Favorite LOTR Movie

Favorite LOTR Movie?

  • The Fellowship of the Ring

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • The Two Towers

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • The Return of the King

    Votes: 21 63.6%
  • They all stink!

    Votes: 2 6.1%

  • Total voters


Disturber of Worldviews
Nov 26, 2002
With the ROTK in theaters, I wanted to see which film the Civfanatics prefer?

I enjoyed the Return of the King best. The seige was AWESOME! And Gollum was funny when he got pushed into Mount Doom.
It's all one movie! You can't pick a single third!
Actually, I haven't quite seen ROTK yet, however I believe that will be that best (I will see it soon). Each better than the last? Probably so, because I liked the Two Towers more than the first one.

Edit: Now, I have seen ROTK, the day of this edit. Probably the best. At least as good as Two Towers.
RotK sucked as the book but was clearly te best of the three in terms of the movies.
ROTK easily.
Sure there weren't any cool battle scenes - but Fellowship was still the best movie. I think it best captured the feel of the book. And in the second and third movies the adventures of Men overshadow the Hobbits [which is what the book is really about]...
Fellowship for me aswell.. For the same reason as Pontiuth Pilate, It best captured the feel of the book..

And the fact that Gandalf looked so coolios.. I found him rather silly looking in TTT and ROTK without his hat.. Especially in TTT, when he whistles for Shadowfax ;)
I liked ROTK the best-The conclusion is simply fantastic.

RotK sucked as the book but was clearly te best of the three in terms of the movies.

Are you kidding me? ROTK was the best book, slightly beating TTT but it was much better than Fellowship. In the Fellowship, once you find out about the Ring and the Nazgul, you can easily skip to Elrond, because half of the book is simply extremely boring. The Shire is the worst setting in the entire Middle Earth, thats why the rest of the books focus on the more Eastern part. Tom Bombadil, the hypno-tree, entirely pointless.
I can't decide etiher! They're all so good!! But considering that I havn't seen the ROTK, maybe I'll change my mind. Both TTT and TFOTR were great! Oh, just so GREAT! ;)
In movie terms, without appreciating the drama and amazing screen adaption of the emotions of the near end of the world (!), RotK was the worst of the three. From a plain movie goer's stance, one who is just seeing the movie for things like the Battle of Pellenor fields, there was nothing "new". A great battle like Minas Tirith, they already had Helm's Deep, a giant spider? How many movies have had giant spiders? 50? Then there were walking and talking trees in tTT! But, someone who appreciates the masterpiece of the movie, the Two Towers was the best. Followed by Return of the King then the Fellowship of the Ring. FotR is last because I always think the Shire names, cultures, etc. are kind of stupid. But it was still a good movie but a better book because it needs Tom Bombadil!
From the point of view of "going to the movie just to see the battles", TTT wins out easily over ROTK. There's the weird Pig-Orc commander, the fake-looking catapult-tower scenes, the out-of-the-blue "Legolas goes safari" scene, and the poorly explained deus ex machina of the Army of the Dead [which actually worked well in the books]. Plus the battle of Helm's Deep had more suspense and it focused more on the human side, looking at the people hiding in the city.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention the earthquake at the end of ROTK which "carefully scooped out" the entire army of Sauron and edged around Aragorn's army... :rolleyes:
The animated version of The Hobbit by far was the best movie of all time!
Originally posted by SoCalian
The animated version of The Hobbit by far was the best movie of all time!

You saw that too? :cool:

I liked RotK the best.
I don't like any of them ( possibly just getting old )
I'm glad book is really great , unlike movie . I've read it a dozen of times and will read it again and again and again .
Originally posted by Zarn
You saw that too? :cool:
Who hasen't?:cool: Now if you are refering to that silly little trilogy that was just released, then my answer would be Return of the King:king:. Simply because that is the only one that I could hold my bladder through the entire movie.
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