Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo on the Campaign Night - [Signupthread]

Apologies. RL is a little to busy for me at the moment. :(
I must clarify, it is actually from Assam.
Our Empire has so many colonies that one cannot but be confused when trying to remember them all. New England, New York, Virginia, Georgia, Carolina, etc. etc. All under a flag of red, white and blue of course.
You got any- any- *hic* booze?
As Takhisis' housekeeper, I am afraid I cannot serve such things without his permission.
‘Booze’? I think he means some sort of alcoholic beverage, does he not?
I demand you throw this brutish vagrant out, sir. His retched odour is spoiling my appetite.
Indeed, Mrs. King. Please show Mr. Double A the way out.
Right OK problem guys.

BSmith is a no. Winston isn't responding back to me. Either Zack needs to undrop or I need another sub D:
I am almost sure that we can proceed with that rôle empty for a day or two until a replacement is found? After all, this is only a party game.
Oh, what manners. I didn't realize I was in Yorkshire.
I am announcing that MartinLuther and Winston Hughes have officially j(re)oined the game as [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. Please all be (reasonably) nice to them :3
Are you seriously not saying which players they're replacing?
If you really weren't going to say then that would have been extremely lousy GMing, Omega. :cringe:
Actually this is a composite of the entire stiry, which runs into 1990.

I enjoy imagining Sarah Palin getting shot by a toddler because it's funny, so I'm just going to put my fingers in my ears and go, "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALA!"
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