Fairline ToT Scenario Graphics


Mar 21, 2002
I'll use this thread to post Test of Time graphics for classic scenarios, as and when I can be ersed to finish them. Most of the scenario conversions have been expertly completed by Catfish, and are linked on his site (look under links):


First up is a quartet of Eastern Roman / Byzantine scenarios, each one a classic in it's own right. I've posted early / incomplete versions of some in the past at 'Poly, but these are all reworked and include complete sets of units, people, cities and terrain:

Justinian the Great by Carl Fritz
Catfish: terrain CurtSibling: terrain Sarsstock: cities Fairline: units, people, terrain, cities



Komnenai by Heresson
Catfish: terrain CurtSibling: cities, terrain Sarsstock: cities Fairline: units, people, terrain, cities



Death and Resurrection of an Empire by Mathias Köster
Catfish: terrain CurtSibling: cities, terrain Sarsstock: cities Fairline: units, people, terrain, cities



Fading Lights by Heresson
Catfish: terrain CurtSibling: cities, terrain Sarsstock: cities Fairline: units, people, terrain, cities



Such a huge array of totally stonking scenarios, now gloriously brought to life!

An essential for any ToT fan! :D
Excellent! Alot of Byzantine scenarios there :) Here's hoping for more uploads from you, Gareth.
The Medieval era was the one notable period of history lacking in quality units. Over the last year or so you have more than put this right, you have spoiled us! The units are stunning. Those castles and the walls of Constantinople will come in very handy. I have some holidays coming up and I have a lot of catching up to do with ToT. Looking forward to it!
I was showing this work to one of the leading GFX guys on the Medieval Total War forums yesterday, and he was blown away at how amazing CIV2 looks after all these years! :)
Amazing quality.
The Fading Lights scenario, although tough, is one of my all-time favourites.
Is the scenario really free of the 2nd plague of Egypt or you hid an easter-egg somewhere?
Can't find the ToT conversion of Komnenai. :(
Thanks all.

My Empire of Thessalonike scenario is not there :(

Great work Fairline ;)

Was there ever a ToT conversion? If so, I'm sure I have enough units here to do a makeover.

I was showing this work to one of the leading GFX guys on the Medieval Total War forums yesterday, and he was blown away at how amazing CIV2 looks after all these years!

:) Is he an ex-civ player? Any chance of coaxing him back into the fold?

The Fading Lights scenario, although tough, is one of my all-time favourites.
Is the scenario really free of the 2nd plague of Egypt or you hid an easter-egg somewhere?

It's one of my favourites as well Tim. Serbs, Bulgars, latins and Turks attacking you from all sides, those damned Genoese demanding a fortune every turn for their poxy ships, massive hunger in Constantinople which you can only stave off by frantic food caravans.... you've got to hand to the Froggy-one: he created a classic. You'll have to help me out btw, what did I lose or forget to include (2nd Plague of Egypt)?

Can't find the ToT conversion of Komnenai

I have a rough and ready one that I can let you have Martin. Not sure if Catfish ever converted it.
"The second plague God brought uppon the Pharaoh through Moses were Heresson's favourites."
I have a rough and ready one that I can let you have Martin. Not sure if Catfish ever converted it.
There isn't one on his site. Would you kindly upload it or send it to my mail? :)
I've considered making cities of pre-Moorish Christian Spain, but never got around to it (plus, the book with the reference pics I'd need was a libary book, and has since been returned.)
"The second plague God brought uppon the Pharaoh through Moses were Heresson's favourites."

Damn, have I deleted a terrain 1 froggy, lemme check....

EDIT: Nope, two froggies present and correct in terrain 1. I did, however, notice I've inluded png's rather than bmp's in the rars. Can people convert them themselves, or do you need bmp's?

Hm, i am not sure if i ever converted it to TOT

@ Kyriakos: So I've made a quick and dirty conversion, and knocked together some cities, terrain and people. You might need to help me out with some of the troop-type names for units. It looks like an intriguing subject with lots of unit types; I'm looking forward to giving it a go.

@ Arth: I will do

@ Palaiologos: Nope; the only cities I've drawn are here. I think the source pics were 6th-7th C Eastern Roman (Hagia Sophia etc) so presumably not including any Germanic influence
Bmps are preferable but we can convert manually ;) (copy+paste)
Ah, you shouldn't do that, if by that you mean just changing file extension name. You need to open in a graphics editor and save as new file type - bmp. I tell you what, I've replaced all the offending png's with bmp's and posted new rars in the posts above.
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