(Fall from Heaven 2) Modular Flavor Mod

Avahz Darkwood

Oct 26, 2001
Behind You!!!!
View attachment Modular Flavor v3.rar (This one is for the Vanilla Fall From Heaven 2 Mod)
View attachment Modular Flavor for Wild Mana v3.rar (This one is for the Wild Mana Mod Mod)

For the Sheaim:
1: Can build/purchase the Dragon Shrine building. This building allows the Fanatic unit. (can be captured)
2: Can build 4 Fanatics (national units) that serve the Dragon Cult. They have the Dragon Cult
Promo that gives them 10% fire resistance and allows them to cast the spell Dragon Prophecy. This
spell uses loki's disrupt spell abilities. (see note below)
3: Wyrmhold wonder can be built if they have a dragon shrine and the dragons horde.
4: Hero unit Os-Gabella: She is an immortal arch-mage unit with the ability to "para-drop" aka
teleport, etc. If she does somehow "die" she can be rebuilt as she recovers in her capital city.
(note: not in Wild Mana version as it has already been added by Sephi)
5. The Wonder Ceridwen's Favor that gives them the Razorweed and Gulagarm (two each).
(note: not in Wild Mana version as it has already been added by Sephi)

For the Kuriotates:
1: Can use their Airships to build workboats on water and costal tiles (this is for those land
locked cities and settlements that can not build workboats)
2: Can build/purchase the Dragon Temple building. This building also allows the Fanatic unit. Adds
a small culture boost to settlements. (can be captured)
3: Can build 4 Fanatics (national units) that serve the Dragon Cult. They have the Dragon Cult
Promo that gives them 10% fire resistance and allows them to cast the spell Evangelism. This
spell uses loki's entertain spell abilities. (see note below)
4: Wyrmhold wonder can be built if they have a dragon temple and the dragons horde.

For the Hippus:
1: Allows a Mercenary Guild to be built/purchased in the Hippus capital (can be captured).
2: Allows all Civs the ability to hire Mounted Mercenaries, and these can only be hired in Hippus capital or captured Hippus capitals. Available with Horseback Riding and is an alternative route to get access to Mercenary units.
3: If the Hippus learn Infernal Pact they will be able to build/purchase a Hell Stables that will
give 2 Nightmare bonuses (can be captured). (note: not in Wild Mana version as it has already been added by Sephi)
4: The ability to build the two Storm Rider national units. This unit is a mounted mage unit.

For the Khazad:
1: A new spell and promotion, called the Enchanted Steam Engine, that grants siege units +1
movement (available at Sorcery and gives them a reason to tech this branch).
2: Allows the Myconid Caverns to be built/purchased and grants plus 2 food and 2
toad bonuses (gives an additional food bonus?). This one is really for the flavor starts on some
maps and really helps them (can not be captured as the Khazad cave it in when they flee back
underground). (note: not in Wild Mana version as it has already been added by Sephi)

For the Doviello:
Lucian has the ability to upgrade to a stronger version at level 5. But will the price be too much
for him? (Hint: get the 5 combat level promos before you upgrade him).(note: not in Wild Mana version as it has already been added by Sephi)

For the Illians:
1: Maiden's Kiss spell that allows a cure disease spell for the Illians, due to the unfocused divine nature of the Ice sphere (no god) the spell also causes fatigue.
2: The Frost Maiden unit - a national Illian disciple unit. She has ice mana affinity and can summon a Frosting Thrall. Helps fill the low level healing gap other civs get. (note: not in Wild Mana version as it has already been added by Sephi)

Notes: Fanatics can be built by any civ if they are able to capture a Dragon shrine/temple, but will not be able to cast spells. Level four Fanatics now have the ability to upgrade (via Divine Passion ability) to a Disciple of Acheron unit if certain conditions are achieved.

Installation: The Fall from Heaven /version #/ .ini file needs to have ModularLoading = 0 changed
to ModularLoading = 1.
Place the "Modular Flavor" folder directory in your FFH2 folder in Assets/Modules. If you have no
other modular-mods you'll have to make the "Modules" folder.
The mod is unlikely to be broken by any patch that doesn't alter a relevant scheme file and should
be widely compatible and has to be done each time Kael releases a new patch. (this is already done in the Wildmana modmod)

Credits go to Tarquelne, MagisterCultuum, Farmer Bobathan, Rabbit, White(for the Mounted Wizard
Unit) and esvath(for the Os-Gabella and Frostling Maiden skins) for helping me figure some of this stuff out...

version 3 (Wild Mana version will be updated once it includes the latest FFH patch)

Current issues: Some info is lost in the pedia (I.E. Dragon Temple not showing that it also allows Fanatics to be built, etc). Its not critical and still works in game, but I am looking into ways improve the pedia. Most pedia issues are in the Wild Mana version...

Future updates:

View attachment Modular Flavor v3.rar (This one is for the Vanilla Fall From Heaven 2 Mod)
View attachment Modular Flavor for Wild Mana v3.rar (This one is for the Wild Mana Mod Mod)
Some Pedia entries:

We were promised reinforcements and we got them indeed. Hyborms's Army was small by contrast and from the look of the enemy facing us today we would not come back alive. Elohim healers about as needed, Kuriotate Centaurs on the flanks, Bannor Champions center, and a few surviving Amaruite Firebowmen and Mages taking up the rear. The battle lines drawn and our forces less than equal, a mage materialized at our front lines. No word was said for we knew who she was. With her use of dimensional magic, our queen could be at anyplace at any time (some say she can be at two places at once). Her rugged beauty and dark eyes rang in all of us. She was not one for glorious speeches, but today was different. She entered the minds of each of us and spoke of the battle to come, “unlike me, death awaits you today, but like me you will not leave the field of battle before we have won. In your death you will rise again molded by the Infernals into a force that will end ALL of THIS. In one moment there were hundreds of her then thousands and then none. Gone, she had left in us a blood thirst; “send forth the Pyre Zombies for tonight we dine on smoked Centaur flesh"!

Today's battle with Fadious was epic, few could have survived the wounds
inflicted on Lucian. But Lucian had to be strong or some upstart pup would challenge him. The
march to Illian lands will be hard, and he would only have one night to lick his wounds. With
camp set, Lucian retired to his bear pelt tent. The vomit could not be held back any longer and
with a great purge every wound on his body opened filling the room with the stinch of blood and
bile. His strength gone and the world spinning, Lucian passed out. Dreams of victory, loss,
blood, gore, riches all filled his head and a voice range out, "You will die tonight your battles will be in vain". Lucian could not respond. "I can save you", the voice said, "but the price itself may get you killed". Lucian did not care he was dieing anyway and with one thought agreed to the voices unknown terms. "I am Cold Iron forged by the god of winter, slayer of
thousands, the weapon you have defiled with your blood and bile bind your wounds and consume half
of your soul" Lucian awakened bathed in his own juices, but there were no wounds; however, a
deep weakness pulsed through him. He would have to be careful and hope a priest can restore some
of his strength. Looking over at his axe, two points of blue light shown in the eye sockets of
it's skull, but no words would ever come forth from it again.

Khazad's Enchanted Steam Engine:
Years have past and the Khazad have finally come close to figuring out the magic behind the Luchuirp's enchanted army. Though no way near as fine tuned, creation of the enchanted steam engine has pushed the Khazad's siege weapons to the next level. Through the force of what little magic they channel, their siege weapons can move one additional space. Who needs Arch mages when they can not escape a brigade of Khazad cannons. This will cost 40 gold.

Khazad's Myconid Caverns:
The Myconid and Dwarves have always been neighbors; trade was a staple in
this relationship. The Myconid provided fungus for the dwarven tables while the dwarves provided
protection and other services. Just because the Khazad are surface dwellers now, they intended to
keep many subterranean trade routes open as much as possible. The Myconid Caverns represent the
reestablishment of trade, it provides +2 food from fungus and the giant cave toads (the main meat
source for the underdark). In return the trade cost is one gold per turn.

Hippus's Storm Riders (mounted Mage units):
Rhoanna's elite guard are not just warriors, but those that can fight
with weapon and wand while mounted. Traditionally the mages of the Hippus tended to be defenders
of the home land, but with Rhoanna's reforms a select few have been intensely trained to focus the
ethereal while on horse back. Blessed by Tali these Storm Riders are national units that can be
built at sorcery. Though not as fast as their warrior companions they more than make up for it
with their diverse skills.

Illian Frost Maidens:
The effect rippled through out creation. At the moment of his death the Frost Speakers awoke from their mind of stasis. This quickening was more shocking than the fall of Bhall. It wasn't the newly initiated that had to pay the price; it was those that served the longest that suffered the most. Those closest to the sphere of ice died outright and those that did survive felt the call of chaos. This was an unwelcome concept to those that walked with Mulcarn, causing varying degrees of insanity to inflict the rest.

From Rickets beginnings she never had much divine power, as the last Frost Speaker to be initiated, the touch of chaos was weak within her. Learning to tap into the powers of magic she studied ways of channeling the Ice sphere, without success. Through Lichdom she carried on until one day she felt a small, an ever so slight call. It was the power of her former god, though not ordered it called out to her. Searching she found an Illian settlement and a man claiming the right of godhood. With his research, a touch of magic, and the original frost ritual, a small if not distorted sect of women began to harness a small amount of Ice mana created by Auric. From these beginnings the Frost Maidens are the spiritual successors to the Frost Speakers. They don't have the full potential as the Priest of Winter, but they fill the gap and stayed true to the sphere of ice. As for Rickets, well she was later killed by Auric in his studies to create true and powerful Priests of Winter. For their faithfulness to Auric, he bestowed upon them a unit of Frostling's enslaved to each newly initiated Frost Maiden; they are a most welcome sight to the armies of Auric.
iirc the wyrmfisher is a flying workboat that allows you to get access to seafood resources without having to place a megacity on the coast. nice stuff you gave the Sheaim btw :)
[to_xp]Gekko;8456833 said:
iirc the wyrmfisher is a flying workboat that allows you to get access to seafood resources without having to place a megacity on the coast. nice stuff you gave the Sheaim btw :)

That is actually a good idea, let me look at the xml a bit and see if I can do something. But it has to be in a modular form.
The Wyrmfisher is easily modular... New Unit, unitclass, and possibly buildorder if you do it the way I did (Not sacrificed for fishingboats), and then to add it to the civ. Only thing I don't think is possible in FfH is the noExplore tag I used to prevent them from exploring easily... Not such a big deal anymore with it requiring KotE now though. :lol:

The unit was in way back when I was working on Malakim+, and had that completely modular. :goodjob:
Not quite the Wyrmfisher, but it works just as good if not better. Here is the pedia for the new Kuriotate ability "Build Workboat"...

This ability allows the Kuriotate's land locked cities the ability to build work boats when they get the ability to build the Airship. This ability/spell can only be cast on water or coastal land tiles. Each Airship takes 5 turns to "build" and materials cost 100 civ bucks. This spell works much like the raise skeleton spell in that only one workboat can be active per Airship. Any civ can use this ability if they can capture an Airship or their Queen of the Line somehow gets the flying promotion.
It might be interesting if Os-Gabella could build a Tebryn Arbandi hero, and Tebryn could build an Os-Gabella hero. It would also be a good way to balance out the two leaders, as T.A is often considered the only choice for leader. If Os-Gabella was slightly weaker as a hero, then she would be more appealing as a leader. Both of them would probably need to be immortal. Might be good to work in the fact that T.A can't die unless Abashi is killled first as well.

I think this would add a really nice dynamic to the Sheaim.
That would be extremely unbalanced, and make the Sheaim almost invincible. An Os-Gabella hero would have to be a true immortal, unable to die no matter how often it is killed in one turn. Tebyrn would also have a form of immortality that brings him back whenever he is killed, until Abashi is slain. Both would also be powerful Archmages.
If I was implementing it I wouldn't make them immortal as such, just able to be rebuilt after dying. This would represent the time they need to recover their strength after ''dying''.

IIRC they can be ''killed'' in combat or whatever (although it is pretty hard to do so), but no matter what you do they come back to life after a while.
Tabryn can be killed but will recover so long as the rune on Abashi's head is intact.

Os-Gabella recovers far too quickly to ever die. If you stab her, the wound is fully healed by the time the blade exits. I believe the healing is enough to force the blade out too, so you cannot just leave it in to leave her wounded. If you manage to rip her to pieces, the varying parts will come back together with great force, overcoming any barriers placed between them. (That makes her harder to kill than the god Sucellus.) Given how she killed her the assassin who obviously failed to kill her, I'm pretty sure she has tried sending each part of her body to be isolated in a different universe, but still they keep drawing themselves together almost instantly. She has tried more ways to kill herself than you could dream of, and all have failed miserably. The only things that could kill her would be a unanimous agreement among all the gods, or The One.
Of course, but it's a matter of putting game-play first over precise lore.
Downloded, and gave it a quick test in worldbuilder. so far it seems like one of the best modmods [i like that word....:confused:] EVER! unlike fall further and flavourmod2 it's not clutered but still make the game alot better.:goodjob:
Once Kael fixes the prereqciv issue in the next patch (.41j) I will be adding an update. This will update the pedia and add one more civ bonus to the mix.


Bonus for the Doviello:
Lucian has the ability to upgrade to a stronger version at level 5. But will the price be too much for him? (Hint: get the 5 combat level promos before you upgrade him).


This Upgrades Lucian to Lucian Cold Iron his traits are:
4 str + 2 cold damage
Winterborn (of course)
Hero Promo
Enchanted Weapon Promo
Iron Weapon Promo
Plagued Promo

The pedia entry:
Today's battle with Fadious was epic, few could have survived the wounds
inflicted on Lucian. But Lucian had to be strong or some upstart pup would challenge him. The
march to Illian lands will be hard, and he would only have one night to lick his wounds. With
camp set, Lucian retired to his bear pelt tent. The vomit could not be held back any longer and
with a great purge every wound on his body opened filling the room with the stinch of blood and
bile. His strength gone and the world spinning, Lucian passed out. Dreams of victory, loss,
blood, gore, riches all filled his head and a voice range out, "You will die tonight your battles will be in vain". Lucian could not respond. "I can save you", the voice said, "but the price itself may get you killed". Lucian did not care he was dieing anyway and with one thought agreed to the voices unknown terms. "I am Cold Iron forged by the god of winter, slayer of
thousands, the weapon you have defiled with your blood and bile bind your wounds and consume half
of your soul" Lucian awakened bathed in his own juices, but there were no wounds; however, a
deep weakness pulsed through him. He would have to be careful and hope a priest can restore some
of his strength. Looking over at his axe, two points of blue light shown in the eye sockets of
it's skull, but no words would ever come forth from it again.

Fixed (or made) a few bugs added an upgrade path for Lucian and some pedia entries (See previous post for details).

I am thinking about letting the khazad build a few Iron clad boats near the end of the tech tree just for flavor. They will be a little stronger than the wooden ships and will go slow, limited to coasts. This may be a bit steam punk for them though... BUT I like steam punk :)
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