Fail pics


It's true.
Subscription Post... [and i don't understand the George Orwelll fail... why??]
It shows a video surveillance camera....on a street named for George Orwell, who warned about such things.

@Salty Mud: so true
It shows a video surveillance camera....on a street named for George Orwell, who warned about such things.

Oh yeah, you're right... Jesus, forgot that.. :mischief: Well, it is not a street, it is a square to be correctly. :rolleyes:
Moderator Action: No more that two post in a row without a topical picture in a picture thread. Pay your dues, folks
Please read the forum rules:
Something I have been thinking about people who put the word "FAIL" on a fail pic.


  • Fail Chart.JPG
    Fail Chart.JPG
    25 KB · Views: 284
...or maybe he shouldn't! ;)

Note for future reference (no offence intended): For something to be "fail" material, it actually has to have some obvious humorous value. Otherwise it's often just painful.
I could have sworn i uploaded this one:


and then:

@Perfection: ARGHH!!!! MAKE ME UNSEE IT!!!
I believe i need to contribute. Fail sums this picture up in one. The added text is mine sorry.


  • how_do_you_do_that.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 248
You spelled "phrase" wrong. It made me think for a second...
At least you wern't lame and pasted the word "FAIL" on it!

It's true.

Do you remember a couple months ago when at the factory they screwed up big time because when they were printing the manuals for a certain game, parts of the manuals missing. The serial key at the back was missing one character, making it next impossible to activate your game. I believe EA encouraged users to just guess the last number/letter. I swear that is the most amount of fail one can achieve.
Do you remember a couple months ago when at the factory they screwed up big time because when they were printing the manuals for a certain game, parts of the manuals missing. The serial key at the back was missing one character, making it next impossible to activate your game. I believe EA encouraged users to just guess the last number/letter. I swear that is the most amount of fail one can achieve.

I never heard about that, but if it's true... dear God... new level of fail achieved.
TGfU. Thank god for Ubisoft.
TGfU. Thank god for Ubisoft.
Lol, Ubifail sucks more than EA. Although if they were telling you to guess the last digit, then they might be even.
EA had this quote on their support page but it was removed.

“There is currently a work around that may allow you to bypass this issue. Since you have the first 19 characters of the code already, you can basically try "guessing" the last character. To do this, simply enter your existing code, and then for the last character, try the letters A-Z, and then the numbers 0-9. You should eventually get the right combination, and be able to play the game.”

If you want to see it I believe you can use google's cache feature on the support page. The page now says (I think)

“If you are trying to install Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 and the code is only 19 characters long, then it is missing the last letter or number. This was due to a misprint on a small number of manuals and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. In order to get a replacement code, please click the "Contact Us" link on the left side of the page to send an e-mail to our team. If you would like you can also contact us by phone using the number found on page 28 of your manual.”
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