FFH2: The Grinning Jester


Apr 28, 2006
The gale-swept forests of Finland
This thread has been long overdue. The Paradise Team, check in.

There was some discussion on how to implement Perpentach's loony nature, but no outcome. I suggest we forget about complex variants with lots of dice-rolling and just encourage playing in what the player deems to be Balseraph-style.

Reverend Oats

I believe this was the suggested roster for this game. I think a sixth player would be welcome.

Let's get this game underway.
Checking in my dear
the frenzy is near
all their eyes glow
as they follow our show.
I'd like to have a go at FFH but I don't even know how to load the mod so you might be better off without a FFH noob.

Edit: Unvolunteering. I'll leave it to the clever people. At some point I'll download the (rather large) mod and play a solo game (or two).
Which version do we play ? Shall we go wirth the brand new 0.32a or with the rather bug-free 0.31e ? I'm fine either way as I have every current version from 0.30 to 0.32 installed...
I say .32; there are no major bugs except a large amount of constellation events.
I'm not playing, so don't know if my opinion matters, but I'd still suggest .32 too for one reason:

Rewrote the AI_getStrategyHash function to base decisions on FfH functions instead of vanilla configuration.

The worst part of FfH is definitely the weak AI and hopefully this along with the other AI changes in .32 should begin to remedy that issue.

-Non-variant play, but you may get flogged if you don't go nuts now and then.

-Version 0.32a.


This would be our roster. Uber hasn't checked in yet, but hopefully we'll hear from him soon. I can start the game on Thursday. Suggestions about map choices are welcome.
I would prefer Big and Small or Pangea, large or huge size. Agg Ai, No Ai Building Reqs and Living world as specials.
Not particularly worried by the map type but maybe tone the difficult down to Emporer or Monarch, to allow maximum crazy play. Maybe have one variant that if the insane trait kicks in and changes you have to re-tool the empire appropriately (how often do they change?)

I downloaded 0.32 yesterday but haven't played yet. Might run a few turns of a Perpy game to see how it runs
I agree with Ozzy. I think Emp would be better.
Fish above all, we're waiting for you to check in.
Rex Regis of Ter, it's not up to me but I'm sure you can join.
The settings:


No vassal states and living world are on. I left NoAIbuildingreqs off. This is emperor and the AI is supposed to have a clue in this version. This is patch c, by the way.


The scouts had returned from the west. Their leader entered Perpentach's tent, hoping that his tidings would count as good news.

As he stepped inside, Perpentach looked up from his fingers and chirped: "Report."

"My Lord", the scout began, "we've found a wondrous place for our people to settle! It's located quite far to the west, but there's the sparkling sea, and a great river. There are horned beasts that are good to eat. There are also other beasts. They are gray, massive and have great tusks...

"Elephants", Perpentach interrupted him. "There are elephants?"
"Uh, yes", the scout ventured.

Perpentach grabbed his signal horn and started cavorting around the tent, cackling madly, pausing occasionally to blow the horn. "Elephants", he exclaimed.

"Right, indeed my Lord. Elephants." Looking harried, the scout continued: "Even further west there are plains of plen-" A deafening note from the horn cut him off. With an inward sigh, he stepped outside and gave the order to break camp.

So the Grand Jubilee was founded.


Suggested research path:


Our surroundings:


I didn't have time to play much. Graduation party coming up tomorrow and that means cleaning. Immy can get the game really going.


Imhotep - up
Reverend - on deck
Uberfish - not checked in
Ozbenno - spot up for grabs


Unfortunately I'm with a PC that weekend that can't handle FfH (it's at my parent's house and does handle BtS only barely). So I need a swap. Monday things should get back to normal...
I'll swap. Will play tomorow. 10, 25, or 20 turns?
I think that the best policy with turnsets is "play until a stopping point comes up." Especially in these FFH SGs, where there are plenty of turns for everyone.
I can't open the save. Maybe because I'm using patch d? But I don't remember Kael saying it broke saved games.
Edit- It was patch "B."
I played on patch c. It seems that patch d is the latest. Dammit the patching is fast. We've got to get everyone onto the same patch before this game can go anywhere. We've got to roll up a new game now.

Also, we've still got two free spots.
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