift biremes
Drakōns: Greek fire spewing triremes
Nooooo. I wanted a 500 A.D. NES :(. But by the time I start one this one will be long done! anyways, this isn't a pre NES right?
Nation: France (erez87)
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Parisii dynasty)
Capitol: Paris
Religion: Christian
Income: 1 Gold
Army: 2000 Footmen
Navy: None
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: royal blue
Description: The city of Paris under the roman empire became rather large and rich. But since the empire broke and Europe entered the dark ages Paris greatness was shunned by chaos. Now a new dynasty rises to claim the lands of the Frank people and unite France once again.
Nation: Repubblica di Genova
Government: Oligarchic Republic (Doge Marco Carniglia)
Capitol: Genova
Religion: Catholic
Income: 1 Gold
Army: 1000 Footmen
Navy: 5 Galleys
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Light Blue
Description: After the fall of Europe, a group of surviving merchants and sailors united, founding an Republic based around the city of Genova. They rapidly united all coastal cities of former Liguria, and they are going to rebuild the Mediterranean Trade Network.
Nation: The Saxon Empire ; Yui108
Government: Monarchy ; Odoacer II
Capitol: Northern Albinga
Religion: Arian
Income: 1 Gold
Army: 1000 Footmen
Navy: 5 Galleys
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Dark Green please
Description: The Saxon people of Northern Germany are a proud race, the cripplers of Rome. We are a warlike people feared by all. We are an agressive nation, expansion or death to glorify our god Juti. We look down on weak cit-folk yet some of our upper warrior class sees the need for a small concentration of cities. Our Veliari warriors, or men of the long knife seek to cut down all those who stand before us.
Nooooo. I wanted a 500 A.D. NES :(. But by the time I start one this one will be long done! anyways, this isn't a pre NES right?

this is not a pre nes indeed.

in fact...

(To be precise i will start the update on Sunday April 13 @ 2000 Hours CET, and remember that long orders are not necessary, just a couple of lines written in less that 5 minutes is enough.)
Nation: Kingdom of Worms (flyingchicken)
Government: Hereditary Monarchy (Gundobad of the Gundahar line of rulers)
Capitol: Worms
Religion: Christianity
Income: 1 Gold
Army: 1000 Footmen (is being along a major River considered landlocked?)
Navy: 5 Galleys (river question)
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Burgundy Red (please?)
Description: An Eastern Germanic tribe who have left their homeland of Scandinavia to seek greener pastures in the collapsing Roman Empire. Though their attempts at acquiring the Empire in the past have failed and their status as foederati is forever lost, the land, influence, and confidence the Burgundians have gained through decades of assisting the Romans have paid off and are more than ready to strike it out on their own. They have just recently been Christenized and now seek more permanent settlement along the Rhine.
Nation: Gothic Empire (Charles)
Government: Tribal Monarchy (Tanzanta Lornaz)
Capitol: (near Budapest) Visnococo
Religion: Gothic Chrisianity (Christianity lead by the Pope but adjusted to fit Savageness, easy convertion but must have more loyalty)
Income: 1 Gold
Army: 1000 Footmen
Navy: 5 Galleys
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Purple
EDIT: The Gothic Tribes was one of the menaces that defeated Rome. However, the tribe's power is due to Visigothic Spain. Who split from the other Gothic tribes. The Orthogoth's hold on Italy slacked as well, and now, barely 70 years of the Great Gothic Empires... they are limited to East Europe and their homeland. However, the Gothic Forges are still burning, their swords ready, their Cheifs united to create the Gothic Empire. Livre De Gothia!

(The last phraze is made up)

Spoiler :
The Goths are one of the tribes who defeated rome. But the tribes where rent into Visigothic Spain and Gothic Illryia. That is, until a princess of Spain Married Prince of Gothic Empire. Spain was enraged by this unprepared marrage and the two nations are still divided. But some who hope that they will be reunited joined the Gothic Empire.

They are located in Hungry/Croatia/parts inbetween. The land area is greater than the coastal area. Limited trade to Sicily, the Papacy and beyond kept Visigothic Immigration or gothic Emmigration levels steady.[Short Background/Description or
@Flyingchiken: galleys can travel on most major rivers (the rivers on the map) but you can choose whether or not to have galleys or extra troops
a little OOC here but galleys were like the highways of Roman Times. The germanics didn't even see the purpose of roads
Actually, Roman highways were the highways of Roman times. :p As I understand these are large military galleys and any coastal trade will be done on boats or smaller ships not owned by the royalty.

I will go with 5 galleys because they give a mobility edge.
Nation: La Repubblica di Calabria (Israelite9191)
Government: Oligarchic Republic (The Cassiodoros)
Capital: Reggio
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Income: 1 Gold
Army: 1000 Footmen
Navy: 5 Galleys
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None Yet
Color: Olive Green
Description: When Rome and Ravenna fell to the Ostrogothic invaders, the citizens of Calabria resisted. Since then they have allied with the patriarchate of Constantinople for protection from the Catholic and Arianist Christians to the north while building a unified oligarchic republic combining the strong agrarian economy of the rural interrior with the prosperous fishing communities and bustling, cosmopolitan ports of the coast.
If you are interested, you might find this version of the map more helpful since it has (Roman era) cities pre-placed:

And since the original link for the map seems not to be working, here's the map with city names for reference:

Those map should receive links in the new complete maps thread, they are totally awesome! i'll work to adapt the top most map and by the way, i updated the map to include the first six players.
May I take the Byzantine empire or would it be just way too overpowered?
The Byzantine Empire would be too busy fighting off-map and internal enemies to be a real bother in Europe.
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