FfH2 Roleplaying Games [Thread III]


Magic Box
May 18, 2005
United Kingdom
*If your really interested in joining, please read this whole post - Thank You :)*

For anyone interested in multiplayer roleplaying games of FFH, games are hosted on saturdays at 4pm GMT (11:00 Noon EST) To join you will need the free software Hamachi once you have this you can join either the FFHRP or FFHRPII channel (only join one! if they are full post in this thread and someone will clear up a slot for you) there is no password and it is fairly straightforward from there. Also you don't have to be a good player to join in (I am terrible myself!) and you can use whatever difficulty you think is right for you.

RP Rules (these must be followed)
  • No exploring lairs before turn 50 (turn 100 on classical start)
    (Lairs have a nasty habit of spawning azers or other powerful monsters that will destroy a new and unprepared civilization, reloading in multiplayer is not an option)
  • Wars before turn 100 are forbidden and you must have a good reason to go to war in the first place, let everyone know some turns beforehand that you are going to war because nothing ruins immersion more than a random DOW (especially if your victim is unprepared...) Council of Esus is the exception here. So anyone following COE as a religion can ignore this rule.
  • Cities above 3 population should not be razed, giving players a chance to take back what was theirs is only fair.

Here is a quote that best sums up these games:
The goal is not "To Win." The goal is actually more to create an interesting story that is based loosely on the Lore of Erebus. -Kyroshill

So if your more into Metagaming
Spoiler :
A player who is aware of the metagame for their particular gaming environment may make play choices that are optimized against the play styles of the majority of players they are likely to face in that specific competitive arena.
this type of game is probably not for you ;)

The stories in the posts below should show how our games are like, but here are some general guidelines.


  • Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted
    Basically you CAN do whatever you want as long as you can justify it with a reasonable explanation, Strange religion-civ combos is a good example of this.
  • Utilize the chat function ingame! BEFORE building that wonder or researching that religion for the next 20 turns see if everyone is OK with it, and when you are building up to something big, drop hints beforehand. It adds to the roleplaying element and makes the world we are playing more immersive.
  • Play fairly! you might be the big bad of the sheaim but you aren't going to make any friends randomly declaring war on your nearest neighbor just because you could. Or abusing powerful spells like Chalid's pillar of fire or tsunami, such spells should be used sparingly at least, use some constraint! :lol:
  • Stacks of Doom are a no no, there is no need for it (I've seen 40+ swordsmen in some games :crazyeye:) just don't do it ;)
  • The Vassal Mechanic is currently broken so vassals are best kept informally (this also allows for more RP options) It is broken because once a human civ is vassal-ed there is actually no in game way of breaking it, this leaves the vassal with no hope of breaking free and the Vassal-er with a useless vassal. Confusing? A more indepth explanation here:
    Spoiler :
    As Kyroshill aptly put (again):
    Kyroshill said:
    Vassalization - RP Style

    The vassal mechanic in MP is broken. Therefore all vassals and colonies should be handled informally in RP mode. This allows retribution by the dominant power when demands aren't met... and allows rebellion by a subservient state.

    Since demands can't be made in the trade screen (see above).... there is no way to declare war from a vassal relationship. Therefore, RP solutions are necessary.

    So for now it is easier to disable vassal in mp games and instead do it informally by like you know Talking and/or Threatening :p

  • Be imaginative! RP the hippus as mercs and sell your army to the highest bidder, spy on other players when worshiping esus and sell that information, as elohim send units to guard unique features from being plundered or send your army to defend an allies city from under attack, etc etc. Your goals aren't restricted to the games arbitrary victory conditions. Winning is achieving whatever goal you intended for your civ.
  • Make sure your prepared for a long drawn out game :D (breaks are every few hours) we play on quick speed with a turn timer but these games are still very long. it's no good leaving halfway through, you let everyone else who is playing down. Of course if you DO have to go it is understandable.

And last but not least make sure you are on the latest version of FFH with the latest patch and a clean install (no modmods) or you'll get OOS (out of sync) errors making it unplayable.

To all newcomers:
Spoiler :
  • each Saturday we make an attempt to start a game. Not each time we have enough players, though.
  • once you have Hamachi, log in into FFHRP channel, as stated in post #1 of this thread. (note that sometimes it may say the channel is full, so alternativelly you may log into FFHRPII. If it's also full, than post a message here)
  • once you are there, you will probably notice some other ppl logged there as well. Use a chat to ask for further directions. They may not respond at once, as they may have a game, or be asleep. Be patient.
  • alternativelly, you may log in to erebus chatroom, and ask for help.
- Lgaard
Some old stories and records of old games, just to give an impression of how games usually go:

The Orc Story, written by Tasunke
Spoiler :
The Fire Clan rose from the embers of the fallen god Bhall, into a world of greed, suffering, and hypocrisy. Bhall now lived in the lair of Agares, and it was clear what truths the Orcs should follow. There needed to be organisation, organised chaos, in order to bring this world into Ruins and Desolation - to force the One into making the universe anew.

Our first scouts met the Tree Clan dangerously close to our borders. Further scouting led to find the Ice Clan to our far west. These being the only inhabitants I saw, I set out to bring our newfound organization to the rest of our brothers in the wilds. Our first new dwelling was near the pointy eared Tree Clan. Little did we know that this would be the Great Bastion of Hope for a new World, the holy city of the Veil-lifted. Two more such dwellings were founded on the nearby western coast. The Tree Clan soon spread in all directions separating us from the rest of the eastern world. The leader of the Ice clan seemed amiable enough, and we were able to trade borders and maps.

Soon, the Ice Clan was herald to the coming of the next winter, with a sluggishness of production, new icy barbarians, and a generall cooling of the world. As blizzards were crossing over erebus ... this was win the Glorious Veil was founded, and Rosier soon sought us out in order to strenghten our armies alongside the faithful Rantine. Back in the capital, a mad merchant started spreading strange prophecies throughout the streets, and the world seemed hell-bent on hurtling towards armageddon.

As the Horsemen showed up on Erebus, the Ice King was beset on all sides by destruction, and still managed to survive. However ... after killing off the invading Boy-King's centaur guard, and two of the horsemen, little was heard of from the Icy realm. Still, when the foolish and Decadent Kurios declared war on the Ice Clan, a vision from Agares-influenced by Ceridwen, told me that the time of goodness was at an end. And it was the Orc-kin's domain to bring about that end. Therefore, I declared Holy War on all nations arrogant enough to call themselves good. My massive army marched on Evermore, and their I met a haphazard organization of the forces of good, including Valin Phanuel. However, my small goblin contingent bought enough time for Valin to not actually make it into the city gates until Evermore was thouroughly destroyed.

Distraught by the fallen city of the elves, large beasts known by men as "Treants" rose from the forests and began slaughtering my army. I retreated into the nearby hills, however that army was completely routed and I was lucky to escape into our holy city, conducting military operations from there. At the time We had recruited many minions of the dead, and they stood beside my orcish legions. We were playing a defensive war against the treants and the remaining elvish forces, when suddenly most of our troops stopped following orders and rampaged into the field heedless of pain and injury. It was in these hectic fields that hundreds of Elf and Orcish kin alike slaughtered each other in a swarm of fury that would make Camulos proud. During this time, the final appocalypse beckoned, and both Rosier and Valin were enveloped into the flames. The treant legions, after routing my advance force, turned onto my holy city, and Made to destroy the Bastion of the Veil. Little did they know that the Avatar of Wrath was advancing through my lands towards the Leaves holy City Hyll, with Iras in tow. The treants made it into the fields within sight of my war-tower, and I gritted my teeth in anticipation of the coming battle, with only Diseased corpses and an adept left in my prized city's defense.

It was as if Agares himself that stepped in, causing desease and rot to spread through the Treant armies. When the Treants finally met my city walls, they were easily killed off due to extreme exaustion, and most died before meeting battle.

This was a sign, and so I took a cohort of corpses and a ritualist to march with the Avatar towards Hyll. In the end, the sight was too much for the elves and they fled into Kurios territory, leaving me the honor to burn the city myslef.

Next we marched, again with the Avatar, to the city of Kara-Tor, their capital. By this time, the Blood Clan of Flauros had grown infuriated with the state of the world, and joined the side of the Order in order to preserve their continued survival. The battle for the capital was long, ... and used up many Diseased Corpses and Iras, but eventually the Order Coalition of Elf, Centaur, and Vampire had fallen and the city lost. The Avatar took up residence there, and my army retreated in order to build a stronger one.

Backing up a bit, my people had summoned the Infernals into the world during the Great Elven War of Evermore. During my wars with the forces of Good, the Infernals were gaining power. I offered my humble services to Hyborem, and was granted an alliance of necessity. They joined the real battle once the Vampires had summoned Basium to fight for their cause. In an effort to show my allegiance to the Veil, I moved my capital into the Holy City, and started a grand ritual that would last many years, sacrificing the best Orc virgins to Duke Sallos.

I marached an army onto the last bastion of the Kurios, the Order holy city, but the forces of the Vampire proved too great, and I was forced to retreat and regroup. Soon, once the great Orc and Demon armies were combined, in the Barbarian capital of Kara-Tor, the ritual was completed and a Demon among Demons was summoned into existence. Hammer the Redeemer. other wise known as Hammer of Dis. The forces of Good referred to him as the Messhaber. With this powerful ally, the forces of the Veil; Orcish, and Demon. marched against the Order Holy City for the last time.

Once outside the city ... we fireballed the defenses and moved in for the kill. The ring of flames was too risky to use as it could hurt us as well. Still, we were able to battle the Hypocritical Vampire armies, using skeletons and spectres to fight in Junil's name, standing side by side with a few of Basium's angels. In fact we had a battle song, that had a chorus of "Junil is dead, and No one cares. If there is a Hell, your surely there." It was a very close battle, and it pushed Hammer of Dis too the fullest extend of his Demonic power. Many clanmembers were lost. Still, the Junil's fortress was finally Destroyed! and the mainstay of the Order Vamp armies were annihilated.

Aaaand, that was about the end of the game. but a cool ending.
quotes --- Illians: so the Kurios are dead now? shouldnt be too bad
----------Cardith: well, the whole vampire army was killed too
----------Illians: oh, so the good guys are pretty much f*cked now
----------Cardith: pretty much

The Reign of Fish
as recorded by Methuselah

Spoiler :
Me, mimic, yerug and neomega started a game. Current event log looks like this:

Methuselah = Tebryn Arbandi
Mimic = Perpentach
Yerug = Tansuke
Neomega = Sandalphon

Alturiak, Year 1 - Civilizations recover from the age of ice.
Eleint, Year 1, - The barbarian king Orthus starts to wreak havoc among the population of Erebus
Marpenoth, Year 8 - After causing much devastation, Orthus is defeated in the battle of Galveholm and executed.
Tarsakh, Year 9 - The Balseraphs begin a celebration they call the reign of fish. The celebration spans many months.
Kythorn, Year 9 - The lizardmen stage an attack on the Balseraphs interrupting their celebrations. The Balseraph leadership send an envoy to the Hippus asking for aid.
Eleasias, Year 9 - The Balseraphs form a religion based around their reign. They decide to call it the "Octopus Overlords."
Alturiak, Year 10 - The Balseraphs perform monstrous experiments upon their citizens, transforming them into a hybrid fish-like monster.
Alturiak, Year 11 - The reign of fish is ended.
Eleasias, Year 11 - The Balseraphs send another request for aid from the Hippus, fearing the loss of their cities to an Orc invasion.
Tarsakh, Year 12 - The Sheaim are found to be torturing their prisoners.
Flamerule, Year 12 - A road is completed between the Hippus and Balserpah empires. Trade between them increases greatly.
Eleint, Year 12 - After a diplomatic incident, the Hippus and Sheaim empires engage in war.
Marpenoth, Year 12 - The Hippus attempt to recruit the Balseraphs to their war effort.
Alturiak, Year 13 - The Balseraphs refuse to help the Hippus.
Mirtul, Year 13 - Tebryn issues a prophecy foretelling the end of humanity.
Alturiak, Year 14 - Siege of Tongurstad. Hippus army repelled by the unholy Sheaim forces.
Mirtul, Year 14 - The Sheaim begin practising of the dark rites known as the Ashen Veil.
Alturiak, Year 15 - The Sheaim and Balseraph empires engage in war.
Mirtul, Year 15 - The Sheaim and Balseraph empires declare peace.
Kythorn, Year 15 - The Sheaim and Hippus empires sign a cease fire.
Flamerule, Year 15 - Acheron the Red Dragon enters the world.

A Sunday Game (written by Diamondeye)

Spoiler :
I am a bit offtopic since this game actually played out on a Sunday, but I really enjoyed a game with Lgaard, Azhral and Mimic. I was Calabim (Alexis), Lgaard was Clan (Jonas), Azhral was Kuriotates and Mimic was Ljosalfar.

I started out rather well, settling next to the Seraphic Pyre (city name "Sang Bhalli"), and pumped out some warriors and a scout, popped Cartography from a hut. Started out with Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. That allowed me to find a nice spot with horses, and what would be a monster-sience city at some floodplains.

Now, I wasn't getting along particularly well with the elves to my west, but luckily the clan harrassed the elves enough to trigger a DoW from Mimic - distracting the clan, and distracting the ljosalfar from my borders. I was worried when Orthus came around but he attacked Kuriotates instead, basically crippling Az (who spent most of the game retaking his 2nd city).

So I expanded even more - got some cottages up and running and got to KotE, and build the Pact of the Nilhorn and the Great Library (latter in the floodplain city that had Brewhouse).

The orcs were pushing Mimic, so I decided now was my chance to take Hyll, which had the Pool of Tears. I barely managed to take the city, and as me and the orcs prepared to march on Evermore, Gilden was built and March of the Trees was used. I hurried back to Hyll on my hill for protection (haste is a lifesaver!).

Ljosalfar approached me with a plead to save him from the orcs, so I decided to beeline Feudalism (which is a core Calabim tech anyway) to have him capitulate. While teching this in a Golden Age induced by my third(!) Great Commander, I spammed horse archers to backstab clan.

Then I went ahead and vassalized Mimic (or rather, have him capitulate), and sent one army (my stooges and infanttry) through ljos land while my horse archers approached from the other side.

The battle against the orcs were hard, and my stooges and warriors were defeated. My horse archers killed a fair share of orcs and took cover in Kuriotates territory - I had open borders with him, but clan didn't. So clan DoWed Kuriotates. I immidiately offered Az to vassalize to me, which he accepted. Clan didn't notice this, luckily. So I attacked and left Renegade hill with two wonded catapults standing, before clan capitulated and I won.

Good game, all three!

Sunday Game (from Lgaards point of view)

Spoiler :

A Diamondeye's story told from the orcish point of view. (Forgive my orcish, I am still learning common speech)

Clan wandered a bit before they found perfect site for a starting city. Some floodlands, surrounded by hills and a Dragon Bones (sic!) offered nice compensation for orcish non-literacy. Several goblin troops went north for a wolf-hunt. (One of them managed to subdue a pack of them, only to die another turn :/). They investigated lot of lands and contacted a pale lady of the Calabim, childish ruler of Kuriostates and somewhat arrogant huntress leading the Elvenfolk.

Neighbouring Kuriostates seemed to pouse no danger (engaged in the hopeless siege against my fellow cousin Orthus) and be an easy pray, but it was filthy elves who enraged me, clubbing (oh yes, they even did not have a single archer for long time) one of my goblin troops to death.

To prepare a punishing strike, orcs concentrated at intensive (in a contrary to Calabim's extensive) developement, building warrens and training yards in their two (only) cities. My nephew Rantine has grown to be a great hero, to eventually lead an assault against elves which were cowardly hidden behind the city walls. Everything was going quite smoothly, with a lot of nice pillaging, but when one of elven cities fell under orcish axes, all the surrounding forests have gone mad! Trees started to move and smashed my great army in an uneven battle. Rantine fell bravely fighting till death at the gates of Evermore. Previousy taken elven city was retaken by the treehuggers.

In response I collected even stronger armies, with catapults, archers, axemen and wolf riders, and after razing newely built elven holy city, was about to once again crush the gates of the previously taken/lost elven stronghold, when this filthy cunning creature (elven leader) start to beg for mercy, calling me a Great Warlord (which I certainly was) offered his women for slaves, so I left him alone and withdrawn troops. To my doom.

While looking for another pray, I suddenly realized that treacherous elves asked the Pale Lady for protection, and allied against me. Soon their troops were at the gates of my cities (I underestimated the strength and speed of the spell-hasted horse archers). After a few rather chaotic rides from my cities I managed to kill Gilden Sliveric (nice revange for Rantine) and repel the first assault, but it became obvious that second wave of the combined (Calabim + Elves + Kurios) forces will take Renegade Hills at the least. Reluctantly, I agreed for the terms of capitulation to Calabim, and... the game suddenly ended. Alexis tryumphed. I should have noticed that Kurios had became her vassal as well.

Congrats Diamondeye. Even though it was a RP session.

A FFA game, recorded by Tasunke
Spoiler :
The Illian's story has many glories ... and many failings ... betraying, and being betrayed. The Illians are very alone in following the god of winter ... and therefore the world can be a little lonely.
We started our empire on a hill next to the ocean. this hill was in the middle of a forested appalachea of lowland mountains, running up and down the peninsula. Our scouts reported strong fishing grounds in our waters.

Thereby the Ice people became one with the water as well. Soon we were colonizing a continent to the east, owned by the decadent and sprawling Bannor empire. These unclean fools dared to try and shove us off the dirt rightfully flagged as our own. A city was made prosperous north of the bannor soil, and a priest of winter was sent there to defend it.

the other two priests spread the influence of the hand far to the west in Orkish lands. After showing my might at the walls of "Dis is da Waaah" city, I had thought I had gained an ally. With this train of thought ... I set all priests on an exterminatus quest on the bannor. The heathen fools were crushed ... oh so easily.

But as I was nearing the bannor capitol, stranded on a distant Continent war campaign, my orkish "comrades" backstabbed me with a huge hoard of seething green axemen, led by the nefarious Rantine. My comrades fought bravely ... but without the full presence of the hand there was little I could do to stop the teeming orkish hordes. I quickly conscripted many javellins in the Defense of my Heron Throne, and it held ... ensuring the safety of it and the capitol some distance further to the east.

The orks saw crippling my economy more important than hindering my military effort, so they set to blockade my Heron Throne as opposed to the ships used by my priests. In doing this ... I was able to return the Hand into the field of battle just as my last perimeter city was falling.

I pushed the Orks back to their base of operations, them fleeing before the might of Mulcarn's fury. All the other orcish cities were destroyed by the endless Khazad soldiers on the Orks home continent.

The final battle for the Orks was at the gates of "Dis is da Waaah" with the Dwarves storming the walls and fighting amongst the city, while my priests snuck into the capital to deal chilled death to Rantine, ending the Orks Waaah forever. I then saw this moment and struck at the Dwarven force. they ran way into my empire, and I pridefully thought I had enough of an army to strike into their empire as well. After a decisive naval victory on my part, all the rarer due to my weaker ships ... my caravels were able to bring the priests and a few javellin to the far shores of the Dwarven Continent.

A very close battle ended with a loss for me at the gates of a huge dwarven city. Massive reinforcements from the underhome turned the tide ... and my priests were fallen. Without the presence of the hand ... my influence in this world grew dim. Heron's Throne was razed to embers, and I was shortly defeated by the dwarf king.

As mimic of the Kuriotates
Spoiler :

We began in the age of rebirth on a heavily forested peninsula, we settled the capital city of Kwythellar on a hill and sent scouts to explore the rest of Erebus, the scouts headed south and found, apart from a lizardman lair, an unoccupied land, satisfied and nowhere else to explore this dead end the scouts headed back to kwthellar to find the capital had expanded and grown quickly and with the news of the land to the south, The people of Kwthelar prepared settlers to found a new city.

Soon we met the other surviving nations of erebus to our north were the Atreides, a surviving remnant of the bannor empire their leader a Duke Atriede was, upon first impressions a lunatic who babbled about the "spices" and how it gave them religious visions, our eastern (and closer neighburs) the orcs of the Clan of Embers were different from the other orc savages that rampaged through our lands in that they spoke before clubbing, a remarkable quality among their race, to the south of the orcs came refugees to our capital city of Kywthellat they told us blood curdling tales of their oppresive leader and when the leader himself found out his people had fled to our lands he introduced himself as Nosferatu of the Calabim, the men he sent were strangely pale as were the refugees that fled their evil land. He told us not to heed the words of the refugees as they were considered mad, not entirely trsuting of this Nosferatu we gave the refugess housing in the city so they could escape their cruel past, the last leader we never met but only heard tales of, he was Markonian Logos a respected wise man and leader of the Elohim.

Our scouts continued to explore the land in hope of finding another city to settle, to the north east of kwythellar the scouts found Dragon Bones and the land looked suitable to build a city upon, there were plains which the scouts dubbed "the centauric plains" as from which much of our Centaur armies came from later however the Clan of Embers had the same idea in mind as us and settled a citty just east of where we intended to settle, they claimed their city was "Renegade Hill" rather than still build a city close to this renagades hill I thought it prudent to build somewhere else and so bade the settlers to found Avelorn on the coast, the orcs claimed the Dragon Bones but we also claimed much land through use of inspiring Legends amongst the people, and thus claimed the centauric plains.

Our city in the south was cut off from the capital for some time and had to endure lizardmen attacks time and time again, the cities in the north fared little better with barbarian goblins, orcs and lizardmen rampaging through the lands with no end in sight, we asked the leader of the clan of embers a so called Lghaard for permission to enter their land and destroy these breeding nests of the lizardmen, the orc found this highly amusing and predictably, refused. The kurios had no other choice than to adapt a more aggressive stance and build a larger military to defend their homes. The green horde kept coming and all work on the land was halted as workers were slain without mercy but our first victory against the orcs came soon as warriors from the southern city of Naggarond managed to slay the lizardfolk within one of their ruins, rather than explore the murky breeding ground of the cold blooded lizardmen the warriors opted for holding it instead and did so for many years. With the lizard threat to the south pacified the workers hiding in the citys up north evaded the greenskin horde and began working the land of Naggarond instead.

But it seemed one victory was one victory too many, possibly hearing about our success the feared orc chieftain Orthus personnaly entered our lands with a whole new horde of goblins and orcs (and the hated lizardmen) the poorly defended city of Avelorn rushed to train a sizeable force of warriors from which to repel this threat, but the green horde ignored the city and headed straight for Kwythellar, with newly trained archers the capital city held off the threat with ease but Orthus did not seem to want to attack with his brothers instead he roamed the countryside scaring workers back into hiding, strangely he did not attempt to pillage anything and wandered from village to village as if lost, while he did this more soldiers we're trained so that they could ambush and kill him once and for all, eventually the warriors and archers overwhelmed the beast and killed him in a grassland southeast of the captital. The only surviving archers took his axe and were named Royal Guard for their bravery and courage, with Orthus gone the rest of the horde seemed to lose heart and only a few lizardmen remained to attack us.

The warlord lghaard upon hearing of Orthus's death demanded to see his gravesite and sent fearesome wolf riders to our borders, to avoid a war with the clan we had our best scholars show the orcs Cartography so they could see his grave on the map. We decided to take precautions however and asked if we could count on aid from the fanatical Atreides if the orcs decided to war they rambled on about upholding the "faith" at any cost and agreed to help us, we began trade negotations with them that benefitted our nations for many years. Negotiations with the other nations didnt go so well, the orcs demenaded open borders and threatned us to never enter their land and while we traded maps with the elusive Calabim they bgean spreading rumours about the king afterwards, they attempted to claim he was corrupt and that was tricking the orcs with the matter of Orthus gravesite, the orc's paid no heed to the "Pales" however and we gladly showed them site of Orthus death, they seemed solemn upon reaching it and as we explained that Orthus had a mighty warriors death, hoping the orcs would be pacified was in vain however as we suspected they really wanted to measure our strength and to take orthus's mighty axe back.

Our fears were found true and upon finding the esteemed Royal Guard, the warlord Lghaard demanded we give the axe to him, we explained that the axe was a relic of our people and gave them strength but in order to avoid war we promised to trade something in exchange of theirs for it, the orc Lghaard tried intimidation by saying he'll trade the lives of everyone in Avelorn for the axe.

We refused to give in to his demands and orderd the cities to build up their defences in case of invasion, luckily the invasion never came. We can only suspect the warlord Lghaard was usurped by another tribal leader (as is the nature of orcs), the religion of the "spices" as it turned out was the Order and our people swiftly embraced it, seeing our chances with the orcs in dissaray with their change of leadership, the Atreides declared war on the Clan and our people did the same. The mysterious Elohim to the far east were reported to be following the goddess kilmorph now and the pale calabim to the southeast were godless still. The so called Nosferatu demanded a triple meeting of the empires of Kuriotates, Atreides, and Calabim to discus territorial arragments of the Clan of embers lands, he was informed him that we had no inention of keeping the land but only wanted to destroy the breeding grounds of the greenskins.

To aid the Atreides war we sent catapult's defended by swordsmen, However there was no source of metal from which to produce quality weapons and our soldiers were poorly equipped, fortunetly there was no end of Centaurs willing to charge into the fray and we began training them as quickly as possible, in the meantime the bannor walked through the Clans armies with ease taking city after city from them, wanting to help or for some ultior motive the Elohim wise man Markonian Logos declared war on the Clan also but it seemed at a heavy price as the Elohim war general Bambur was killed during a battle, not to be dettered by this the Elohim continued their war even as the Calabim forces advanced upon them, to avoid destruction at the hands of the calabim, Markonian iniated an ancient ritual of Sanctuary to keep their enemies at bay, infuriated at this the calabim leader Nosferatu withdrew.

We orderd a strike force of centaurs to escort more catapult's into clan lands to aid the Atreides in taking Braduk the Burning, the so called renegade hill had fallen to Atreide fanatics and they were said to have blessed our army with a holy fury as they passed through, on the way to Braduk the force found one of the ruins of the lizardmen that still plagued our nation and the were ordered to explore and clear it out once and for all. In the depths of the ruin the centaurs reportedly found ancient dwarves fighting lizardmen it seemed as if these were some of the last dwarves alive in the age of rebirth although we had heard tales of some in the Elohim lands, we agreed to help the dwarves kill the lizardmen and then led them to the surface, either gone mad from being underground for so long or going mad at seeing daylight they proceeded to pillage the clan lands before finally being destroyed by Clan wolf riders.

Our small army proceeded to Braduk without further incident and found the city still under siege although the Atreides employed no siege weapons in their tactics our catapults were a welcome addition, standing guard over the city was a single mighty ogre, but blessed with holy fury two of the centuars charged the beast, the first escaped befoing being killed but the second charging centaur dealt the Ogre a mortal wound, furious the beast slew the cenatur but was then finished off by an Atreide hero named Valin Phaneul.

Our swordsmen took the city and offered it in exchange for the "renegade hill" the honourable Duke Atreide accepted and also traded with us the bronze metal we needed in exchange for kuriotate fine clothes. The city was not kept ours for long however as the calabim Nosferatu leader finally reared his ugly head.

He came from the shadowy lands to the south of Renegade Hill with an army of soul drinking monsters and demanded the city with no choice er had to aqcuise to his demand and handed the city over to it's fate. Knowing that the army would be cut off when the calabim expanded their borders the centaurs were forced to sprint back to kuriotate territory, the swordsmen were left behind with the catapult to hold the city of Braduk the Burning with the Atreides.

The once wise leader of the Elohim, Markonian Logos decided to war once more with the calabim and forced a venerable archmage Corlindale into military service, the Arch Mage was swiflty silenced by the calabim and the rest of the elohims army with him, the Elohim leader then proclaimed senile by the other leaders of erebus claimed he saw the light and that the long dead Bambur was talking to him, scholars questioned why a peaceful monk would go to war twice and came up with a conclusion, Markonian claimed he was doing Kilmorphs work but he simply wanted more land to fuel his empire and in his old age had become the pawn of Mammon, god of greed.

With our nation converted to the Empyrean,we offered to send an emmissary of Lugus to reveal the manipulative webs around him but long into his madness he continued to babble about the light, and how he was having tea with Corlindale, presumably another form mammon had taken to manipulate the once wise man. Before we could act the world was thrown into another war with the Atreides declaring war on the vampiric Calabim. The hero Valin Phaneul was slain then and the morale of all the Atreides was sapped away.

I fear the vampiric servants of Aeron have won this day with nothing to hold them back the peaceful Kuriotates will soon fall and the leader of the elohim should be in an asylum.

Any stories I've missed or any new ones tell me and I will put them in this post.
I got my game to patch, finally. I went through the same problem when we patchedto 3.17, although I hadnt remembered it until all seemed to be lost.

Apparantly, firaxis set it up in such a way that the Digital copies sponsored by Direct2Drive need a special Digital Patch which is, for the most part, ONLY sponsored by Direct2Drive.

The good news is that D2D doesnt actually charge for patches, only the original version, it is merely an incentive to keep ... coming ... back.
yes, 3.19 41. b ... the newest install is what we are running our MP games on
There was a great game the other day, where The Sidar were fighting a losing battle against the aggresive hoardes of the Malakim and the Baselraph. All was thought lost until Hyborem was summoned into the world. With the help of Agares, Sidar was aboe to avert their own destruction, although victory seemed impossible. Eventually the Clown army moved to take another of my cities, SO I was able to retake the Ashen Veil holy city.

If the Sidar didnt have heroic epic or shrine of the champion in their capital, they would of surely been vanquished. As it was, the Malakim leader died of old age ... and leaderless, it seems they were taken under the fold of Perpentach, and the tiny nation of Sidar was forgottone about. Historians got bored after this, and erebus was placed under eternal pause once the Malakim leader died of old age.

There was also a magical caste of Amurites helping the Sidar, they fought the Malakim in limited bouts, for the most part their contribution was after the Sidar and Malakim had wiped each other out, while the Balseraph was largely unaffected.
well, there are currently 4 of us on the Hamachi client ... waiting for more
We ended up starting rather late today, played with 5 people.

The Sidar player ended up dying in the first few turns, and we ended up having to go on without him because he dissapeared. There was a massive desert in the middle of the map, on the east was Me the Svartalphar, and the Kuriotates led by Lgaard.

on the other side, to the west, were the Dwaves and the Ljosalphar. I spied on the Kurios near constantly ...while building up my legions of hunters and assasins. Once the Kurios centaurs were away, off fighting barbs or Cennunos knows what, only a few warriors were guarding his glorious city of Kwythellar.

On the day of the invasion ... 10 thousand assasins waited, hidden within the jungles of Ponius Peak. Just beyond the jungles were the vast plains blonging to The kuriotates. Even tho we were powerful, its always possible to makes mistakes, so we must spare no expense. We waited until Nightfall. Then, we scurried accross the Plains, and hid in a massive Orchard just outside the Capital's walls. A few of us disguised ourselves as peasants, and enterd the city. We spent the night resting, hidden, cold, without fires, keeping sentries and killing any who came near. Meanwhile, the best of us, the Sisters of the Night, began disuising themselves as city guards, killing some and capturing others. Come daybreak, the sisters, wearing helmets, used their best voice control techniques to scare the hells out of the remaining guards. They fiegned that some army was out destroying the villagers, and they showed a couple bodies of their kinsmen, saying that they were just some of the casualties, and to help those still fighting.

Bewildered, the Guard Captains roused the garrison, and sent the troops out of the city gates in order to help fight this menace, not really certain what the menace was. The had no idea what awaited them. Half of the Assasins slung their arrows and fired into the flank of the disorganized collumn. As they turned to face their attackers, the other half rose from the grass and bushes, where they had been laying, and started slicing into the enemy with poisoned daggers.

It was then the hunters turn, and they sent their massive beasts to mow down any that tried to organize a decent resistance. The plan went off without a hitch, and the entire force was obliterated, with panickers captured for questioning and detainment.

The force walking into the city was only a small percentage of the assasins who attacked that day. Most were hidden in the shadows, walking under the streets, patrolling the walls when no one was looking. Those who didnt learn to fear the assasins soon did. It took some time, but eventually the citizenry learned to appreciate the Svartalphar way of life, and some grew to relish it.

Peace was had with the Remaining Kuriotate empire, and soon we were able to bring them to see the way of leaves in the way we did.

... the rest of the game was massive build up of economies, with the two elven civs being technology giants, and the Dwarves being Productoin Giants.
The Khazad started to send respectable army contingents into the deserts ... aiming them at the Svartalfar borders. At one time there were four such armies in the desert, were them to join as one ... they would make a massive, fearsome dwarven killing machine. As it were, one of the four, the one with Bambur, decided to camp on my borders, within feet of my massive encampment of assasins and the like. I let them set up camp, I waited till they were asleep, and then I sent my assasins to surround them while they were sleeping. Then, I sent a horde of nightmarish Illusions into their camp, knocking down tents, scaring people, and de-rigging their catapults. The troops were so scared, they practically came running outside with their pants down. IT was then that my assasins struck, using all the confusion to kill every soldier and every seige crew present. Finally, Bambur stood alone, and the mighty Baron looked him in the eye ... and was about to attack when the next army started to approach, it was becoming dawn, and the Baron knew he was going to be weaker duringthe day. As such, he withdrew with the assasins, and, with a snide grin, bid Bambur good luck as he slipped away in the creeping day.
Yeah, FFHRP seems to be full a lot. Odd.

I've replaced my CvGameUtils.py and PythonCallbacksDefines.xml files with the ones found in Turinturabar Better Economic AI mod. Does anyone know if that would cause an OOS when trying to play the game?
It would most likely cause OOS errors.

On another note, there is also the DasUberFFH network. However, try again to join FFHRP as well

It may prove efficient for people to leave a network after a game, especially if they will be gone for several weeks ect, and then rejoin when they are ready to play again. This may be the best way to see a higher percentage of actives.
Tasunke, you and Marco can kick people for space in FFHRP if need be.

DrPepper836, if any of your game files are slightly different it will cause oos, so you should put those files back to normal if you want to join a mp game. It's easier to just create a separate FfH directory for every different modmod you have although it does take up more space.
Quite the intersting game vs ABC. I must wonder tho, do the Kuriotates start off with water mana? If so he could of sprung those sands back to life.

I mean, I easily won, but it was really Chalid and not me, imho :D

I really like using my Shadows to disrupt his operations and transportation, that felt pretty cool in a James Bond sort of way, divide and conquer, whatnot.

I cant tell wether it was more against the lore to found Esus in the EMpy holy city, or if it worked perfectly as a double agent Schema. Either way, Im glad we were able to kill the AI without causing Armageddon. It might be a good Idea to turn the Armageddon Counter off for such games.
ok, I am currently in the Hamachi, although the others appear to be afk at the moment
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