Feature removed from end game?

You come across upgrading units anyways because you cycle through units.

The entertainment indeed isn't automatically distributed, but the luxeries are distributed such that every city has an equal amount of amenities. Basically, imagine a container with at the bottom some solid that forms a few peaks. Then, you start pouring water onto it (typically more than you had solid). The solid is the base level of amenities, from entertainment, the water is the amenities from luxeries.

And if you really want to put those luxeries from a great person there where most amenities are required, it's always a safe bet to go for the biggest cities that are not covered by the colosseum. There aren't that many factors into amenities. Only entertainment districts (which should simply cover every city in your empire in lategame), luxeries and the colosseum give a lot of amenities, while only size (and war weariness, which appears in a small amount of recently-conquered cities, but requires you to war and therefore have a big empire with a lot of luxeries to divide between your cities) costs amenities.
I decided to make a special thread for the UI, so we can discuss it there.
There are some really poor things but the reports tab gives me all I need for amenities

So I'm very sorry, but I do not understand the distribution of amenities. From the city information I can understand nothing. Luxury goods also changes through the cities or?
Don't be sorry, understanding the distribution is not the same as seeing at a glance where your shortfall is and if it's down to war weariness. You cannot control lux distribution. You can

1. Use a card temporarily to give you amenity, like a garrison.
2. Build an ED, even quickly via chopping
3. Stop warring
4. Sell the city
5. Reduce amenities so it does revolt (if the revolutionaries are going to be stronger troops and hinder a stronger attacker)

The report provides all you need to deal with the situation.
Understanding what cities weary of war helps identify where to build amenities

It's war weariness that causes disparity.
So I'm very sorry, but I do not understand the distribution of amenities. From the city information I can understand nothing. Luxury goods also changes through the cities or?

Every turn, at the start of the turn the game calculates how many amenities every city needs. This is one for a size 3 city, plus one for every two the city grows beyond that in size. War weariness, which focuses in conquered cities and in particular conquered cities of civs you are currently fighting against, is added to that, as is bankruptcy (but if you're bankrupt you're probably better off just giving up because it means that your whole empire is gonna collapse; the good news is that it's easy to avoid). Then, every city gets the amenities from entertainment, cards, etc. Everything that's locked to a specific city. After that, it takes your luxery resources and gives their happiness to the cities that need it most; For example, the most unhappiness you still have may be -2, so it puts one copy of a luxery into each city at -1. Then it looks at all cities that have 0, and it puts one in each of those. Then into 1, etc, until all luxery resources are used. It is by definition the perfect distribution, except that you don't get anything for having 2 happiness over 1 happiness, while 3 happiness is better, which means that having one city with 3 happiness and one with 1 happiness would be superior, but in my opinion that is something of "change the game mechanic, not the distribution".

Edit: And it doesn't realize when cities grow, so if a city gets to an odd number it may be unhappy for one turn before it's fixed. But that's again a minor thing.
Every turn, at the start of the turn the game calculates how many amenities every city needs. This is one for a size 3 city, plus one for every two the city grows beyond that in size. War weariness, which focuses in conquered cities and in particular conquered cities of civs you are currently fighting against, is added to that, as is bankruptcy (but if you're bankrupt you're probably better off just giving up because it means that your whole empire is gonna collapse; the good news is that it's easy to avoid). Then, every city gets the amenities from entertainment, cards, etc. Everything that's locked to a specific city. After that, it takes your luxery resources and gives their happiness to the cities that need it most; For example, the most unhappiness you still have may be -2, so it puts one copy of a luxery into each city at -1. Then it looks at all cities that have 0, and it puts one in each of those. Then into 1, etc, until all luxery resources are used. It is by definition the perfect distribution, except that you don't get anything for having 2 happiness over 1 happiness, while 3 happiness is better, which means that having one city with 3 happiness and one with 1 happiness would be superior, but in my opinion that is something of "change the game mechanic, not the distribution".

Edit: And it doesn't realize when cities grow, so if a city gets to an odd number it may be unhappy for one turn before it's fixed. But that's again a minor thing.
Minor clarification on luxes: when distributing luxuries, no city can get get more than one of the same type. So if one city has -5 war weariness but you only have 4 different luxuries hooked up (or traded for) and no other amenity sources for that city, it will still be unhappy at -1 amenity even if all of your other cities have extra amenities.
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