Fall From Heaven Mornington Crescent


Lord Commander
Nov 1, 2007
Would anyone care to play the greatest, most complicated strategy game of all time, set in the world of Fall From Heaven? First one to reach Mornington Crescent wins, but all plays should be in the Erebus Universe. Be careful to ensure that all plays meet the Torres-Grumpling ruling of '97, and don't get caught in a Renegade Hill loop!

I can start the play off with the standard Remnants of Patria, gaining two blue tokens.
I respond by ruffing the 7 of Cups, which as you know can be done after a gain of two or more blue tokens according to second division rules, to move the field of play to Pristinus Pass.

EDIT: I assumed we are playing by the popular Somnium-assisted variant on second division; let me know if I have in fact made an invalid play under this rule set.
I respond by bracketing Glens of Killybegs, so as to ensure that all diagonals are closed for three rounds.
You fiend! Obviously you guessed that I was employing the Einon-Cassiel strategy to make a diagonal jump to Midgar.

Very well, instead I will take the little-known option of bunny hopping to Drathastine so as to escape an obvious two-city Veil entrapment.

EDIT: Fury Road? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that move...
:hmm: weird move there bro... I'll just take Perfection's exception back to Remnants of Patria for MORNINGTON CRESCENT!!
Well, that ended quickly. Obviously Fifty has seen the Gosam-Perpentach match of '73. Pay closer attention next time Jabie! Someone else needs to start the next game!
Ah, a move I should truly have seen coming. Very well, I'll start the next game, same rules as last time.

I begin with the classic opening move of the Seven Pines, sealing the Compact with the 6, 7, and 8 of Angels to prevent moves to Hell terrain.
Sorry -- just observing, but I can't help but wonder what bizarre rules you people think you are playing with.

MaxAstro, it's quite obvious that with the Leviathan positioned within Prespur's city radius and both the 4 of Swords and 7 of Towers under the cross-set, the Seven Pines opening is not only illegal, but also morally objectionable. You should be ashamed.
Ah, I see your confusion. We are playing with second division rules, not second edition rules. Were we playing second edition, you would be entirely right, and I would be morally obliged to immediately commit ritual seppuku. However, I believe that the play I just made was one of the major changes that separates second division rules from the rule set it was divided from, and is entirely valid.

The committee that is currently discussing splitting the rules again and creating a third division to match the release of the fifth edition standard rules is, if I am not mistaken, hotly debating just this issue as we speak.
MaxAstro, are you referring to the Antwerp Committee? Those tosspots don't know a sequestered trio from a Jubilee half-block Druid gambit. But even if you're using Second Division, Fifth Edition rules, by employing the Seven Pines opening under the conditions currently present you are setting yourself up for not only a three-seeded Beckett from the Hippus player, but also a recursive exposure to the Armageddon counter, which is exactly why the Manchester Committee kicked you Antwerp scalawags to the curb in the first place.

Good day, sir.
I'll not play until canals are disambiguated - I lost a tournament in 2004 because the 109 bus route is a prime number and crosses a Farthing line, I'd played a Warrington Hop (calling parallel enclosure) between kings cross and shepherd's bush, and you can guess the rest.
That won't work. Your forgetting Fanshawe's 1803 variation. Try working the Midgar/Aldwych line instead - it's a solid move in this position, lines up all the diagonals, and has the potential to catch Jubilee in Nip if you opponent is unwary.
Good Sirs, I hope you can be so moved as to forgive my foreign dialect, but I must know:
Spoiler :

VAAAGEETAAA, What does the scouter say about British Humour? ITS MORNINGTON CRESCENT!!!!!!!

Admin Note:

Oh, please forgive me, I was playing by the Me-me, rules, AmeroJapo Edition and thus my move is invalid. Carry on. (I know its obscure to all you intellectuals but its quite prevalent over at Fortunes Corners and ManuntoDogingtons Place.)

Last edited by Woodelf : Nov 22, 2008 at 08:34 AM EST.
Last edited by MacgyverInSpace : Nov 22, 2008 at 09:16 AM EST.
NihonJeff, did you not know that the Manchester Committee was forcibly dissolved when their members were eaten by Drifa following the acceptance of the Ice rules revision? I'll play Dunwich.
Ah, finally, a chance to move forward without all this senseless debate. Oh, yes, thank you for reminding me about the Ice revision; My move is Tangut.
Oh dear. It seems you are employing the classic Framput lateral cloop. I'm close to being borked... only sensible play is to triangulate to Galveholm, initiating a 4 point deduction for any order frommets.
Oh dear. It seems you are employing the classic Framput lateral cloop. I'm close to being borked... only sensible play is to triangulate to Galveholm, initiating a 4 point deduction for any order frommets.
Either you are having us on or you have a very devious plan. Why didn't you go for the obvious move there?

edit: Ah, I've just seen why you did that right after hitting the reply button. I was forgetting that backtracking is forbidden under enforced contract rules. Sorry to have interrupted. :(
I play the 7 of Demons to snatch the two silver tokens from Torolerial. This should allow me to jump to Galveholm, when combined with the Staff of Souls.

Mornington Crescent in ~43.
I play the 7 of Demons to snatch the two silver tokens from Torolerial. This should allow me to jump to Galveholm, when combined with the Staff of Souls.

Mornington Crescent in ~43.

~43 you say?

I'll use the 3 of Angels and 4 of Swords to bring the Ban on Approximate Prime Numbers into effect, then move Junil to Galveholme to cause an inversion of reality - enabling all Fall Further Content.

You can plainly see that the Mazatl Trails will allow me a clear path to Mornington Crescent within 15 turns. All your Crescent are belong to us.
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