*removed* Download v2.0!
*removed* Download v2.0!
*removed* Download v2.0!
*removed* Download v2.0!
Changes and additions:
- Irrigation bonus is balanced
- Pediaicons critical errors are fixed
- Civilopedia errors are fixed & Civilopedia is updated
- New irrigation gfx
- New ruins gfx
- Updated roads gfx
- Graphical bug fixed
- Unit .ini and filename errors are fixed
- Various minor gameplay tweaks
****v2.0 FULL! TOTAL SIZE: ~41.5 MB****
What's new in Fantasy Empires v2.0?
New strategic resources are added:
- Wood Elf Village. [With this resource the players will be able to train the Wood Elven units.]
- Magic Node [This resource will be needed to summon specific units.]
- Orc Camp [This resource will be needed to recruit orcs.]
New Units are added:
- Barbarian Warrior is added as basic barbarian unit; [New .flc gfx]
- Barbarian Rider is added as advanced barbarian unit; [New .flc gfx]
- Halberdier [Era 2]
- Wood Elf Warrior [Strategic Resource - Wood Elf Village and The Elves advance is required to train the unit]
- Wood Elf Archer [Strategic Resource - Wood Elf Village and The Elves advance is required to train the unit]
- Forestguard [Wood Elven unit]; [Strategic Resource - Wood Elf Village and The Elves advance is required to train the unit]
- Axeman with new .flc animations; [Era 2]
- Crossbowman [Era 3]
- Daemon [Daemon Portal advance and the Magic Node strategic resource is required to build the unit]; [Era 4]
- Dark Knight [Dark Portal advance and the Magic Node strategic resource is required to build the unit]; [Era 3]
- Ballista [Siege Weaponry advance is required to build the unit]; [Era 2]
- Trebuchet [Siege Weaponry -Master Level is required to build the unit]; [Era 3]
- Orc Warrior [Orc Camp strategic resource and The Orcs advance is required to build the unit]
*NOTE* Big thanks to Kinboat for the awesome Elven, Griffon, Balrog and other units!
Units removed:
- Mercenary Knight
- Mercenary Swordsman
Lot of high quality icons are added to the Civilopedia.
Units are balanced and tweaked
Civilization Advance renamed: -Siege Weapons -> Siege Weaponry
New Civilization Advances are added:
- Weapon Crafting [Era 1]
- Armor Smithing [Era 1]
- Sword Crafting [Era 1]
- Bowcrafting [Era 1]
- Pike Making [Era 1]
- Light Infantry Armor [Era 1]
- Shield Making [Era 1]
- The Swordsman [Era 1]
- The Bowman [Era 1]
- The Pikeman [Era 1]
- The Horseman [Era 1]
- Chariot Construction [Era 1]
-Weapon Crafting -Advanced Level [Era 2]
- Axe Making [Era 2]
- Sword Crafting -Advanced Level [Era 2]
- Bowcrafting -Advanced Level [Era 2]
- Armor Smithing -Advanced Level [Era 2]
- Medium Infantry Armor [Era 2]
- Cavalry Armor [Era 2]
- The Elite Swordsman [Era 2]
- The Axeman [Era 2]
- The Longbowman [Era 2]
- The Lancer [Era 2]
- The Halberdier [Era 2]
- Polearms -Advanced Level [Era 2]
- War Chariot Construction [Era 2]
- Siege Weaponry -Advanced Level [Era 2]
- Foreign Races [Era 2]
- The Orcs [Era 2]
- The Elves [Era 2]
- Weapon Crafting -Master Level [Era 3]
- Armor Smithing -Master Level [Era 3]
- Heavy Infantry Weaponry [Era 3]
- Heavy Cavalry Weaponry [Era 3]
- Heavy Infantry Armor [Era 3]
- Heavy Cavalry Armor [Era 3]
- Shield Making -Master Level [Era 3]
- Crossbow Making [Era 3]
- The Knight [Era 3]
- The Elite Heavy Infantry [Era 3]
- Dark Portal [Era 3]
- Siege Weaponry -Master Level [Era 3]
- Daemons Gate [Era 4]
Satrapy is now an Era 4 advance
Civilization Advances Removed:
- Infantry Weapons
- Advanced Infantry Weapons
- Elite Infantry Weapons
- Advanced Cavalry Training
Civilopedia is updated
Civilization Advances are balanced
Rules are balanced
Various bugs are fixed
Science Advisor Screen is updated [Arrows are added to link the advances]
New 'Rivers' terrain gfx
Updated 'Roads' terrain gfx
New Centaur's Den [Strategic Resource] gfx
New Mercenary Keep [Strategic Resource] gfx
New Giant Spider's Lair [Strategic Resource] gfx
Updated Dragon's Cave [Strategic Resource] gfx
Updated Griffin's Nest [Strategic Resource] gfx
Updated and categorized Units.xls
Fantasy Empires v2.0 @ Civfanatics server ->
Fantasy Empires v2.5 Patch ~6 Mb
What's new in Fantasy Empires v2.5?
-New strategic resource: Dwarf Stronghold [With this resource the players will be able to train the dwarven units]
-New units are added:
- Orc Warlord
- Fireball [Spell; The Magic Node strategic resource and the Fireball advance is required to build the unit.] [Era 3]
- Lighting Bolt [Spell; The Magic Node strategic resource and the Lighting Bolt advance is required to build the unit.] [Era 3]
- Death Cloud [Spell; The Magic Node strategic resource and the Death Cloud advance is required to build the unit.] [Era 4]
- Dwarf Guard [Players will need the strategic resource: Dwarf Stronghold, and The Dwarves advanceis required to train the unit.]
- Dwarf Ironbreaker [Players will need the strategic resource: Dwarf Stronghold, and The Dwarves advance is required to train the unit.]
-New Civilization Advances are added:
- The Dwarves [Era 2]
- Magery [Era 3]
- Fireball [Era 3]
- Lighting Bolt [Era 3]
- Death Cloud [Era 4]
- Magic Mastery [Era 4]
-New City Improvement: - Kraal Tradepost [+50% Luxury Output, requires the mathematics advance to build.]
-New Orc Warrior animations [Kinboat's Uruk-Hai Berserker]
-Galley is now an Era 1 unit [Map Making is required to build it.]
-Elven units now have 2 movement points
-New forest type: Kraal Forest [replaced jungle] - Thx to Telgar for his work on the new forest gfx!
-Archer, Longbowman, Crossbowman, Fire Longbowman, Gordian Bowman and Wood Elf Archer are now bombard units.
-Fixed transparency errors [Mountain forests, Mountain forests, and Animal Lore icon]
-Science Advisor Screen is updated
-Updated Civilopedia and Pediaicons
-Updated Science Advisor screens
-Various minor bugs are fixed
-Units are tweaked [More powerful defensive units, and some other units are balanced as well.]
Download Link:
File 1
File 2
File 3