
Well, it's certainly unique.
Well we've been here in America since 1638 and in England for God knows how long, so I wear it with pride. :cool:
There's a civfanatics group?? Is it like, a facebook group for civfanatics (where u act like ur on facebook), or a civfanativs group on facebook (where you act like you're on civfanatics)? My online and real lives are getting all mixed up here...
I'm guessing RL since RL people could find you. speaking of which, how does it feel to go to a school where there was a shooting not that long ago :evil: /facestalk.
Hey, I use facebook, I know how useful it can be, I just sometimes get annoyed by how pervasive it has become, both for social reasons, (people using facebook for stuff which would really be better another way) and more general reasons, such as privacy concerns. (How many people using facebook have read the privacy policy and terms of use, and really know what rights to their information and media they're giving up?)
My concern is that if facebook gets bought out by some porn site or something, and uses our (well not mine specifically...) profiles and images to promote the new porn website. Facebook can use profiles and images we upload to promote facebook -- I just wonder what happens to those rights if facebook sells itself.
yeah, I do have a facebook. It's kinda nifty for getting back in touch with former classmates, which is basically all I use it for.
Joined it, nice way to stay in touch with people. The apps suck though. And my news highlights thing is totally counter-intuitive, sometimes something new is totally at the bottom, while a weeks old comment is at the top. Wish I could change that.
yeah, I do have a facebook. It's kinda nifty for getting back in touch with former classmates, which is basically all I use it for.

If I ever wanted to hear from my former classmates again I would have kept in touch with them without facebook.

What I like facebook for is to show my cleverness by posting witty statements on my friends pictures and status updates.
I have a facebook, but I only use it for internet friends and people who don't use myspace.

Everyone I know uses myspace for the most part.
...privacy concerns. (How many people using facebook have read the privacy policy and terms of use, and really know what rights to their information and media they're giving up?)

My concern is that if facebook uses our (well not mine specifically...) profiles and images to promote the new porn website.

I agree with that. I don't understand why it's so difficult to share personal data under a generic open access agreement whilst retaining rights.
Facebook could quite easily claim that sharing of information was implicit agreement to such a contract, rather than implicit agreement to its rather unpleasant contract.
I added myself to the group, so I can be part of the cool club now.
I've been told too often lately that I need it so I can link with some networks I'm involved with. Anyone want to give me pros and cons, do's and don'ts?
I've been told too often lately that I need it so I can link with some networks I'm involved with. Anyone want to give me pros and cons, do's and don'ts?
Pro - Easy to keep in touch with everybody is up to
Con - may consume life
Pro - easy to stalk people
Con - easy to stalk people
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