Faction: Military Aretanian Directorate (MAD)


Sage of Quatronia
Jul 21, 2004
Military Aretanian Directorate (MAD)


As this is sort of a democracy game, and we now have come to some crossroads on where to go with our nation, I think it is high time we make a new Prime Faction Election. This is not meant as an attack on King Cyc and the excellent history of Lord Civius, Civplayah and so on. However, the tear and wear on the existing government seems to be clear to many of us. We need political conflict to make this game vibrant, and what better way to do this than through a new set of elections!

Since we are now in a Baroque Kingdom embellished in two wars, it is time for something like a Police State to come up as an alternative to Kingdom and Republic.

I nominate myself as General of the Directorate, and hope other generals to join the ranks of this militant and modernistic new faction!

  • General of the Directorate : Provolution (Leader of State and Home Army, Great Generals)
  • Paragon General: Civplayah (Intelligence, Trade and Finance, as well as Multinational Corporations, Great Merchants, Corporates, Great Spies)
  • General of Religious Affairs and Propaganda: Diamondeye (Religion, Foreign Affairs and Missionaries, Great, Prophets)
  • General of Occupied Territories (Recently occupied cities and land, fate of cities, occupation forces and governorship after war, Great Artists)
  • General of Projects (Deciding on Great Engineers, Great Scientists, technology and wonders, administrates workers, Great Engineers)
  • Military Police: The Political decisionmaking regarding drafting of new troops, overseeing happiness. Handling opposition.
  • Admiral of Arete: Port Civius, all overseas possessions, as well as all navies and marines.

Each General will be given three cities to govern, all inclusive.

The Directorate will respect all held property rights, and will allow a voice of all the people in what we will call the "Corporate Assembly", where each player will represent a caste or group of society, as this will be a police state.

All players wanting to be Designated players are welcome to do so, after a group vote of the Generals on which self-nominated player will play the save.

There will be held polls on all great wonders/projects, and their locations, as well as a joint discussion and vote over technologies and such. Each player will be given a city to administer at the minimum, should he/she want so. The unadministered cities will be distributed among the Generals.
We would like to invite more people on board, please let me know.

Of civics: We would most likely go for:

Police State, Nationalism, Caste System, Free Market and Organized Religion.
Military Aretanian Directorate will hold a counsel on how to proceed, and as soon as we are one unified body, we will make our decisions known to the remainder of the state.

Regarding the gameplay aspect, MAD representatives will do what is in the best interest of the nation, and work under a National Unified Front until the Mayan Armada and our Babylonian Invasion is dealt with. We suggest that each faction is given a specific sector to run in the interim, and work cooperatively in maintaining our security. MAD would like to control the navies and the Babylonian Invasion in this matter, First Republic of Aretania, we are willing to hand the responsibility for defending the Southwestern Province.

(This is actually great roleplay, and will surely attract attention to the game!) :)
General of the Directorate Provolution,

The National Unified Front is the First Step Toward Peace. The First Republic of Arentania supports any plans to keep stability in Arete until New Arkadia is no longer threatened. As you know, that is why it currently supports the CoA (to allow only one civic change for the time being.)

For your concern, I would like to open a field of contact between our two factions. The FRA will continue to support the CoA, but only until the Armada is destroyed. At that time, it would be very good to know that our two factions can openly communicate without hostilities.

Now, on to the current events.

Provolution, I will not lie to you; I am not only concerned about the general well-being of our nation with the Mayan threats, but it is also true that I hold land in New Arkadia, close enough to the Armada to worry. It would be a great shame to lose both. Therefore, it would be ideal to me that you would lead the professional forces against the Mayan landing party.

Lastly, I would like to point out Ravensfire's last post in the EGAH:

Well, not quite, Cyc. The Faction system is a framework, and doesn't push anything beyond some basic requirements. It's the failure of the Factions themselves, starting with the unmitigated disaster of the Triad that is to blame.

What we've got is a few players that quite simply don't care about rules, structures, authority or requirements unless it suits their own purposes. They'll complain about "traditionalists", yet have no problem pulling out "traditional rules" to justify their own ambitions and power grabs.

Thus far, we've seen factions that either focus most of their rules on RP aspects, letting the structure of the DG go undefined. The handful of people that have dealt with running a DG are gone or just lurking. I daresay that without your effort, this DG already would have blown away as dust.

Cyc - these people refuse to recognize the effort and dedication needed to organize a DG. They toss aside any respect for the need for some structure in playing the DG. They only believe in limits on authority when they aren't affected by those limits. They refuse to listen or learn from others that have seen what happens when this isn't here.

Cyc, I call on you to simply step aside. While it may be painful, it's time for these people to feel that weight. You and I have seen more troubles, and know the path that must be taken to ensure that the DG remains fun for everyone. Let the cold light of reality wake them from their slumber and show them the mess they've made of the DG.

The closed decision making and utter failure of the Triad finally pushed me aside. Let this be your fairwell, and wash your hands of the mess that others have made of the DG. Your efforts have been inspired as you alone kept this DG running. It is time for the youth, shielded from the true effort needed, to discover that their casual disregard for others doesn't work.

-- Ravensfire

I would like for you as well as the other people of Arentania to view this not as a discipline action to the rest of us, but as a challenge.

Can we lead ourselves to a new well being?

I agree, TCN, Ravensfire is only here to break our will and our fun, as always, no positive contributions. A Coalition government with the FRA could be considered, where we have elements of representation in our future Police State.

Also, I am most accountable, I am taken off the DP list, and cannot do anything with the save, so I thank you for your trust in handling the situation, but we need someone else "worthy" to handle the save.

Cycs rash decision to cut off his closest allies is wholly a different issue, which has caused this upheaval, we all agreed on Versailles, and it seems Versailles is the trigger for most major conflicts we know in the world, both for real and in games.
Vandal the King must appoint the DP. I have no problem with you playing it just please go through the correct channels. Sorry for the intrusion to your fascist rally Provo :twitch: .
I am leaving this faction for a little while. I want to be Independant for now, because I don't know which faction to join.
I think it is pretty much given that Federation will win, so maybe we should throw in the towel (who can beat sentimentality and so on).
Don't give up Provo it's not in your blood. Rally the militarists to your cause and give them hopes of world domination :bowdown: !
Well, I cant beat a mass movement for Hollywoodization, sentimentality and political correctness in these dire times of market collapse, elections and misconceived humanitarianism. I can be mad, but I cannot be MAD alone...
Oh come on, Provo. We'll get you a 10-gallon hat and a white horse. Sunglsses even. You can ride in and sve the day. :lol:
Yeah, I think I throw in the towel on this one. Enlightenment is the tune people want to play, and dark entertainment is not in the fashion anymore, hence I leave you to your devices, which is fine by me. :)
Please consider the odds and the way this has been spinned. The Opis deal closed our chances, so the decision done there by Civius and Cyc ruined our entire premise. I also see some other non-aligned players likely to end up in FFF...
Of course, you leaving MAD was the last nail. But I could not bear COA anymore, so some improvement yes.
Oh come now, it`s not an election unless there in an opposing side!

Also, with some groundwork you could turn those newbies into fellow Generals, it`s not as if 5 people or less couldn`t tip the scales.
Actually, merging talks have eneded between the Venitian Republic and the Feds. So now There is an opposing side. Provo, I am against dictatorialship but am Willing to stretch my hand in assistance to your faction, if your faction and mine vote for one faction the Vote will be tied. So what do you say Provo?
Its kind of curious on how all the confident FFFers want us to head for election we are very likely to lose, where our own members are either keeping silent or jumping ship.
I might be alternative, but not stupid, and right now I am simply not motivated.
The deal is already struck, Opis stands, and soon we gonna see a lot of Mullah Missionaries running around as we have some defensive naval war, not exactly my type of game, but that is the game that got majority.

Also, the Police State I promised had plenty of room for player participation, like COA did, I just did not embellish it in a lot of cheap humanitarian rhetoric.
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