Still need to add world spells, look here in the meantime:
Here's a "Civilizations Quick Guide". This isn't intended to be a comprehensive strategy guide, rather a way for new players to quickly compare civilizational differences (which is why I posted here rather than the strategy forum). It should be valid for the next couple of versions already, and at this point it should be easy enough to keep it up to date if there is interest.
Word version is included for ease of printing if desired
Please, if you notice errors or ommissions, point them out so I can make it accurate
Theme is a closely related fantasy archetype for new players to grasp
(Word copy updated by cowsaysmoo)
Note on alignment: All leaders are either Good, Neutral, or Evil at the start of the game. As well as getting diplomacy bonuses with like-minded leaders, this has the following effects:
Good leaders can build Paladins
Neutral leaders can build Druids
Evil leaders can build Eidolons
Religion will change alignment as follows:
the Order religion will change evil and neutral leaders good
Runes of Kilmorph or Empyrean will change evil neutral
Fellowship of the Leaves will not have an effect on a leader's alignement
Octopus Overlords or the Council of Esus will change good leaders neutral
the Ashen Veil will change neutral and good leaders evil
Theme: Lawful Crusaders
Cannot build: No restrictions
Crusade Civic (Lowers WW, restricts great people to GC, must be at war, can only build military, and cannot start diplomacy with your enemies)
Demagog unit (can only be used during a crusade; cheap Champion type unit)
Flagbearer unit (can only be used during a crusade, buffs units in its stack);
Most melee units start with guardsman promotion which causes the unit to be more likely to defend. (due to unique training yard effect)
Spawn Demagogs when enemies enter town improvements, reducing the improvement to a village
Spawn Demagogs from town improvements, reducing the improvement to a village, during a crusade
Leaders: Sabathiel (Organized, Charismatic, good), Capria (Spiritual, Industrious, good)
Mana: Law, Spirit, Earth
Hero: Donal Lugh (req. Fanatacism), melee unit that can cast hope and recruit units. Recruit ability renews each time he kills a demon or undead enemy unit.
Theme: Desert people
Cannot build: Assassins
Invisibility does not work within their borders
All units start with Nomad promotion, giving increased strength and movement on desert tiles
Lightbringer unit, strength 2, starts with visibility promotion
Adaptive trait gives the option to reselect traits periodically
Citadel of Light building (creates fireballs if enemies are nearby, requires fire mana)
Camel Archer Unit (replaces horse archer, no resource requirement)
Leaders: Varn Gosam (Creative, Adaptive, good)
Mana: Sun, Mind, Life
Hero: Tuetorix (req Blasting Poweder) Archer unit that gives +1 votes if your civ is in the OverCouncil
Theme: Spiritual Monks
Cannot build: No restrictions
Reliquary building (gives free spirit guide promotion)
Monk Unit (disciple unit with a large bonus versus demons)
Devout (assassin replacement starts with life magic and can explore rival territory)
Hallowing of the Elohim Ritual (decreases Armageddon counter with each use)
Defender Trait (units gain strength when in their own borders and 10% withdrawl)
Chancel of Guardians building (increases city defense, chance of defensive promotion to units built there.)
Leaders: Einon Logos (Philosophical, Defender, good), Ethne the White (Creative, Defender, good)
Mana: Spirit, Nature, Water
Hero: Corlindale (req. Fanatacism) Arcane unit that can sacrifice himself to end all wars and halve the Armageddon Counter
Theme: Dwarven Tinkers
Cannot build: normal melee units beyond warriors, archery units beyond slingers (archer equivalent), Rangers, Horse Archers, Beastmaster, Marksman, War Elephant
Dwarven adepts can cast repair if given enchantment promotion (heals golems, siege, & ships)
Mud golem replaces workers, (work faster, not built with food)
Sculptors studio building (required for golem production, available at construction, provides culture)
Wood golem unit (available with construction, replaces axemen)
All other melee units have golem replacements at the standard techs. Most have different abilities, check civlopedia for more details. All start with golem promotion, which restricts XP gain and gives immunity to spells that specify a living target.
Boar rider (horseman replacement) requires pig resource
ALL golems given Empower (+ 10% str) promotions as Barnaxus the hero gains combat promotions.
Golem enhancing buildings: Blasting Workshop (golems can cast fireballs), Gridlines (golems gain city garrison promotion)
Leaders: Garrim Gyr (financial, Defender, good), Berri Bawl (Spiritual, Organized, good)
Mana: Enchantment, Life, Earth
Hero: Barnaxus (req. Construction) golem melee unit that can gain XP and promotions, but doesn't have "Hero" promotion. Combat promotions taken by Barnaxus result in Empower (+ 10% str) promotions for all other golems under Luchurip control. Can be rebuilt if defeated by taking his pieces from the unit that defeated him to any Luchuirp city.
Theme: Child King leads Cities of outcasts
Cannot build: No restrictions
Sprawling Trait (Limited number of cities [2/2/3/3/4/5 for dual,tiny,small,standard,large, huge map sizes], each of which can work 3rd ring of tiles
Cities built after the limit will be settlements, which cannot build or collect commerce
Centaur unit (horseman replacement with no resource requirements which receives defensive bonuses)
Tailor building (increases happiness with certain resources)
Jeweler building (increases happiness with certain resources)
Adaptive trait gives the option to reselect traits periodically
Leaders: Cardith Lorda (sprawling, adaptive, expansive, good)
Mana: Nature, Spirit, Water
Heor: Eurobatres the Gold Dragon (req. Divine Essence), strong Beast unit that can also breathe fire.
Theme: Militant Angels
Cannot build: Any advanced (national) unit directly, or warriors or scouts
Cannot begin the game as this civ (to play as Mercurians, choose another civ and build the Mercurian gate, available if the Infernals have been summoned.)
Free Iron from palace
Gain free angel units when a good unit dies, anywhere in the world. (good units are those with Runes or Order promotion or citizens lost in cities of good empires.
Advanced units must be upgraded to from angel units
Begin the game permanently allied with the player that summoned them
If their Hero unit, Basium, is killed, all traits are lost.
Ingenuity trait reduces upgrade costs
Most units have the Angel Promotion, which gives some damage resistance and immunity to spells that specify a living target.
Leaders: Basium (Aggressive, Raiders, Ingenuity, good)
Mana: Life, Earth
Hero: Basium (no req) melee unit, his death will remove the player's traits.
Theme: Nature Elves
Cannot build: Lumber mills, Seige weapons, Bear Totem, Machinists Shop, Alchemy Lab, chariot, arquebus, berserker, War Chariot, Cannon,
Workers can build improvements in forests to retain forest bonus to production. (Includes Fellowship of Leaves specific terrain ancient forests, as well.)
Units begin with Elven promotion, giving increased movement and defense in forests
Flurry Unit, Archer that begins with Blitz, replaces crossbowman
Archers begin with +1 strength.
Fyrdwell unit (horse archer replacement) requires deer
Leaders: Amelanchier (Raiders, Defender, neutral), Arendel Phaedra (Spiritual, Creative, good), Thessa (Expansive, Arcane, neutral)
Mana: Nature, Air, Life
Hero: Gilden Silveric, (Req archery) early archer unit
Theme: Dwarves
Cannot build: Any arcane units beyond adepts; Longbowmen, Rangers, Marksmen, Elephants units
Free Gold Resource from palace
Dwarven adepts can cast repair if given enchantment promotion (heals golems, siege, & ships)
Units begin with Dwarven Promotion, giving increased movement and defense on hills
Gain substantial bonuses or penalties (to production, happiness, and GPP) depending on how much gold per city they have at the moment. (Total gold on hand, divided by number of cities.) Check civlopedia for details.
Dwarven Smithy building (bonus production, further bonus with different metal resources)
Stronger Siege weapons
Boar rider (horseman replacement) requires pig resource
Hornguard (Knight Replacement) does not require resources
Dwarven chariot and knight replacements do not require resources
Myconid unit replaces Beast Master
Ingenuity trait reduces upgrade costs
Leaders: Kandros Fir (Aggressive, Financial, Ingenuity, neutral), Arturus Thorne (Industrious, Organized, Ingenuity, neutral)
Mana: Earth, Law
Hero: Maros (req Iron Working) Melee unit.
Theme: Pirates
Cannot build:
Farms give -1 food
All sea tiles give +1 food
+1 moves to naval units
Only civ that can see pearl happiness resource
Pirates gain gold when defeating other units
Boarding Party (Champion replacement) can attack naval units and will capture boats upon victory.
Hero can sing (but not well)
Bonus to diplomacy with female leaders, Falamar only
Workers can build Pirate Coves which turn land into water and allow ships extra defense and healing.
War Turtle unit (Elephant replacement) starts with water walking, has higher defense, lower offense
Leaders: Falamar (Expansive, Creative, neutral), Hannah the Irin (Financial, Raiders, neutral)
Mana: Water, Chaos, Air
Hero: Guybrush Threepwood (req Metal Casting) melee unit that can function as a Boarding Party
Hero: The Black Wind (req optics) Pirate naval unit
Theme: Detached immortals
Cannot Build: No Restrictions
Sage/Great Sage specialists give +1 beaker
Artist/Great Artist specialists give +1 culture
Engineer/Great Engineer specialists give +1 hammer
Merchant/Great Merchant Specialists give +1 gold
Palace allows an engineer specialist
Ghost Unit (Assassin replacement) starts with hidden promotion (invisible until attacking), can take hidden promotion as an ability.
Any unit of Level 6+ can be added to cities as Great specialists (removes the unit)
Leader: Sandalphon (Industrious, Defender, neutral)
Mana: Spirit, Body, Enchantment
Hero: Rathus Denmora (req Poisons) Recon unit. starts with hidden promotion (invisible until attacking), can take hidden promotion as an ability. Starts with Netherblade equipment promotion (bonus vs. Heroes + death str.)
Theme: Forsaker of the gods.
Cannot build: Any temples or any disciple units.
Agnostic trait prevents adoption of any state religion
Palace, Grigori Tavern, and Adventurers guild all generate Great Adventurer points. Great Adventurers are units generated with Great People Points which can be upgraded to any buildable unit and begin with the Hero promotion
Adaptive trait gives the option to reselect traits periodically
Luonnotar (Inquisitor replacement) starts with Magic Immune and can be sacrificed instead of Great Prophets to build the Altar of Luonnotar. Not buildable, must be upgraded from a level 6+ unit Dragon Slayer or Medic. Available with Strength of Will technology.
Dragon Slayers (Champion replacement) begins with Dragon slayer promotion.
Grigori Medic (Available with Medicine technology) unit begins with medic.
Leaders: Cassiel, (Adaptive, Agnostic, Philosophical, neutral)
Mana: Spirit, Enchantment, Water
Hero: No specific hero other than adventurers gained through GP points.
Theme: Horse-borne Mercenaries
Cannot build: Arquebus or Cannon units, Alchemy Lab
Free horses from Palace
Unique stable gives all mounted units extra movement and withdrawl
Knights can cast Dance of Blades spell
Mercenaries are mounted units
Leaders: Tasunke (Aggressive, Raiders, neutral), Rohanna (Expansive, Financial, neutral)
Mana: Air, Nature
Hero: Magnadine (req. Warhorses) mounted unit that can capture any barbarian unit it defeats.
Theme: Magical Society
Cannot build: No Restrictions
Wizards (mage replacement) begin with Spell-staff promotion
Cave of Ancestors building (grants +1 XP to each adept built, per mana node owned)
Firebow (Longbow replacement) begins with blaze, can learn fireball
Chanter (Assassin replacement) starts with escape
Leaders: Valledia the Even (Organized, Arcane, neutral), Dain the Caswallawn (Philosophical, Arcane, neutral)
Mana: Mind, Fire, Body
Hero: Govannon (req. Arcane Lore) Arcane unit that can teach any non-disciple unit certain spells once he learns them (Blur, Blaze, haste, raise skeleton, escape, and dance of blades)
Theme: Chaotic Barbarian men
Cannot build: mage guild, alchemy lab, archery range, bowyer, training yard, machinist shop, nor library buildings, or Arquebus or cannon units
Many units do not require prerequisite buildings, but are more expensive
Start with two additional Beastmen
Beastmen (warrior replacement) has increased city attack rather than city defense
Most melee units gain strength on tundra terrain
Battlemaster (Champion replacement) begins with shock, and can upgrade axemen to battlemasters outside of cities
Knights do not require resources
Catapults stronger
Barbarian trait (Charadon only) gives peace with barbarians, allowing for rapid early expansion; science penalty
Leaders: Charadon (Aggressive, Barbarian, evil), Mahala (Raider, Ingenuity, evil)
Mana: Chaos, Earth, Body
Hero: The War Machine (req Machinery) Mounted unit that automatically destroys any enemy improvements it travels over; gains XP when destroying cottage type improvements in this way.
Theme: Mad Clowns
Cannot build: No Restrictions
Arena (training yard replacement) allows units to be risked for XP
Hall of Mirrors building creates illusions of attackers
Freak (requires freak show), melee unit that always starts mutated and can upgrade to swordsman or hunter
Freak Show (hunting lodge replacement) gives Great Bard points and allows humanoid cages
Can sacrifice slaves to make humanoid cages (for extra happiness and culture)
Taskmaster (Assassin replacement) and Courtesan (Shadow replacement) start with Taskmaster promotion (defeated units become slaves)
Gypsy Wagons unit can be sent to other players cities to reduce their culture and gold per turn by a small amount
The puppeteer replaces conjurers, and gives it's summons immunity to death and poison damage.
Insane Trait (Perpentach only) gives 3 traits which change at random intervals.
Summoner Trait (Keelyn only) allows all summons to last 3 turns rather than 1
Leaders: Perpentach (Insane, evil), Keelyn (Creative, Summoner, evil)
Mana: Chaos, Mind, Air
Hero: Loki (no reqs.) Special unit that can enter rival borders without Open Borders, can cast charm, dance of blades, and dispel, will retreat from any attack if not surrounded, and gives an increased chance for cities to convert due to culture.
Clan of Embers
Theme: Barbaric Orcs
Cannot build: Alchemy lab, Library, Mage Guild, Stables
Orc Witch Doctor (adept replacement) does not require a building
Goblins (scout replacement) cheaper, only 1 movement, cannot upgrade to hunter units
Goblins defeating wolves upgrade to worg-riders for free
Worg-Riders (horsemen replacements) have no resource requirements
Barbarian trait gives peace with barbarians, allowing for rapid early expansion; science penalty
All units begin with Orcish Promotion
Lizardmen (all recon units after Goblin scouts) have str bonus in jungle and start with amphibious
Stoneskin Ogre (Phalanx replacement) higher offense, starts with stoneskin promotion
Pitch wagon (catapult replacement) stronger, more expensive
Witch doctor can build barrows (with necromancy) which spawn undead barbarians
Leaders: Sheelba (Barbarian, Organized, Aggressive, evil) Jonas Endain (Spiritual, Expansive, evil)
Mana: Fire, Nature, Chaos
Hero: Rantine (req. bronze working) Melee unit that can convert any barbarian city he enters if no unit therein has higher str.
Theme: Shadow Elves
Cannot Build: Lumber mills, Seige weapons, Bear Totem, Machinists Shop, Alchemy Lab, chariot, arquebus, berserker, War Chariot, Cannon,
Workers can build improvements in forests to retain forest bonus to production. (Includes Fellowship of Leaves specific terrain ancient forests, as well.)
Units begin with Elven promotion, giving increased movement and defense in forests
Flurry Unit, Archer that begins with Blitz, replaces crossbowman
Illusionist unit (replaces conjuror) causes summons to begin with illusion racial promotion rather than any other racial promotion
Recon units begin with +1 strength if built in cities with a Svartalfar hunting lodge
Nyxkin unit (horse archer replacement) has no resource requirements
Leaders: Faeryl Viconia (Arcane, Raiders, evil)
Mana: Shadow, Nature, Mind
Hero: Alazkan the Assassin (req. poisons) Recon unit that can cast mirror, creating a duplicate of itself with illusion promotion. Can only have one mirror.
Theme: Vampires
Cannot build: Elder Council building, Champion unit
Feeding Pit building (extra food, lower health)
Governors Manor (courthouse replacement) available with aristocracy, allows vampires, unhappy citizens contribute 1 hammer
Moroi (axemen replacement) can cast burning blood on themselves (extra attacks, 75% of death at the end of the turn)
Vampire (Champion replacement) available at aristocracy, requires governors manor, starts with vampiric promotion, can learn level 1 & 2 body and death magic
Bloodpet (warrior replacement) allows additional attacks when feasted upon
Brujah (Berserker replacements) begin with vampiric , can learn level 1 & 2 body and death magic
Vampire Lord (Immortal replacement) requires promotion from a level 12 vampire, can learn any mage or sorcerer spell from death, mind, or body spheres.
Vampirism Promotion adds strength and allows 3 unique abilities: Feasting reduces city population to gain experience; Feeding restores health by sacrificing a targeted friendly unit; gift passes vampirism promotion to another unit of level 6+ (4+ if Moroi)
Leaders: Alexis (Philosophical, Aggressive, evil) Flauros (Financial, Organized, evil)
Mana: Body, Law, Earth
Hero: Losha Valas (req Fanatacism) Melee vampire unit that gains immortality promotion (one use) each time she kills a living unit.
Theme: Bringers of Armageddon
Cannot build: training yard building, melee units beyond warriors.
Pyre zombie unit, melee unit that damages units in its tile on death
Eater of Dreams units (Summoner replacement) can regain ability to cast by reducing city population
Will receive units automatically if they have a planar gate building (available with knowledge of the ether) and certain other buildings:
*Carnival-Chaos Marauder;
*Mage guild-Mobius Witch;
*Gambling House-Reveler;
*Large Animal Stables-Manticore;
*Public Bath-Succubus;
*Temple of Veil-Tar Demon.
More units will come the higher the Armageddon Counter is.
Elegy of the Sheaim Ritual-Raises the Armageddon Counter each time it is built.
Summoner Trait allows all summons to last 3 turns rather than 1
Leaders: Tebryn Arbandi (Arcane, Summoner, evil), Os-Gabella (Spiritual, Summoner, evil)
Mana: Dimensional, Chaos, Fire
Hero: Abashi the Black Dragon (req. Divine Essence), strong Beast unit that can also breathe fire.
Theme: Demons
Cannot build: Granary, Smokehouse
Cannot begin the game as this civ (to play as Infernals, choose another civ and research Infernal Pact.)
Turn the terrain around their cities to Hell, alternate versions of terrain. Deserts will become burning sands, which may catch fire, preventing certain units from entering
Most units start with demon promotion, which gives bonuses when on hell terrain
Most units start with Stigmata promotion, with gives a strength bonus equal to 50% of the Armageddon Counter
All cities start with Ashen Veil religion
If their Hero unit, Hyborem, is killed, all traits are lost, except fallow
Fallow trait means food has no effect on city growth
Gain free mane units when an evil unit dies, anywhere in the world. (evil units are those with Ashen Veil or Octopus Overlords promotions, death or entropy promotions, or citizens lost in cities of evil empires. Manes can be added to cities to increase population, sacrificed for production, or upgraded to any buildible unit.
Summoner Trait allows all summons to last 3 turns rather than 1
Barbarian trait gives peace with barbarians; science penalty
Balors, (Berserker replacements) do not cause collateral damage, but get a city attack bonus.
Death Knight (Knight Replacement) starts with undead and death magic
Free Iron from palace
Leaders: Hyborem (Creative, Barbarian, Summoner, Fallow, evil)
Mana: Fire, Entropy
Hero: Hyborem (no req) strong demon melee unit that starts with immortality (one use)
Here's a "Civilizations Quick Guide". This isn't intended to be a comprehensive strategy guide, rather a way for new players to quickly compare civilizational differences (which is why I posted here rather than the strategy forum). It should be valid for the next couple of versions already, and at this point it should be easy enough to keep it up to date if there is interest.
Word version is included for ease of printing if desired
Please, if you notice errors or ommissions, point them out so I can make it accurate
Theme is a closely related fantasy archetype for new players to grasp
(Word copy updated by cowsaysmoo)
Note on alignment: All leaders are either Good, Neutral, or Evil at the start of the game. As well as getting diplomacy bonuses with like-minded leaders, this has the following effects:
Good leaders can build Paladins
Neutral leaders can build Druids
Evil leaders can build Eidolons
Religion will change alignment as follows:
the Order religion will change evil and neutral leaders good
Runes of Kilmorph or Empyrean will change evil neutral
Fellowship of the Leaves will not have an effect on a leader's alignement
Octopus Overlords or the Council of Esus will change good leaders neutral
the Ashen Veil will change neutral and good leaders evil
Theme: Lawful Crusaders
Cannot build: No restrictions
Crusade Civic (Lowers WW, restricts great people to GC, must be at war, can only build military, and cannot start diplomacy with your enemies)
Demagog unit (can only be used during a crusade; cheap Champion type unit)
Flagbearer unit (can only be used during a crusade, buffs units in its stack);
Most melee units start with guardsman promotion which causes the unit to be more likely to defend. (due to unique training yard effect)
Spawn Demagogs when enemies enter town improvements, reducing the improvement to a village
Spawn Demagogs from town improvements, reducing the improvement to a village, during a crusade
Leaders: Sabathiel (Organized, Charismatic, good), Capria (Spiritual, Industrious, good)
Mana: Law, Spirit, Earth
Hero: Donal Lugh (req. Fanatacism), melee unit that can cast hope and recruit units. Recruit ability renews each time he kills a demon or undead enemy unit.
Theme: Desert people
Cannot build: Assassins
Invisibility does not work within their borders
All units start with Nomad promotion, giving increased strength and movement on desert tiles
Lightbringer unit, strength 2, starts with visibility promotion
Adaptive trait gives the option to reselect traits periodically
Citadel of Light building (creates fireballs if enemies are nearby, requires fire mana)
Camel Archer Unit (replaces horse archer, no resource requirement)
Leaders: Varn Gosam (Creative, Adaptive, good)
Mana: Sun, Mind, Life
Hero: Tuetorix (req Blasting Poweder) Archer unit that gives +1 votes if your civ is in the OverCouncil
Theme: Spiritual Monks
Cannot build: No restrictions
Reliquary building (gives free spirit guide promotion)
Monk Unit (disciple unit with a large bonus versus demons)
Devout (assassin replacement starts with life magic and can explore rival territory)
Hallowing of the Elohim Ritual (decreases Armageddon counter with each use)
Defender Trait (units gain strength when in their own borders and 10% withdrawl)
Chancel of Guardians building (increases city defense, chance of defensive promotion to units built there.)
Leaders: Einon Logos (Philosophical, Defender, good), Ethne the White (Creative, Defender, good)
Mana: Spirit, Nature, Water
Hero: Corlindale (req. Fanatacism) Arcane unit that can sacrifice himself to end all wars and halve the Armageddon Counter
Theme: Dwarven Tinkers
Cannot build: normal melee units beyond warriors, archery units beyond slingers (archer equivalent), Rangers, Horse Archers, Beastmaster, Marksman, War Elephant
Dwarven adepts can cast repair if given enchantment promotion (heals golems, siege, & ships)
Mud golem replaces workers, (work faster, not built with food)
Sculptors studio building (required for golem production, available at construction, provides culture)
Wood golem unit (available with construction, replaces axemen)
All other melee units have golem replacements at the standard techs. Most have different abilities, check civlopedia for more details. All start with golem promotion, which restricts XP gain and gives immunity to spells that specify a living target.
Boar rider (horseman replacement) requires pig resource
ALL golems given Empower (+ 10% str) promotions as Barnaxus the hero gains combat promotions.
Golem enhancing buildings: Blasting Workshop (golems can cast fireballs), Gridlines (golems gain city garrison promotion)
Leaders: Garrim Gyr (financial, Defender, good), Berri Bawl (Spiritual, Organized, good)
Mana: Enchantment, Life, Earth
Hero: Barnaxus (req. Construction) golem melee unit that can gain XP and promotions, but doesn't have "Hero" promotion. Combat promotions taken by Barnaxus result in Empower (+ 10% str) promotions for all other golems under Luchurip control. Can be rebuilt if defeated by taking his pieces from the unit that defeated him to any Luchuirp city.
Theme: Child King leads Cities of outcasts
Cannot build: No restrictions
Sprawling Trait (Limited number of cities [2/2/3/3/4/5 for dual,tiny,small,standard,large, huge map sizes], each of which can work 3rd ring of tiles
Cities built after the limit will be settlements, which cannot build or collect commerce
Centaur unit (horseman replacement with no resource requirements which receives defensive bonuses)
Tailor building (increases happiness with certain resources)
Jeweler building (increases happiness with certain resources)
Adaptive trait gives the option to reselect traits periodically
Leaders: Cardith Lorda (sprawling, adaptive, expansive, good)
Mana: Nature, Spirit, Water
Heor: Eurobatres the Gold Dragon (req. Divine Essence), strong Beast unit that can also breathe fire.
Theme: Militant Angels
Cannot build: Any advanced (national) unit directly, or warriors or scouts
Cannot begin the game as this civ (to play as Mercurians, choose another civ and build the Mercurian gate, available if the Infernals have been summoned.)
Free Iron from palace
Gain free angel units when a good unit dies, anywhere in the world. (good units are those with Runes or Order promotion or citizens lost in cities of good empires.
Advanced units must be upgraded to from angel units
Begin the game permanently allied with the player that summoned them
If their Hero unit, Basium, is killed, all traits are lost.
Ingenuity trait reduces upgrade costs
Most units have the Angel Promotion, which gives some damage resistance and immunity to spells that specify a living target.
Leaders: Basium (Aggressive, Raiders, Ingenuity, good)
Mana: Life, Earth
Hero: Basium (no req) melee unit, his death will remove the player's traits.
Theme: Nature Elves
Cannot build: Lumber mills, Seige weapons, Bear Totem, Machinists Shop, Alchemy Lab, chariot, arquebus, berserker, War Chariot, Cannon,
Workers can build improvements in forests to retain forest bonus to production. (Includes Fellowship of Leaves specific terrain ancient forests, as well.)
Units begin with Elven promotion, giving increased movement and defense in forests
Flurry Unit, Archer that begins with Blitz, replaces crossbowman
Archers begin with +1 strength.
Fyrdwell unit (horse archer replacement) requires deer
Leaders: Amelanchier (Raiders, Defender, neutral), Arendel Phaedra (Spiritual, Creative, good), Thessa (Expansive, Arcane, neutral)
Mana: Nature, Air, Life
Hero: Gilden Silveric, (Req archery) early archer unit
Theme: Dwarves
Cannot build: Any arcane units beyond adepts; Longbowmen, Rangers, Marksmen, Elephants units
Free Gold Resource from palace
Dwarven adepts can cast repair if given enchantment promotion (heals golems, siege, & ships)
Units begin with Dwarven Promotion, giving increased movement and defense on hills
Gain substantial bonuses or penalties (to production, happiness, and GPP) depending on how much gold per city they have at the moment. (Total gold on hand, divided by number of cities.) Check civlopedia for details.
Dwarven Smithy building (bonus production, further bonus with different metal resources)
Stronger Siege weapons
Boar rider (horseman replacement) requires pig resource
Hornguard (Knight Replacement) does not require resources
Dwarven chariot and knight replacements do not require resources
Myconid unit replaces Beast Master
Ingenuity trait reduces upgrade costs
Leaders: Kandros Fir (Aggressive, Financial, Ingenuity, neutral), Arturus Thorne (Industrious, Organized, Ingenuity, neutral)
Mana: Earth, Law
Hero: Maros (req Iron Working) Melee unit.
Theme: Pirates
Cannot build:
Farms give -1 food
All sea tiles give +1 food
+1 moves to naval units
Only civ that can see pearl happiness resource
Pirates gain gold when defeating other units
Boarding Party (Champion replacement) can attack naval units and will capture boats upon victory.
Hero can sing (but not well)
Bonus to diplomacy with female leaders, Falamar only
Workers can build Pirate Coves which turn land into water and allow ships extra defense and healing.
War Turtle unit (Elephant replacement) starts with water walking, has higher defense, lower offense
Leaders: Falamar (Expansive, Creative, neutral), Hannah the Irin (Financial, Raiders, neutral)
Mana: Water, Chaos, Air
Hero: Guybrush Threepwood (req Metal Casting) melee unit that can function as a Boarding Party
Hero: The Black Wind (req optics) Pirate naval unit
Theme: Detached immortals
Cannot Build: No Restrictions
Sage/Great Sage specialists give +1 beaker
Artist/Great Artist specialists give +1 culture
Engineer/Great Engineer specialists give +1 hammer
Merchant/Great Merchant Specialists give +1 gold
Palace allows an engineer specialist
Ghost Unit (Assassin replacement) starts with hidden promotion (invisible until attacking), can take hidden promotion as an ability.
Any unit of Level 6+ can be added to cities as Great specialists (removes the unit)
Leader: Sandalphon (Industrious, Defender, neutral)
Mana: Spirit, Body, Enchantment
Hero: Rathus Denmora (req Poisons) Recon unit. starts with hidden promotion (invisible until attacking), can take hidden promotion as an ability. Starts with Netherblade equipment promotion (bonus vs. Heroes + death str.)
Theme: Forsaker of the gods.
Cannot build: Any temples or any disciple units.
Agnostic trait prevents adoption of any state religion
Palace, Grigori Tavern, and Adventurers guild all generate Great Adventurer points. Great Adventurers are units generated with Great People Points which can be upgraded to any buildable unit and begin with the Hero promotion
Adaptive trait gives the option to reselect traits periodically
Luonnotar (Inquisitor replacement) starts with Magic Immune and can be sacrificed instead of Great Prophets to build the Altar of Luonnotar. Not buildable, must be upgraded from a level 6+ unit Dragon Slayer or Medic. Available with Strength of Will technology.
Dragon Slayers (Champion replacement) begins with Dragon slayer promotion.
Grigori Medic (Available with Medicine technology) unit begins with medic.
Leaders: Cassiel, (Adaptive, Agnostic, Philosophical, neutral)
Mana: Spirit, Enchantment, Water
Hero: No specific hero other than adventurers gained through GP points.
Theme: Horse-borne Mercenaries
Cannot build: Arquebus or Cannon units, Alchemy Lab
Free horses from Palace
Unique stable gives all mounted units extra movement and withdrawl
Knights can cast Dance of Blades spell
Mercenaries are mounted units
Leaders: Tasunke (Aggressive, Raiders, neutral), Rohanna (Expansive, Financial, neutral)
Mana: Air, Nature
Hero: Magnadine (req. Warhorses) mounted unit that can capture any barbarian unit it defeats.
Theme: Magical Society
Cannot build: No Restrictions
Wizards (mage replacement) begin with Spell-staff promotion
Cave of Ancestors building (grants +1 XP to each adept built, per mana node owned)
Firebow (Longbow replacement) begins with blaze, can learn fireball
Chanter (Assassin replacement) starts with escape
Leaders: Valledia the Even (Organized, Arcane, neutral), Dain the Caswallawn (Philosophical, Arcane, neutral)
Mana: Mind, Fire, Body
Hero: Govannon (req. Arcane Lore) Arcane unit that can teach any non-disciple unit certain spells once he learns them (Blur, Blaze, haste, raise skeleton, escape, and dance of blades)
Theme: Chaotic Barbarian men
Cannot build: mage guild, alchemy lab, archery range, bowyer, training yard, machinist shop, nor library buildings, or Arquebus or cannon units
Many units do not require prerequisite buildings, but are more expensive
Start with two additional Beastmen
Beastmen (warrior replacement) has increased city attack rather than city defense
Most melee units gain strength on tundra terrain
Battlemaster (Champion replacement) begins with shock, and can upgrade axemen to battlemasters outside of cities
Knights do not require resources
Catapults stronger
Barbarian trait (Charadon only) gives peace with barbarians, allowing for rapid early expansion; science penalty
Leaders: Charadon (Aggressive, Barbarian, evil), Mahala (Raider, Ingenuity, evil)
Mana: Chaos, Earth, Body
Hero: The War Machine (req Machinery) Mounted unit that automatically destroys any enemy improvements it travels over; gains XP when destroying cottage type improvements in this way.
Theme: Mad Clowns
Cannot build: No Restrictions
Arena (training yard replacement) allows units to be risked for XP
Hall of Mirrors building creates illusions of attackers
Freak (requires freak show), melee unit that always starts mutated and can upgrade to swordsman or hunter
Freak Show (hunting lodge replacement) gives Great Bard points and allows humanoid cages
Can sacrifice slaves to make humanoid cages (for extra happiness and culture)
Taskmaster (Assassin replacement) and Courtesan (Shadow replacement) start with Taskmaster promotion (defeated units become slaves)
Gypsy Wagons unit can be sent to other players cities to reduce their culture and gold per turn by a small amount
The puppeteer replaces conjurers, and gives it's summons immunity to death and poison damage.
Insane Trait (Perpentach only) gives 3 traits which change at random intervals.
Summoner Trait (Keelyn only) allows all summons to last 3 turns rather than 1
Leaders: Perpentach (Insane, evil), Keelyn (Creative, Summoner, evil)
Mana: Chaos, Mind, Air
Hero: Loki (no reqs.) Special unit that can enter rival borders without Open Borders, can cast charm, dance of blades, and dispel, will retreat from any attack if not surrounded, and gives an increased chance for cities to convert due to culture.
Clan of Embers
Theme: Barbaric Orcs
Cannot build: Alchemy lab, Library, Mage Guild, Stables
Orc Witch Doctor (adept replacement) does not require a building
Goblins (scout replacement) cheaper, only 1 movement, cannot upgrade to hunter units
Goblins defeating wolves upgrade to worg-riders for free
Worg-Riders (horsemen replacements) have no resource requirements
Barbarian trait gives peace with barbarians, allowing for rapid early expansion; science penalty
All units begin with Orcish Promotion
Lizardmen (all recon units after Goblin scouts) have str bonus in jungle and start with amphibious
Stoneskin Ogre (Phalanx replacement) higher offense, starts with stoneskin promotion
Pitch wagon (catapult replacement) stronger, more expensive
Witch doctor can build barrows (with necromancy) which spawn undead barbarians
Leaders: Sheelba (Barbarian, Organized, Aggressive, evil) Jonas Endain (Spiritual, Expansive, evil)
Mana: Fire, Nature, Chaos
Hero: Rantine (req. bronze working) Melee unit that can convert any barbarian city he enters if no unit therein has higher str.
Theme: Shadow Elves
Cannot Build: Lumber mills, Seige weapons, Bear Totem, Machinists Shop, Alchemy Lab, chariot, arquebus, berserker, War Chariot, Cannon,
Workers can build improvements in forests to retain forest bonus to production. (Includes Fellowship of Leaves specific terrain ancient forests, as well.)
Units begin with Elven promotion, giving increased movement and defense in forests
Flurry Unit, Archer that begins with Blitz, replaces crossbowman
Illusionist unit (replaces conjuror) causes summons to begin with illusion racial promotion rather than any other racial promotion
Recon units begin with +1 strength if built in cities with a Svartalfar hunting lodge
Nyxkin unit (horse archer replacement) has no resource requirements
Leaders: Faeryl Viconia (Arcane, Raiders, evil)
Mana: Shadow, Nature, Mind
Hero: Alazkan the Assassin (req. poisons) Recon unit that can cast mirror, creating a duplicate of itself with illusion promotion. Can only have one mirror.
Theme: Vampires
Cannot build: Elder Council building, Champion unit
Feeding Pit building (extra food, lower health)
Governors Manor (courthouse replacement) available with aristocracy, allows vampires, unhappy citizens contribute 1 hammer
Moroi (axemen replacement) can cast burning blood on themselves (extra attacks, 75% of death at the end of the turn)
Vampire (Champion replacement) available at aristocracy, requires governors manor, starts with vampiric promotion, can learn level 1 & 2 body and death magic
Bloodpet (warrior replacement) allows additional attacks when feasted upon
Brujah (Berserker replacements) begin with vampiric , can learn level 1 & 2 body and death magic
Vampire Lord (Immortal replacement) requires promotion from a level 12 vampire, can learn any mage or sorcerer spell from death, mind, or body spheres.
Vampirism Promotion adds strength and allows 3 unique abilities: Feasting reduces city population to gain experience; Feeding restores health by sacrificing a targeted friendly unit; gift passes vampirism promotion to another unit of level 6+ (4+ if Moroi)
Leaders: Alexis (Philosophical, Aggressive, evil) Flauros (Financial, Organized, evil)
Mana: Body, Law, Earth
Hero: Losha Valas (req Fanatacism) Melee vampire unit that gains immortality promotion (one use) each time she kills a living unit.
Theme: Bringers of Armageddon
Cannot build: training yard building, melee units beyond warriors.
Pyre zombie unit, melee unit that damages units in its tile on death
Eater of Dreams units (Summoner replacement) can regain ability to cast by reducing city population
Will receive units automatically if they have a planar gate building (available with knowledge of the ether) and certain other buildings:
*Carnival-Chaos Marauder;
*Mage guild-Mobius Witch;
*Gambling House-Reveler;
*Large Animal Stables-Manticore;
*Public Bath-Succubus;
*Temple of Veil-Tar Demon.
More units will come the higher the Armageddon Counter is.
Elegy of the Sheaim Ritual-Raises the Armageddon Counter each time it is built.
Summoner Trait allows all summons to last 3 turns rather than 1
Leaders: Tebryn Arbandi (Arcane, Summoner, evil), Os-Gabella (Spiritual, Summoner, evil)
Mana: Dimensional, Chaos, Fire
Hero: Abashi the Black Dragon (req. Divine Essence), strong Beast unit that can also breathe fire.
Theme: Demons
Cannot build: Granary, Smokehouse
Cannot begin the game as this civ (to play as Infernals, choose another civ and research Infernal Pact.)
Turn the terrain around their cities to Hell, alternate versions of terrain. Deserts will become burning sands, which may catch fire, preventing certain units from entering
Most units start with demon promotion, which gives bonuses when on hell terrain
Most units start with Stigmata promotion, with gives a strength bonus equal to 50% of the Armageddon Counter
All cities start with Ashen Veil religion
If their Hero unit, Hyborem, is killed, all traits are lost, except fallow
Fallow trait means food has no effect on city growth
Gain free mane units when an evil unit dies, anywhere in the world. (evil units are those with Ashen Veil or Octopus Overlords promotions, death or entropy promotions, or citizens lost in cities of evil empires. Manes can be added to cities to increase population, sacrificed for production, or upgraded to any buildible unit.
Summoner Trait allows all summons to last 3 turns rather than 1
Barbarian trait gives peace with barbarians; science penalty
Balors, (Berserker replacements) do not cause collateral damage, but get a city attack bonus.
Death Knight (Knight Replacement) starts with undead and death magic
Free Iron from palace
Leaders: Hyborem (Creative, Barbarian, Summoner, Fallow, evil)
Mana: Fire, Entropy
Hero: Hyborem (no req) strong demon melee unit that starts with immortality (one use)