Feedback on current MoM


Jun 21, 2021
Hello all,

I just wanted to say that I am having the most fun with the current MoM I got from ModDB. Shoutout to whoever compiled it there so I can download it in one go.

My current game is with the Elohim and boy are they amazing. I thought they were boring generic goody-two-shoes but boy was I wrong. The Monks have excellent special promotions and in particular the one class that gives them +2 holy combat plus 100 chance to apply verdict (which makes enemies 50 more vulnerable to holy) is so nice. You have to farm them up a little bit as with every unit in this game but now I have a group of elite monks that absolutely decimated the neighbouring Calabim.

So far I am the only good nation and apparently everyone hates my living guts. This is going that far, that as soon as I meet a new nation they pretty much declare war the turn after. Probably some diplomacy or perhaps evil magic going on I reckon.

Anyhow I pretty much wiped the Calabim (shoutout to the map design, which created many interesting tactical chokepoints!) and by doing so I got hold of a few blood witches, so now I will turn my good super-monks into super-vampire-monks!

I really had to struggle for some time as the Calabim were attacking from the north with hordes of Moroi and witches, the Luchuirp from the west with loads of marble golems led by Barnaxus (who I dispatched and I am keeping his parts as trophies :P) and then the Ljosafar (the one known nation considerably bigger than me) attacked me from the east. This prompted me to use my national spell which saved my bacon by giving me more time for troop movements.

But wait, there's more! Because I am tolerant (haha :D) the Luchuirp city I took lets me build Golems now, which is pretty cool. And obviously the Vampire cities will do their respective thing. Very cool!

The hard army cap is severely limiting me, but honestly it feels very fun while increasing the challenge level. Five units per city garrison are free but the rest is limited. This makes every unit feel waaaay more important than say, a single unit in regular BtS.

In general, the early game feels very difficult in this mod on account of the barbarians, but once you work it out, that you have to farm barbs as well as possible to stack up your elite troops you're fine. It just took me some time to realize that you can't just send your troops out for scouting the way you're used to. Every expedition must be carefully planned and set up. Great!

Okay sorry for the wall of text for this (mostly) dead game, but I felt like sharing and expressing my gratitude for the ppl who made this. I am at home with the Covid but this mod is making time fly by like it's nothing!
Hi friend,

thanks for the feedback, means a lot. I hope you have a speedy recovery and continue having fun with MoM!
Also a few more points that I think are great:

The percentage bonus resources give when they're in the cities FC. This feels very impactful, especially coming from C2C where there is like a million buildings that give +1 Food and nothing else. City positioning actually matters here.

Also, I obviously love the role-playing aspect of the game. All of the classes create interesting and meaningful decisions when choosing which upgrade to go for. In my experience Classes/Promotions that give +flat combat modifiers seem to be best most of the time? I suppose if you mix and match them you might get the best most complementary army as a result.

A last positive note: I really like that the tech tree is shorter and more spread out over various trees compared to vanilla. It does make a lot of sense considering the fantasy setting, as a long and linear tech path would feel weird here. Still, more techs, guilds, stuff is always cool.

One incredibly minor nitpick: Why is there a tech called Mounted Warfare II in a fantasy game? :D Just call it "Mounted Mastery" or something that feels a little more genre adjusted, hehe.

Also I've noticed the AI seems to struggle a little bit with tech selection, as the Luchuirp in my recent game had not researched the first +2 mil tech until very far into the game (I noticed cause they wanted to have it from me). Their nation on a whole seemed to to alright. Iirc you said something about working on that Sephi, that's good news!
good observation with the tech selection for luchuirp. I have improved it in the tweakmod now.
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