Favorite Cable TV Newstation

What's you're favorite Cable TV Newstation?

  • CNN

    Votes: 6 20.0%

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • FOX/Radioactive Monkey Anwser(FOX is not a news station, it's government propoganda tv, but it's up

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
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I wish I had al-Jazeera, at least to find out what they're saying. I knew a few guys who could translate for me. Too bad, since they had al-Jazeera on their satellite.
Originally posted by The Yankee
I wish I had al-Jazeera, at least to find out what they're saying. I knew a few guys who could translate for me. Too bad, since they had al-Jazeera on their satellite.

You could always try their web site.
Originally posted by The Yankee
I wish I had al-Jazeera, at least to find out what they're saying. I knew a few guys who could translate for me. Too bad, since they had al-Jazeera on their satellite.

There's always the Al-Jazeera english news site
Whoa, thanks guys. Guess I don't need translations to laugh. Although, it was on the TVs at the New York Stock Exchange until this year, I believe. Always interesting to know what they're saying, even if I don't believe much of it.
Originally posted by Marla_Singer

Edited : Riesstiu IV and I got the same idea at the same time :lol:

It's ok. I started a thread about Serbia and Milosevic when one was already started. :)
The poll appears to be worded against Fox News, so I'm abstaining from voting.
*tongue in cheek*

I watch Al-Jazeera because its run by Arabs, unlike those lackeys of the Jews (by which I mean the BBC, CNN, MSNBC). Don't even get me started on FOX. A pox on those swine!

*tongue out of cheek*

*tongue back in cheek*

I split my time between CNN and MSNBC, in order to try to help them stave off the takeover attempt by the ultra fascist republicans. C'mon, they've already acquired lackeys at Fox. They should be happy with that. Any time now they will proceed with their plan to squelch any last remnants of dissent in this once great country.

*tongue back out of cheek*

Folks, that is the best I can do at making a straw man argument. Yes I was trying to caricature what I see.

Personally, I do watch Fox News rather than CNN or other networks, but I don't exactly leave it on that channel all day long. I spend more time per week watching TV commercials in the middle of football games and Family Guy reruns than I do watching network or cable news. I'll watch local news, but not the national shows. I get my national news from newspapers and websites.

My opinion is that people who think network news is run by a secretive cabal of the party they oppose probably need to take a break from watching TV news to go buy more tin foil for their tin foil hats.

Anybody who has such an emotional attachment to one particular news network that they get incensed at the very mention of a competing network could stand a bit of emotional maturity.

Also Marla, (writing in regards to your mention of sample bias on the part of Fox) I'm willing to bet that Fox News isn't the only network or journalist organization purposefully to commit sample bias. I'd bet my current assets and future earnings on that proposition. Then again, its illegal (at least in Texas) to gamble on events for which the outcome is already known.

Go here for sample bias information.

That website is a good place to learn about logical fallacies.
Whose that sexy broad thats on MSNBC? Little brunette, used to host some primetime show on the station and did the updates, maybe she still does.

EDIT: Natalie Morales, looks like a woman I know.
Originally posted by cgannon64
Fox News is teh best!

i hope you're kidding. why do you watch their biased "news?"

Originally posted by rmsharpe
The poll appears to be worded against Fox News, so I'm abstaining from voting.

obviously. my poll is as Fair and Balanced™(don't sue!) as FOX NEWS is.
Originally posted by Hitro
Cable TV here has four 24 hour newsstations, but CNN is the only one of them from those in the poll.
And it is the worst...

but the other two are biased, especially FOX. did you know that MSNBC hired someone who said that people one welfare "shouldn't vote" and he also said, "in a sane society, homeless people would be beat up and sent to a work camp." this was before he got hired. after he told a gay person to "get AIDS and die" he was fired. they also have this guy, Joe Scarborough, who says it's un-American to trist the UN over your own president. he also that(not exact quote) "Britney Spears and Madona are incouraging homosexual behavior, which is immoral."
to read more about Michael Savage, go here.
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