
Web 1.0 was dial-up, 50K average bandwidth, Web 2.0 is an average 1 megabit of bandwidth and Web 3.0 will be 10 megabits of bandwidth all the time, which will be the full video Web, and that will feel like Web 3.0.

Anyway to test my speed?
Yes, I do use Facebook.

No, I don't feel like divulging my account on this thread.

Yes, it is handy for keeping in touch with people.

No, it doesn't control my life.

Well it might be genuine useful to some of you, but what it's used for here is mainly for uploading craploads of uninspired photos from when you go out and some sort of teenage angst groups and general idiocy. (like groups for hating people who listen to rock/metal/alternative) It's beyond stupid to me. There's probably even a couple of pictures of me even though I dont have an account.
Well, yeah, but only because they're going to dub "the next big thing" "web 3.0".

Not the other way around.
Well the wiki link is more specific:

The next big thing will be based on/enabled by the above ^^
Who the hell is Beren Ataç? A woman? NOOOO!!!!

How do I quit from that group?

Edit: I already left that group, fortunately.
The great thing about wikipedia is if you click the links it will give you more detail about it :p

The first 5 are fairly obvious and already here. The last 3 are more interesting. Semantic apps sound pretty cool. The idea is that the technology creates information, not just stores information created by the user.
The great thing about wikipedia is if you click the links it will give you more detail about it :p

The first 5 are fairly obvious and already here. The last 3 are more interesting. Semantic apps sound pretty cool. The idea is that the technology creates information, not just stores information created by the user.

I mean, all of that covers such an immensly broad range of ideas. It doesn't really define what this "Web 3.0" is specifically supposed to be, other than "all the upcoming technologies that are going to make the internet better".
I'll try and update the group at some point. I've been on facebook at lot less recently, hence the neglect.

If someone else wants to do stuff to it, let me know and I'll imbue you with the required ungodly power.

@Bigfoot, is that your real surname?
Zelig, the appeal of facebook is best understood from the perspective of lazy people like me who are incredibly popular and couldn't possibly be bothered to manage everyone's contact info in some sort of a dynamic contact management system.

You'd be surprised how many people you know and what sorts of interesting things they are up to (travelling to places, taking pictures, getting married, getting divorced, eating a pie)

Facebook is kind of like going for a virtual walk, but the only people you run into are people that you already know, in some way.

"Hey, that's my friend's neighbour's sister, who I briefly talked to at that party 6 years ago. I wonder what she's doing in Mongolia."

Hey, I use facebook, I know how useful it can be, I just sometimes get annoyed by how pervasive it has become, both for social reasons, (people using facebook for stuff which would really be better another way) and more general reasons, such as privacy concerns. (How many people using facebook have read the privacy policy and terms of use, and really know what rights to their information and media they're giving up?)

Ok, here's a question. Does anyone think there will be a "next big thing" in terms of social networking online? I mean, first we had myspace (which is still going strong) and now we have facebook (which I feel is becoming too much like myspace).

No, the market is pretty much full now. I've never known anybody in real life with a myspace account, and when I hit university, everyone was getting facebook.

Anyway to test my speed?

how fast is 11975 kps? any good ro slow? just wondering...beats my dial up back home..
Yes, I have facebook.

No, I won't add YOU, I only have people I ACTUALLY know.

i check it a lot, it is very useful for keeping in touch with people in Japan/Czech Rep/Israel/South Africa/Germany/Poland/France/Italy/Argentina/Brazil and a few other places I know, good for friends here, and even better for work since coworkers give away shifts or take shifts from it. and fun to use too.
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