Favorite Webcomics


Feb 16, 2003
-4 GMT
I've been looking at various webcomics. There's about ten or twelve that I look at with any regularity, but my favorites are:

Order of the Stick


the ever-popular Penny Arcade

and my favorite Schlock Mercenary

Trivia question: Why doesn't Sergeant Schlock upgrade his BH-209i plasma gun for the newer, more powerful BH-250?

Answer: Because the BH-250 doesn't have the BH-209i's Ommminous Hummmmmmmm.

It beats out Ctrl+Alt+Del, VGCats, and Penny-Arcade with ease. It gets updated every day also, so unlike Penny-arcade and VGCats.. there is always something to see.

The best by far has to be www.qwantz.com
Dinosaurs having philosopical conversations, wonderfully bizarre but also quite thought-provoking at times. Another funny thing is that all the comics uses the exact same pictures, and still he manages to make them work.

Otherwise there's www.whiteninjacomics.com , which is pretty crazy, often completely nonsensical humour, but fun nonetheless.
www.beaverandsteve.com is also quite funny.
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