[GS] Feature Overview video

Eagle Pursuit

Per Scribendum, Volo
Aug 12, 2010
It looks like new late game policies are all wildcard.
Ouch on that nuclear power plant meltdown. I'm not sure I ever want to build these.
Arms control resolution: B choice has the player lose all their weapons of mass destruction. :cry:
It looks like new late game policies are all wildcard.

I think that is on purpose because the new future governments have 5 wild card slots. So players need some more wild cards to put in those slots. And the devs have said in a previous livestream that the new future era wild cards are very powerful.

Also, from the screenshot we have,
Corporate Libertarianism
2 military slots
1 economic slot
1 diplomatic slot
5 wild card slots

Digital Democracy
1 military slot
1 economic slot
2 diplomatic slots
5 wild card slots

So we can see that the new future governments don't have a lot of normal slots, they are pretty much all wild card slots, designed for the new future wild cards that are super powerful.
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