Fastest Wins?

Thanks space, I saw that; however, there are so few entries, I hoped there may be another list somewhere else :(.
Diplo e.g has a total of 10 entries for all levels/map sizes, and 5 of those are Sid. Doesn't look like that list really displays the fastest possible wins. And 20k victories are obvioulsy quite late, so those are "nothing" but high-score games with that condition, not fastest approaches...
It's true that there are still a lot of slots to fill. But hopefully the new elan brought by superslug and Dianthus will help to fill them. Historically the HoF is home to score junkies, so that's where the point of gravity lays at this moment.
You can see, though, that the effort by LulThyme had a good effect on the 20k games, all we need someone to start a simular effort on one of the other victory types... (hint, hint... ;))
Doc Tsiolkovski said:
Is there a list of the fastest wins for all victory conditions somewhere?
Obviously tiny Pangea conquest isn't that interesting, but 20k/100k/Diplo/Space is something I'd like to see.
Interesting idea. We'll take it under advisement.
Well as space said, this information is already in the HOF.
20K/100K/dilpo and space ARE sorted by earliest date.
The problem is with lack of submission, not with the HOF.

And thats where YOU come in.
(yes you!!)

whatever :)
Now that I think about it, the current table structure is fine. I misread the original post. The problem is, as stated, a plethora of empty slots.

All in good time.
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