Falamar's pr0n event


Sep 23, 2007
The sacred and free citadel of mind
Gather 'round, boys and girls, for a tale from before the days of Beyond the Sword. The question is, does it still exist?

A few of you might remember that, at least at one point, there was an event that could only trigger if one human player (single or multiplayer) was playing as Falamar. In that event, the text of a story would appear, in the usual manner, in which the (necessarily female) leader of one of the other civilizations would come onto Falamar's ship and... a vague but obvious description of a tryst would take place between the two. As I recall, there were no further effects, e.g. diplomacy bonuses, and likewise, the other participant of this event didn't seem to be dependent on having an extremely high affinity for Falamar's civ (because of Unrestricted Leaders, I don't think Falamar had to be leading the Lanun).

In all my years of playing FFH2, most often with Falamar, I have only gotten this event once, and I still kick myself for not trying to roll back and save the game immediately before it triggered. It was hilarious! And I distinctly remember Kael saying he MAY have removed it because, in multiplayer, it could lead to some uncomfortable, homoerotic moments. (It was a different time. Don't judge.)

I also have a comment by Magister Cultuum in another thread from 2008 that he doesn't see that event in the xml files. Nevertheless, I saw it with my own eyes, in game, almost certainly post-2008 (though what patch I was using I don't know).

Sooooo, what do you all think? Have you ever gotten it? Does it still exist? Was it included up until a certain patch, and then excluded forever after? If so, care to take a shot at which patch?
Talking about AoE here, the events are still present, though only for vanilla ffh female leaders.
Sorry, "AoE"? I get that it's a modmod, but I can't figure out the acronym. Li'l help?
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