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Fall From Heaven Leader's Tale - Valledia the Even


Fly Fly Away
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Apr 5, 2006
Sydney, Australia
In the melting snow,
Fading, no more to be seen,
Kylorin's footprints.

Welcome to another Fall from Heaven Succession Game! This one is hopefully going to be a bit different. :)

This SG is going to tell the story of Valledia the Even of the Amurites and their struggles in the years immediately after the Age of Ice. In particular, it is the story of their search for Kylorin and the Amurite mages, who disappeared during the Age of Ice.

Game: Fall from Heaven 2 0.31, patch D
Leader: Valledia the Even (Organised/Arcane, Neutral)
Opponents: Handpicked (3 good and 3 evil)
Difficulty: Emporer
Map: Creation
Size: Standard
Speed: Epic
Victory: All Enabled
Options: Aggressive AI, Compact Enforced, No Vassal States

So how is this going to be different, I hear you ask. Good question. ;)

All turn reports are to be in the form of a story about the events that occurred in that set. Look to Imhotep’s DMI-VII and EverNoob’s Pax Elohim for examples of this. Obviously, gameplay and game decisions will need to be discussed between turns but the turn reports themselves should stick to just the story, the game itself and the tactics needed can be discussed in later posts. The form the story takes is purely up to the person whose turn it is. It may be in the form of a first person account of events that took place, perhaps in the form of a historical document, how about a poem, basically the limit is just our imagination.

Obviously, this means that more time needs to be taken over your report, so I’m going to introduce 2 new house rules for this SG. First, we’ll use a 24 hours “got it” timeframe as normal but will extend the reporting deadline to 72 hours after the “got it”. Second, there is no minimum turn limit to how long you have to play in order to tell your story, if it takes 5 turns only then play 5 turns. As an example of this, I’m going to hand the game off after just one turn at the beginning of the game. These two rules are to encourage everyone to get into the spirit of this and tell a good tale. There will still be a maximum turn limit (25 turns first time through the roster).

The other thing I want to introduce into this is non-roster participation in the story. I’d love to see people not on the roster throw out their own stories interspersed with Valledia’s tale. This could take the form of re-telling some of the history of Erebus that affects the Amurites and the other races we will encounter. You could also re-tell the story of a particular turn-set from the perspective of another AI, or even one of our own units (ie adopt a unit or even a city and tell that story). You wouldn’t necessarily even have to have played the mod to participate this way. I have no idea whether anyone will have the desire to take this offer up but we live and hope…

The map has been edited by me to suit this particular game, I selected the AI and placed them to suit the story (and modified their diplo ratings), I placed some Unique Features by hand again to suit the story. At a couple of points in the game (I’ll say when later), I’ll need to grab the save to make some changes as well. I’ll also be nominating events that once they occur, I’ll be asking whoever is playing to stop so I can post some background to the main story. The first of these points is meeting Auric Ulvin.

And a quick disclaimer: while I have broadly used the official histories of the Erebus, some of the details have been changed to suit the story.

I want to go with a roster of seven for this, I already have 4 so I’m looking for 3 more. Please make sure you’re willing and able to get into the storytelling side of this SG, as that’s what its all about. :D

Rex rgis of Ter
Checking in.;)

On the historical perspective, poem, etc. I think it would limt us.
If you look at this old story Korea is told from many perspectives, and it is my favourite Vanilla story. Some chapters are told from a border patrol, some from a group of cholars, or even the headquarters of a spy organization. We should be flexible in our story.

Immaculate and TheJopa had good FfH stories. Will you invite them?

Settle 1S
1S gives us 1 less hill in BFC (5-4 and 1S is a grass hill so no extra base production).

As I said in the blurb, I'm just going to play 1 turn (as I have a couple of things I need to add to the map but can only do after the first turn), we'll wait to hopefully attract another couple of members but what do we want to start our research at? Agricultire or Education, maybe Crafting seem the best choices.
I'd settle on the spot. We have Banana and Sheep and probably a 3rd resource, and the Mana is nearby. Also we are on a river and gain fresh water and can build a Brewery. The city has lots of food for feeding the mines, so I guess it will be an excellent capital. Tech path should be Crafting > Mining and then towards Animal Husbandry or Bronze Working...


Immaculate and TheJopa had good FfH stories. Will you invite them?

Thanks for thinking of me. (blush...) Indeed, this definately would be my style. Unfortunately, i can't play any computer games until the 19th of April and after that, only much less then usual. Also, i don't want to update my patches yet. Otherwise i would be begging for a position.
Well, as this is 0.31, its a different mod so you can keep your 0.30 install (for your AAR) as 0.31 will install in a different location. :mischief:

Would it be possible to join as a guest writer available after the 19th than? Or maybe you could put me in as an alternate (again, available after the 19th)?
Amurites were the first civ i ever won with and i really enjoyed it Cave of ancestors is a really wicked UB.
I suggested the hill for extra defense (archer+hill bonus). cuz I'm paranoid that way. But I agree settling on the spot is good too, i'll go with team concensus.

Dunno about crafting though there's nor wine or gold around. We start with ancient chants, perhaps we should take advantage of that and go for early education and cottages. we can use farms + agriculture to churn out the first settler with food instead of production.
I'd like to join. School's over for me, so I've got to write something to hold down the shakes.

Yes, I genuinely enjoyed writing essays. Yes, I'm horrible. :D
We could simply move 1S on the hill to extend vision of the settler to see what's around, settler should still have 2 move left afterward to move back in place and settle if nothing noteworthy is revealed.

That actually fits in well with my starting story. I'm sold.
Valledia’s legs ached as she climbed to the top of the small hill.

They were unused to such exertion after so long being trapped indoors by the ice. Ignoring the pain, she reached the summit and turned to face the small tribe of remaining Amurites that had asked her to lead them, busy at work beginning the tasks that would soon result in the first permanent settlement since the apparent end of the Age of Ice. It will be a fine site, Valledia thought to herself as she gazed upon her tribesmen and women hard at work and then looked to the surroundings to see what of interest they held.

The retreating ice and cooler temperatures had revealed many things, some of which could be put to use by the new settlement, such as the herd of wild sheep to the west and the strange plants growing to the east. Even the blue plants growing in the jungle to the south could be eventually be found useful. There were hints of the wild and dangerous times the Amurites were now involved in, the barrow at the junction of the rivers would have to be destroyed and strange rumours had been heard about the graveyard on the wooded hill to the south west. Two small villages could be seen. Valledia hoped to join these villages to the small remnants of the Amurites as safety could surely best be found in numbers and strength in these days.

The barren mana node, however, was a stark reminder to Valledia of all that the Amurite had lost. A reminder of the day when Kylorin and all the Amurites mages disappeared without warning, never to be seen again. From that day forth, the Amurite, who had been famous and even feared throughout Erebus for their magical prowess, had lost that ability for without mages to train the youngsters, how were they to learn. The sages told her that with years of study, they should be able to discover those abilities but that was cold comfort to her now. Even the apparent breaking of the endless winter, an event she believed to be related to the disappearance of Kylorin, couldn’t shake her feeling of dread when she thought about their prospects in this new world, for what are the Amurites without magic?

We will be what we will be, she thought, straightening her shoulders. Whatever is required of us to survive in Erebus, we will do. We owe no allegiance to others, we will do whatever it takes to survive in this new world. With a new found spring in her step she turned back towards the surviving Amurites and started down the hill towards them.

As she walked towards them, a cold and bitter wind suddenly blew hard across the plains from the north, as if to show that winter had not fully left the land. Shivering, she turned to face the wind. I’m sure they are out there somewhere, she thought, and I will find them, if it’s the last thing I do. Strengthened by the determination of her thoughts, Valledia’s pace quickened as she walked down to face the new world.



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