Please use this thread to post any issues you are having with FfH2 0.15.
Download Here:
Patch: There is no patch to 0.15k, you must redownload the whole mod
0.15 Changelog:
1. Fix so spells can't take goody huts (coded by Maian).
2. Immortals now keep extracombatstr promotions.
3. Fix applied for OOS on targeted spells (coded by Talchas).
4. Pagan Temple now correctly gives +10% culture.
5. Spells and Siege weapons dont spread disease anymore.
6. Non-living units don't have chance to become crazed if created in a city with an Asylum.
7. The Rust spell now correctly gives -10% to combat skill.
8. The Tremor spell won't push units into other players unit stacks (and wipe the stack).
9. You can't gift t4 units anymore (coded by Maian).
10. Spells now correctly removed before the next players turn (coded by Maian).
11. Delay removed on targeted spells so casting doesn't fail if you target to fast (coded by Talchas).
12. Ravenous Werewolves are now correctly created with the Werewolf promotion.
13. AI no longer plans for improvements it can't build (coded by Chalid).
14. AI considers all civics for improvements and doesnt count seafaring if it doesnt have it (coded by Chalid).
15. Dwarves now get double moves in hills correctly (reported with fix by Grillick).
16. Flagbearers now correctly grant the morale promotion to surrounding units.
17. Capture bugs resolved (failed capture in cities, failed capture in defeated stacks).
1. Replaced the Drydock with the Shipyard.
2. Added the Shrine of the Champion.
3. Added the Javelin Thrower unit (Doviello, replaces archer).
4. Added a Dwarven Slinger unit (Khazad and Luchuirp, replaces archer).
5. Added a Trebuchet unit (Khazad, replaces catapult).
6. Buildings can grant up to 3 free bonuses.
7. Added the Drown spell (recommended by QES).
8. Added the Dwarven Worker unit (Khazad).
9. Added the Dwarven Mine improvement (unable to pillage, increased chance of discovering resources).
10. Added the Dwarven Cannon unit (Khazad).
11. Added the Ressurection spell (Sorcery, Life 3).
12. AI will now sacrifice slaves for production or to build cages (coded by Chalid).
13. AI will now sacrifice animals for cages (coded by Chalid).
14. AI better able to deal with mana nodes (coded by Chalid).
15. Great Commanders can be joined to units, doing so raises their strength by 1 and increases the rate they gain combat xp.
16. Great Commanders can be split from units.
17. Added the Lifespark unit (non-combat, can be sacrificed to heal units in the tile, heals defensivly).
18. Added the Summon Lifespark spell (Summoning, Life 3).
19. Added the Summon Phoenix spell (Summoning, Life 2).
20. Added the Stoneskin promotion (protects the unit from the next 3 hits).
21. Added the Stoneskin spell (Sorcery, Body 3).
22. Added the Eyes and Ears Network wonder (grants any tech known by 3 civilziations you have open borders agreements with, designed by Bebmatos).
23. Nodes revert on cultural exchange (coded by Chalid).
24. Added 2 new Fellowship songs, 1 new Order song, 1 new Rune song and 1 new Veil song (sorry, nothing for the overlords this time).
25. Fire, Entropy and Nature nodes no longer effect the surrounding terrain when they are built.
26. Added the Vampire Lord unit (calabim, replaces immortal, can learn up to rank 3 death, mind and body sorcery and summon spells, has to be level 12 to upgrade to it).
27. Added the Brujah unit (calabim, replaces berserker).
Balance changes:
1. City States civic now halves the culture garrison value, has no commerce penalty, and reduces maintenance costs form distance form palace 60% instead of 80%.
2. Minimum of 1 mana node per player added to the mapchecker.
3. The Khazad given the ability to build Shadows.
4. Added the effects of multiple mana nodes (1 allows acces, 2 gives rank 1 for free, 3 gives rank 2 for free, 4 gives rank 3 for free).
5. Removed the commerce bonuses for mana.
6. Added 3 free bonuses to the palace of each civ.
7. Spells now require the appropriate mana to be learned.
8. Pack of the Nilhorn gives 2 culture per turn.
9. Hill Giants can now pillage.
10. Blooded Werewolves dont have the Enraged promotion anymore.
11. Vampires reduced from 7 to 6 strength.
12. Vampires Feast ability gives the population -2 xp instead of the population -1.
13. Deserts movement cost doubled.
14. Deserts given a -25% defense modifier.
15. Added the Nomad promotion (double movement on deserts and +25% defence on deserts).
16. All Malakim units get the Nomad promotion for free.
17. Elven Longbowman improved from 6 to 7 strength.
18. Elven Flurry improved from 13 to 14 strength.
19. Elven Marksman improved from 10 to 11 strength.
20. Elven Maceman reduced from 7 to 6 strength.
21. Elven Immortal reduced from 12 to 11 strength.
22. Elven Archer given +25% hills defence, +25% city defence and 1 additional first strike chance.
23. Brigand increased from 3 to 4 Moves and 35 to 45 withdrawal.
24. Raider reduced from 4 to 3 strength and withdrawal increased from 25 to 35.
25. Hippus Chariot increased from 3 to 4 moves and 25 to 35 withdrawal.
26. Hippus Camel Archer increased from 11 to 12 strength, 3 to 4 moves and 25 to 35 withdrawal.
27. Wind Knight increased from 12 to 13 strength, 3 to 4 moves, and 35 to 45 withdrawal.
28. Hippus War Elephant increased from 14 to 15 strength and 3 to 4 moves.
29. Hippus War Chariot increased from 13 to 14 strength, 3 to 4 moves and 25 to 35 withdrawal.
30. Magnadine increased from 3 to 4 moves.
31. Demons Altar no longer gives -1 GPP.
32. Dwarven Hammerfist raised from 6 to 7 strength.
33. Catacomb Libralus now requires a Mage Guild.
34. Agnostic empires dont get religion unhappiness.
35. AI made more likely to dogpile (modified by leader).
36. AI made more likely to trade techs (wont red them out as often).
37. AI more likely to declare war against stronger opponents (modified by leader).
38. AI more likely to accept diplomacy to declare war on another civ (wont red them out as often).
39. AI more likely to accept Open Borders aggrements (wont red them out as often).
40. Great Commanders can't rush buildings anymore.
41. Halved the cost of the Tower of Mastery from 10000 to 5000 hammers.
42. All recon units except scouts vs animal bonus lowered from +100 to +75%.
43. Non-state religion don't spread in your empire if you are in a crusade.
44. Removed the national wonder limit on cities.
45. Added the Magic Immune promotion to the Luonnotar.
46. The Altar of the Luonnotar requires Spirit Mana to build.
47. Losha Valas can now learn rank 2 spells.
48. Tavern and the Grigori Tavern no longer require Brewery's.
49. The Dragons Hoard grants Gems, Gold and Mithril instead of just Gems.
50. Capturing a unit gives you that defending civs version of that unit instead of your own (if you capture an elven settler you get an elven worker).
51. Reduced the Basilica from -50% to -40% Maintenance.
52. Reduced the Courthouse from -50% to -40% Maintenance.
53. Reduced the Dungeon from -25% to -20% Maintenance.
54. Moved the Winter Palace to the Monarchy tech and it no longer requires the Order.
55. Adventurers can be upgraded to Prophets for Frozen_Vomits scenerio (won't effect the mod since the Grigori cant make prophets).
56. Vampries can now upgrade to Vampire Lords.
Cosmetic changes:
1. Updated the Berserker model and skin.
2. Added city art for the Dwarven Vault.
3. Added city art for the Public Baths.
4. Added new art for the Pirate Cove.
5. Added new art for the Demons Altar.
6. Renamed the Memorial to the Monument.
7. Added new art for the Monument.
8. Added new art for the Khazad Palace.
9. Added a popup message when the barbarians declare war on you.
10. New Grigori Medic and Grigori Inquisitor model art by SeZereth.
11. New Flagbearer, Guardsman and Bannor Longbowman model art by SeZereth.
12. New Orc selection and action sounds from Yorgos.
13. Tons of new spell pedia entries from the community.
14. Added button arrows for the creation of mana nodes with the Rites of Oghma.
15. Removed the zoom on Orthus and Acherons creation, added popup text instead.
16. Unique buildings added to the civilization mpouseover help and the dawn of man screen.
17. Promotions displayed on techs "Warlords style".
18. Sphere promotions now show what spells they grant.
19. Unit help popup now says if a unit cant be built and what level is required to upgrade to them.
20. Added the Leaders alignment to the leader help popup.
21. Added free resources to the civilization mouseover help and the Dawn of Man screen.
22. Changed the doublespacing to single spacing on the unique units list on the civilization mouseover help.
23. Incorporated Exotic Foreign Advisor (developed by Elhoim and Requires).
24. New sound effects for the Summon Balor, Drown, Summon Hosts of the Einherjar, Hideous Thoughts, Nightmare and Tsunami spells.
25. New pedia stories for Cassiel, Arendel and Faeryl (written by Kael).
26. New pedia stories for Garrim Gyr and Thessa (written by Corlindale).
27. New pedia stories for the Amurites and Morgoth (written by Wilboman).
28. New pedia stories for Govannon, the War Machine, Losha Valas, Rhoanna, Basium and Falamar (written by Nikis-Knight).
29. New diplomacy dialog for Hannah, Rhoanna, Tasunke, Auric and Cassiel (written by Nikis-Knight).
30. Renamed the Grigori Inquisitor to the Luonnotar.
Editor changes:
1. Added 15 promotion spots per unit (for Maian).
0.15 Patch "a":
1. Resolves a spell logging error that was keeping some players from being able to cast spells.
2. Arendel's first contact diplomacy text is fixed.
3. Soldiers of Kilmorph cant make mines anymore. Dwarven Soldiers, Dwarven Hammerfists and Dwarven Slaves all make Dwarven Mines instead of normal mines.
4. Immortal units don't get an extra point of strength each time they are reborn when they are joined with a Great Commander.
0.15 Patch "b":
[tab]Patch b will break save games!
1. Kuriotates can't use the Summon Phoenix spell to get around their city limit.
2. Reduced Typhoid Mary from strength 7 to 6.
3. Removed the redundant Krakens.
4. Added lots of new sounds for Golems, Goblins, Skeletons, Vampires, Wraiths, Dwarves, Zombies and Imps from Yorgos.
5. Fixed the python error on the victory screen.
6. Updated Vampire Lord skin from McGlocklinMA.
7. Dwarven Vaults aren't retained through cultural conversions.
8. Tons of new text fixes by AndrewDJ.
0.15 Patch "c":
1. Malakim settlers and workers will now get the Nomad promotion.
2. No more CTD's when pirate coves are created with multiple units on the tile.
3. 4th mana sources of the same type no longer have an effect (they don't give the 3rd spell rank for free).
4. Improvements can't be built on mana nodes (except mana improvements).
5. French Translation by Keldan.
6. New Brujah model from McGlocklinMA.
0.15 Patch "d":
1. Cult of the Dragon units aren't multiplied by the the Roar ability.
2. Added some graphics to the popups.
3. Blocked other players from seeing the Barbarian betrayal and Infernal Grimoire popups.
4. Added Defeated popups for each of the leaders.
5. Removed Losha's undead promotion.
6. Made mana nodes visible from the begining.
7. Moroi lost the Burning Blood ability.
8. Elven Worker workrate reduced from 100 to 80.
9. Dwarven Slave workrate increased from 50 to 60.
10. Elven Slave workrate reduced from 50 to 40.
11. Ashen Veil CTD finally fixed!
12. Losha given the Sorcery promotion.
13. Ravenous Werewolves start with the correct promotions.
14. New City Art for the Ljosalfar, Bannor, Calabim, Luchuirp and Lanun palaces.
0.15 Patch "e":
[tab]Patch e will break save games!
1. Fixed some of Arendel's diplomacy tags.
2. Added a Eurabatres pedia entry written by Wilboman.
3. It now costs 60 gold to upgrade a Warrior to a Drown.
4. Added the Adaptive trait.
5. Replaced Varn's Financial trait with the Adaptive trait.
7. Replaced Cardith's Philosophical trait with the Adaptive trait.
8. Replaced Cassiel's Industrious trait with the Adaptive trait.
9. Replaced Jonus's Expansive trait with the Adaptive trait.
10. Replaced Sheelba's Magic Resistant trait with the Adaptive trait.
11. Fixed the Tremor spell.
12. Removed the Tomb of Basium (when Basium dies the Mercurians lose their traits instead).
0.15 Patch "f":
1. Fixes the Sprawling trait (which was broken by patch "e").
2. Improved the Tremor spell (code provided by Upthorn).
0.15 Patch "g":
[tab]Patch g will break save games!
1. Removed the Adaptive trait from Jonas and Sheelba (returned them to their origional traits).
2. Changed the Adaptive trait to allow the player to change his bonus trait every 100 turns (adjusted by gamespeed).
3. Added the Insane trait (randomly selects 3 traits at the games start and a 1% chance per turn of changing them).
4. Gave Perpentach the Insane trait.
5. Earthquake fixed (with code by Teg_Navanis).
6. Adaptive leaders that select the financial trait correctly gain yield bonus's.
7. Bowyers requires Bronze Working tech instead of Construction (works better since longbowmen require copper).
8. Religion founding techs can no longer be attained from goodie huts.
9. Reduced the cost on Way of the Wicked and Way of the Wise from 400 to 300.
10. Monks increased from 1 to 2 moves.
11. Earth summons are no longer "alive" so they wont be processed by the soul forge, turned into werewolves, get diseased, etc.
12. The Lanun's -1 food from farms is no longer applied to team mates.
13. Kuriotate players can choose to found a settlement instead of a city if it isnt their first city and they havent reached their max city number.
14. All of the civs are now displayed in the Pedia, even if they aren't playable.
15. Converting rooted units no longer gives them 998 moves (fix by Sto).
16. Error in Righteous Cause fixed (fix by Sto).
17. Feast ability reduced to the cities population -3 in xp, instead of the population -2.
18. Feast ability angry timer increased to 3 turns everytime it is used instead of 2 turns.
19. Added in 12monkeys excellent PlotListEnhancment modpack (it is truely cool).
20. End turns reduced by 25%.
21. Units converted to werewolves don't retain their previous promotions (no more taskmaster or fireballing werewolves).
22. Thane of Kilmorph and Stonewardens can learn divine life spells.
23. Changed the Burning Blood spell to be targetable (so the caster can cast it on another unit in his tile).
24. Added a self only version of Burning Blood for the Moroi.
25. Made twincast only learnable by hero casters.
0.15 Patch "h":
1. Fixed Magnadines art (fix by SeZereth).
2. Fixed a divide by zero error on unmoving units in PLE (reported with fix by Vorshlumpf).
3. Fixed a pOldPlot problem when exiting and restarting a game in PLE (reported with fix by Vorshlumpf).
4. Fixed a problem where PLE incorrectly calculated moves (reported with fix by Vorshlumpf).
5. Fixed the problem error/multiple casts when you cast a targeted spell with multiple units selected (fix by Upthorn).
6. Fixed the adaptive trait so it actually lets you select a new trait every so often like it is supposed to (hey look, I fixed one!)
7. New sounds for Losha Valas provided by Yorgos.
8. New sounds for the Raven provided by Yorgos.
9. Fixed the Adaptive trait in multiplayer.
10. Fixed the Insane trait in Multiplayer.
11. Fixed the trait removal on Basiums death for multiplayer.
12. Gave the Balseraphs back the ability to build the Obelisk (and the new queen of culture is...)
0.15 Patch "i" (Teg's patch):
1. Mouseover the PLE buttons now shows their function (code by Teg Navanis).
2. Teg's Unit Statistics mod integrated.
3. Regeneration now allows healing while moving.
4. Updated French translation by Keldan.
5. Fixed a moves calculation display problem (fix by Vorshlumpf).
0.15 Patch "j":
1. Pressing "N" no longer causes an error (fixed by Teg Navanis).
2. Flesh Golems no longer lose their combat promotions.
3. Fix for PLE getting swamped with simotaneous events.
4. Health bars don't display combat results until combat is finished (fixed by vorshlumpf).
5. Seafaring grants access to Fishing (Exploration can be skipped for the Lanun).
6. Govannon can not train priests to cast his spells.
0.15 Patch "k":
[tab]Patch "k" break saves, has to be downloaded as a full download, and installs into a seperate directory than 015
1. Reduction in load times.
2. Cargo (hawks) no longer causes errors.
3. Fixed python errors on the Tech screen.
4. Dwarven workers are able to remove forests.
Reporting Issues:
[tab]I have four requests before you report issues:
1. I dont expect anyone to read the whole thread. But please read this post and see if your issue is addressed in apatches you don't have applied, or in a patch that hasn't been released yet.
2. Please don't report cosmetic issues here, use the cosmetic issues thread for that.
3. Please don't "chat" in this thread. I hate it when real bug reports get lost in other posts, so please try to keep this thread as on task as possible and I will try to make sure eveyrthing mentioned here gets resolved.
4. If you are noticing an issue please make sure you have python popups enabled so we can see what the real error is. To enable python popups in your CivilizationIV.ini change:
Download Here:
Patch: There is no patch to 0.15k, you must redownload the whole mod
0.15 Changelog:
Spoiler :
1. Fix so spells can't take goody huts (coded by Maian).
2. Immortals now keep extracombatstr promotions.
3. Fix applied for OOS on targeted spells (coded by Talchas).
4. Pagan Temple now correctly gives +10% culture.
5. Spells and Siege weapons dont spread disease anymore.
6. Non-living units don't have chance to become crazed if created in a city with an Asylum.
7. The Rust spell now correctly gives -10% to combat skill.
8. The Tremor spell won't push units into other players unit stacks (and wipe the stack).
9. You can't gift t4 units anymore (coded by Maian).
10. Spells now correctly removed before the next players turn (coded by Maian).
11. Delay removed on targeted spells so casting doesn't fail if you target to fast (coded by Talchas).
12. Ravenous Werewolves are now correctly created with the Werewolf promotion.
13. AI no longer plans for improvements it can't build (coded by Chalid).
14. AI considers all civics for improvements and doesnt count seafaring if it doesnt have it (coded by Chalid).
15. Dwarves now get double moves in hills correctly (reported with fix by Grillick).
16. Flagbearers now correctly grant the morale promotion to surrounding units.
17. Capture bugs resolved (failed capture in cities, failed capture in defeated stacks).
1. Replaced the Drydock with the Shipyard.
2. Added the Shrine of the Champion.
3. Added the Javelin Thrower unit (Doviello, replaces archer).
4. Added a Dwarven Slinger unit (Khazad and Luchuirp, replaces archer).
5. Added a Trebuchet unit (Khazad, replaces catapult).
6. Buildings can grant up to 3 free bonuses.
7. Added the Drown spell (recommended by QES).
8. Added the Dwarven Worker unit (Khazad).
9. Added the Dwarven Mine improvement (unable to pillage, increased chance of discovering resources).
10. Added the Dwarven Cannon unit (Khazad).
11. Added the Ressurection spell (Sorcery, Life 3).
12. AI will now sacrifice slaves for production or to build cages (coded by Chalid).
13. AI will now sacrifice animals for cages (coded by Chalid).
14. AI better able to deal with mana nodes (coded by Chalid).
15. Great Commanders can be joined to units, doing so raises their strength by 1 and increases the rate they gain combat xp.
16. Great Commanders can be split from units.
17. Added the Lifespark unit (non-combat, can be sacrificed to heal units in the tile, heals defensivly).
18. Added the Summon Lifespark spell (Summoning, Life 3).
19. Added the Summon Phoenix spell (Summoning, Life 2).
20. Added the Stoneskin promotion (protects the unit from the next 3 hits).
21. Added the Stoneskin spell (Sorcery, Body 3).
22. Added the Eyes and Ears Network wonder (grants any tech known by 3 civilziations you have open borders agreements with, designed by Bebmatos).
23. Nodes revert on cultural exchange (coded by Chalid).
24. Added 2 new Fellowship songs, 1 new Order song, 1 new Rune song and 1 new Veil song (sorry, nothing for the overlords this time).
25. Fire, Entropy and Nature nodes no longer effect the surrounding terrain when they are built.
26. Added the Vampire Lord unit (calabim, replaces immortal, can learn up to rank 3 death, mind and body sorcery and summon spells, has to be level 12 to upgrade to it).
27. Added the Brujah unit (calabim, replaces berserker).
Balance changes:
1. City States civic now halves the culture garrison value, has no commerce penalty, and reduces maintenance costs form distance form palace 60% instead of 80%.
2. Minimum of 1 mana node per player added to the mapchecker.
3. The Khazad given the ability to build Shadows.
4. Added the effects of multiple mana nodes (1 allows acces, 2 gives rank 1 for free, 3 gives rank 2 for free, 4 gives rank 3 for free).
5. Removed the commerce bonuses for mana.
6. Added 3 free bonuses to the palace of each civ.
7. Spells now require the appropriate mana to be learned.
8. Pack of the Nilhorn gives 2 culture per turn.
9. Hill Giants can now pillage.
10. Blooded Werewolves dont have the Enraged promotion anymore.
11. Vampires reduced from 7 to 6 strength.
12. Vampires Feast ability gives the population -2 xp instead of the population -1.
13. Deserts movement cost doubled.
14. Deserts given a -25% defense modifier.
15. Added the Nomad promotion (double movement on deserts and +25% defence on deserts).
16. All Malakim units get the Nomad promotion for free.
17. Elven Longbowman improved from 6 to 7 strength.
18. Elven Flurry improved from 13 to 14 strength.
19. Elven Marksman improved from 10 to 11 strength.
20. Elven Maceman reduced from 7 to 6 strength.
21. Elven Immortal reduced from 12 to 11 strength.
22. Elven Archer given +25% hills defence, +25% city defence and 1 additional first strike chance.
23. Brigand increased from 3 to 4 Moves and 35 to 45 withdrawal.
24. Raider reduced from 4 to 3 strength and withdrawal increased from 25 to 35.
25. Hippus Chariot increased from 3 to 4 moves and 25 to 35 withdrawal.
26. Hippus Camel Archer increased from 11 to 12 strength, 3 to 4 moves and 25 to 35 withdrawal.
27. Wind Knight increased from 12 to 13 strength, 3 to 4 moves, and 35 to 45 withdrawal.
28. Hippus War Elephant increased from 14 to 15 strength and 3 to 4 moves.
29. Hippus War Chariot increased from 13 to 14 strength, 3 to 4 moves and 25 to 35 withdrawal.
30. Magnadine increased from 3 to 4 moves.
31. Demons Altar no longer gives -1 GPP.
32. Dwarven Hammerfist raised from 6 to 7 strength.
33. Catacomb Libralus now requires a Mage Guild.
34. Agnostic empires dont get religion unhappiness.
35. AI made more likely to dogpile (modified by leader).
36. AI made more likely to trade techs (wont red them out as often).
37. AI more likely to declare war against stronger opponents (modified by leader).
38. AI more likely to accept diplomacy to declare war on another civ (wont red them out as often).
39. AI more likely to accept Open Borders aggrements (wont red them out as often).
40. Great Commanders can't rush buildings anymore.
41. Halved the cost of the Tower of Mastery from 10000 to 5000 hammers.
42. All recon units except scouts vs animal bonus lowered from +100 to +75%.
43. Non-state religion don't spread in your empire if you are in a crusade.
44. Removed the national wonder limit on cities.
45. Added the Magic Immune promotion to the Luonnotar.
46. The Altar of the Luonnotar requires Spirit Mana to build.
47. Losha Valas can now learn rank 2 spells.
48. Tavern and the Grigori Tavern no longer require Brewery's.
49. The Dragons Hoard grants Gems, Gold and Mithril instead of just Gems.
50. Capturing a unit gives you that defending civs version of that unit instead of your own (if you capture an elven settler you get an elven worker).
51. Reduced the Basilica from -50% to -40% Maintenance.
52. Reduced the Courthouse from -50% to -40% Maintenance.
53. Reduced the Dungeon from -25% to -20% Maintenance.
54. Moved the Winter Palace to the Monarchy tech and it no longer requires the Order.
55. Adventurers can be upgraded to Prophets for Frozen_Vomits scenerio (won't effect the mod since the Grigori cant make prophets).
56. Vampries can now upgrade to Vampire Lords.
Cosmetic changes:
1. Updated the Berserker model and skin.
2. Added city art for the Dwarven Vault.
3. Added city art for the Public Baths.
4. Added new art for the Pirate Cove.
5. Added new art for the Demons Altar.
6. Renamed the Memorial to the Monument.
7. Added new art for the Monument.
8. Added new art for the Khazad Palace.
9. Added a popup message when the barbarians declare war on you.
10. New Grigori Medic and Grigori Inquisitor model art by SeZereth.
11. New Flagbearer, Guardsman and Bannor Longbowman model art by SeZereth.
12. New Orc selection and action sounds from Yorgos.
13. Tons of new spell pedia entries from the community.
14. Added button arrows for the creation of mana nodes with the Rites of Oghma.
15. Removed the zoom on Orthus and Acherons creation, added popup text instead.
16. Unique buildings added to the civilization mpouseover help and the dawn of man screen.
17. Promotions displayed on techs "Warlords style".
18. Sphere promotions now show what spells they grant.
19. Unit help popup now says if a unit cant be built and what level is required to upgrade to them.
20. Added the Leaders alignment to the leader help popup.
21. Added free resources to the civilization mouseover help and the Dawn of Man screen.
22. Changed the doublespacing to single spacing on the unique units list on the civilization mouseover help.
23. Incorporated Exotic Foreign Advisor (developed by Elhoim and Requires).
24. New sound effects for the Summon Balor, Drown, Summon Hosts of the Einherjar, Hideous Thoughts, Nightmare and Tsunami spells.
25. New pedia stories for Cassiel, Arendel and Faeryl (written by Kael).
26. New pedia stories for Garrim Gyr and Thessa (written by Corlindale).
27. New pedia stories for the Amurites and Morgoth (written by Wilboman).
28. New pedia stories for Govannon, the War Machine, Losha Valas, Rhoanna, Basium and Falamar (written by Nikis-Knight).
29. New diplomacy dialog for Hannah, Rhoanna, Tasunke, Auric and Cassiel (written by Nikis-Knight).
30. Renamed the Grigori Inquisitor to the Luonnotar.
Editor changes:
1. Added 15 promotion spots per unit (for Maian).
0.15 Patch "a":
1. Resolves a spell logging error that was keeping some players from being able to cast spells.
2. Arendel's first contact diplomacy text is fixed.
3. Soldiers of Kilmorph cant make mines anymore. Dwarven Soldiers, Dwarven Hammerfists and Dwarven Slaves all make Dwarven Mines instead of normal mines.
4. Immortal units don't get an extra point of strength each time they are reborn when they are joined with a Great Commander.
0.15 Patch "b":
[tab]Patch b will break save games!
1. Kuriotates can't use the Summon Phoenix spell to get around their city limit.
2. Reduced Typhoid Mary from strength 7 to 6.
3. Removed the redundant Krakens.
4. Added lots of new sounds for Golems, Goblins, Skeletons, Vampires, Wraiths, Dwarves, Zombies and Imps from Yorgos.
5. Fixed the python error on the victory screen.
6. Updated Vampire Lord skin from McGlocklinMA.
7. Dwarven Vaults aren't retained through cultural conversions.
8. Tons of new text fixes by AndrewDJ.
0.15 Patch "c":
1. Malakim settlers and workers will now get the Nomad promotion.
2. No more CTD's when pirate coves are created with multiple units on the tile.
3. 4th mana sources of the same type no longer have an effect (they don't give the 3rd spell rank for free).
4. Improvements can't be built on mana nodes (except mana improvements).
5. French Translation by Keldan.
6. New Brujah model from McGlocklinMA.
0.15 Patch "d":
1. Cult of the Dragon units aren't multiplied by the the Roar ability.
2. Added some graphics to the popups.
3. Blocked other players from seeing the Barbarian betrayal and Infernal Grimoire popups.
4. Added Defeated popups for each of the leaders.
5. Removed Losha's undead promotion.
6. Made mana nodes visible from the begining.
7. Moroi lost the Burning Blood ability.
8. Elven Worker workrate reduced from 100 to 80.
9. Dwarven Slave workrate increased from 50 to 60.
10. Elven Slave workrate reduced from 50 to 40.
11. Ashen Veil CTD finally fixed!
12. Losha given the Sorcery promotion.
13. Ravenous Werewolves start with the correct promotions.
14. New City Art for the Ljosalfar, Bannor, Calabim, Luchuirp and Lanun palaces.
0.15 Patch "e":
[tab]Patch e will break save games!
1. Fixed some of Arendel's diplomacy tags.
2. Added a Eurabatres pedia entry written by Wilboman.
3. It now costs 60 gold to upgrade a Warrior to a Drown.
4. Added the Adaptive trait.
5. Replaced Varn's Financial trait with the Adaptive trait.
7. Replaced Cardith's Philosophical trait with the Adaptive trait.
8. Replaced Cassiel's Industrious trait with the Adaptive trait.
9. Replaced Jonus's Expansive trait with the Adaptive trait.
10. Replaced Sheelba's Magic Resistant trait with the Adaptive trait.
11. Fixed the Tremor spell.
12. Removed the Tomb of Basium (when Basium dies the Mercurians lose their traits instead).
0.15 Patch "f":
1. Fixes the Sprawling trait (which was broken by patch "e").
2. Improved the Tremor spell (code provided by Upthorn).
0.15 Patch "g":
[tab]Patch g will break save games!
1. Removed the Adaptive trait from Jonas and Sheelba (returned them to their origional traits).
2. Changed the Adaptive trait to allow the player to change his bonus trait every 100 turns (adjusted by gamespeed).
3. Added the Insane trait (randomly selects 3 traits at the games start and a 1% chance per turn of changing them).
4. Gave Perpentach the Insane trait.
5. Earthquake fixed (with code by Teg_Navanis).
6. Adaptive leaders that select the financial trait correctly gain yield bonus's.
7. Bowyers requires Bronze Working tech instead of Construction (works better since longbowmen require copper).
8. Religion founding techs can no longer be attained from goodie huts.
9. Reduced the cost on Way of the Wicked and Way of the Wise from 400 to 300.
10. Monks increased from 1 to 2 moves.
11. Earth summons are no longer "alive" so they wont be processed by the soul forge, turned into werewolves, get diseased, etc.
12. The Lanun's -1 food from farms is no longer applied to team mates.
13. Kuriotate players can choose to found a settlement instead of a city if it isnt their first city and they havent reached their max city number.
14. All of the civs are now displayed in the Pedia, even if they aren't playable.
15. Converting rooted units no longer gives them 998 moves (fix by Sto).
16. Error in Righteous Cause fixed (fix by Sto).
17. Feast ability reduced to the cities population -3 in xp, instead of the population -2.
18. Feast ability angry timer increased to 3 turns everytime it is used instead of 2 turns.
19. Added in 12monkeys excellent PlotListEnhancment modpack (it is truely cool).
20. End turns reduced by 25%.
21. Units converted to werewolves don't retain their previous promotions (no more taskmaster or fireballing werewolves).
22. Thane of Kilmorph and Stonewardens can learn divine life spells.
23. Changed the Burning Blood spell to be targetable (so the caster can cast it on another unit in his tile).
24. Added a self only version of Burning Blood for the Moroi.
25. Made twincast only learnable by hero casters.
0.15 Patch "h":
1. Fixed Magnadines art (fix by SeZereth).
2. Fixed a divide by zero error on unmoving units in PLE (reported with fix by Vorshlumpf).
3. Fixed a pOldPlot problem when exiting and restarting a game in PLE (reported with fix by Vorshlumpf).
4. Fixed a problem where PLE incorrectly calculated moves (reported with fix by Vorshlumpf).
5. Fixed the problem error/multiple casts when you cast a targeted spell with multiple units selected (fix by Upthorn).
6. Fixed the adaptive trait so it actually lets you select a new trait every so often like it is supposed to (hey look, I fixed one!)
7. New sounds for Losha Valas provided by Yorgos.
8. New sounds for the Raven provided by Yorgos.
9. Fixed the Adaptive trait in multiplayer.
10. Fixed the Insane trait in Multiplayer.
11. Fixed the trait removal on Basiums death for multiplayer.
12. Gave the Balseraphs back the ability to build the Obelisk (and the new queen of culture is...)
0.15 Patch "i" (Teg's patch):
1. Mouseover the PLE buttons now shows their function (code by Teg Navanis).
2. Teg's Unit Statistics mod integrated.
3. Regeneration now allows healing while moving.
4. Updated French translation by Keldan.
5. Fixed a moves calculation display problem (fix by Vorshlumpf).
0.15 Patch "j":
1. Pressing "N" no longer causes an error (fixed by Teg Navanis).
2. Flesh Golems no longer lose their combat promotions.
3. Fix for PLE getting swamped with simotaneous events.
4. Health bars don't display combat results until combat is finished (fixed by vorshlumpf).
5. Seafaring grants access to Fishing (Exploration can be skipped for the Lanun).
6. Govannon can not train priests to cast his spells.
0.15 Patch "k":
[tab]Patch "k" break saves, has to be downloaded as a full download, and installs into a seperate directory than 015
1. Reduction in load times.
2. Cargo (hawks) no longer causes errors.
3. Fixed python errors on the Tech screen.
4. Dwarven workers are able to remove forests.
Reporting Issues:
[tab]I have four requests before you report issues:
1. I dont expect anyone to read the whole thread. But please read this post and see if your issue is addressed in apatches you don't have applied, or in a patch that hasn't been released yet.
2. Please don't report cosmetic issues here, use the cosmetic issues thread for that.
3. Please don't "chat" in this thread. I hate it when real bug reports get lost in other posts, so please try to keep this thread as on task as possible and I will try to make sure eveyrthing mentioned here gets resolved.
4. If you are noticing an issue please make sure you have python popups enabled so we can see what the real error is. To enable python popups in your CivilizationIV.ini change:
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0