FFH2: Total Victory Mode


Mar 13, 2007
Victoria, BC
Total Victory Mode:

Sevo made a great mod for Vanilla Civ 4 awhile back called Sevo's Mastery Victory (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=189388). It combined all the victory types into one victory, allowing you to get the most out of a game. I enjoy playing his mod and recently started to play FFH2 and decided "hey, why not incorporate that idea into FFH2?"

So here it is! My mod for FFH2based on Sevo's Mastery mod.


Current Version of FFH2 Supported: Version 0.21f

Download FFH2: Total Victory 1.0.3b: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4454
-- temporary download location: http://members.shaw.ca/golawaya/FFH - Total Victory.rar


If you have never played or used Mastery before, here is a quick run down on how it works. When Total Victory is checked as a victory type (make sure all the other types are on as well so the AI knows what to do), the game will play out much in the way a time game plays out. The main difference is that points are given for each of the other victories you achieve. For example, if you build the Tower of Mastery or if you control most of the land and population, for example, you get points. At the end of the timed game, the points are added up and the winner is decided.

The victory option works on the following ideas:

* Victory should only be judged at the end of the game (time frame)
* It should score civs on multiple different factors that require maximum development of the empire
* Along that line, it should rank players who score highly across many measures better than players who score very well in one area at the sacrifice of other aspects of the game.
* It should allow for a civ that doesn't warmonger to compete more evenly with civs that do while still leaving military battles a central part of the game.
* It should balance a historical and unchangeable component of the score with another component that can rapidly change in the late stages of the game.

As mentioned above, at the end of the game, points are calculated and the winner is decided. The points work as follows:

* Land - 1 point per % of landmass controlled by team.
* Population - 1 point per % of total planet population possessed by team.
* Culture - 1 point per % of total planet culture belonging to team.
* Religion - 1 point per % of world religion if you control the religion's holy city. Only the top religion you control is scored, so second and third holy cities will not increase your score (but will prevent other civs from gaining points from them).
* Power - Your civ's power is summed throughout all of history. 1 point awarded for each % of the total summed power of all the surviving civs on earth. While power increases throughout time, this does mean that you'll be scored for your military for the whole game span.
* Wonders - 1 point per % of world wonders CONSTRUCTED by the civ, not owned! The game keeps track of who actually builds the wonders as opposed to those who capture them. Wonder benefits are still granted to whoever currently possess the wonders. This makes the investment of a wonder more meaningful and more realistic.
* Legendary Cities - Any city achieving Legendary status grants 30 bonus points. (You can have one, you can have five; you'll receive 30 points for each one you build).
* Tower of Mastery - The first Civ to complete the Tower of Mastery will receive 100 points. Each Civ to complete it after that will receive 100 / the order they complete it. (ie/ 2nd place will get 50, 3rd will get 33, 4th 25)
* Altar of Luonnatar - Same as the Tower of Mastery.

What's the catch? You have to survive till the end to get points. If you are defeated, you get no points.

Important Notes:
* The only exception is the conquest victory, which will still trigger like normal (in testing I found it way to boring to sit and pass 200+ turns while you waited for the game to end)
* In order for the AI to properly archive other victory types, all victory modes MUST be enabled
* If you unselect Total Victory, the victory modes will function like normal


A huge thank you goes out to Sevo for the concept and some of the code (I reused parts of his original code)

Thank you for downloading and enjoy my mod!

- Gola'Waya
In Development:
  • Point Rebalance: Tower of Mastery (100pts) Minor Towers (5pts each)
  • Point Rebalance: Altar of Luonntar Final Reduced (80pt) Each Altar gives points (1 for I, 2 for II, 3 for III, etc)

Drawing Board:
Hell Terrain Points
Evil Players get points for each square of hell terrain​
Customizable Options
Configure Points and Max Turns​


Tell me what you think of the mod and/or possible changes. I am interested to hear any ideas you all have to improve or rebalance this mod.

Thanks again
Gola, Great work. Everything is cleared commented and easy to find(at least in the SDK, I just started to work on it)... which is just super professional.
I did run into an anomaly though. in CvPlayer.cpp in your version, it has some text added by Kael on 3/1 and is missing some about one block down that in my core files shows Kael added on 3/15... I'll keep hunting around for similar things, I haven't seen anything that should cause any trouble...

EDIT:: Thats the only incendent that I saw.. I wonder now if it was intentional?

Looks interesting. I'll definitely give it a try when I'm done with my current game!
Gola, Great work. Everything is cleared commented and easy to find(at least in the SDK, I just started to work on it)... which is just super professional.
I did run into an anomaly though. in CvPlayer.cpp in your version, it has some text added by Kael on 3/1 and is missing some about one block down that in my core files shows Kael added on 3/15... I'll keep hunting around for similar things, I haven't seen anything that should cause any trouble...

EDIT:: Thats the only incendent that I saw.. I wonder now if it was intentional?


Lemme double check my source and Kael's. It is possible I removed it by mistake. I will let you know in 1/2 hour (downloading a fresh copy of the FFH2 SDK)

Edit: okay, that's a my bad. Appears when I upgraded my SDK info from 0.21 to 0.21c cvPlayer.cpp was not copied over. I am updating it now, building a new DLL and should have the correction up in 10 minutes

Edit: Update: okay, new DLL is up, updated SDK files and verified there were no other changes I missed. Thanks BlazeRedSXT for spotting that bug :-)
i think tower of mastery shoud get much more points since its never going to be completed by two people and its nearly impossible to get especially when all 21 mana types are added
i think tower of mastery shoud get much more points since its never going to be completed by two people and its nearly impossible to get especially when all 21 mana types are added

I tend to agree with you, trying to get a tower of mastery victory is a pain (at best). Perhaps if the initial point count got raised to 150? I put the idea up in my idea section, so I am curious if anyone else agree's with this.
I would say, rather than giving too much extra to the ToM, give about 4-5 points for each of the 4 lesser towers as well.
I like the idea a lot, and I should think it'd be easy to incorporate w/o side effects into the full mod.
I would say, rather than giving too much extra to the ToM, give about 4-5 points for each of the 4 lesser towers as well.
I like the idea a lot, and I should think it'd be easy to incorporate w/o side effects into the full mod.

I didn't even think to try that, lemme do some quick code changes and see how that looks. This gets me toying with the idea of lowering the final point value for the Altar and giving points for each lower rank of the altar you build. I will drop both of these on the ideas section.

Thanks for the contribution!
Awesome! I'll give that a try! It's rare though that our games play out until the very end, in multiplayer. Typically there's a clear winner before that.
Update: posted 1.0.2, fixed a bug with CvGame.cpp where if you disabled the Total Victory Option, it would cause the game to end after 10 turns.

I do not know if 1.0.2 is compatible with 0.21d (Kael has not posted the 0.21d SDK so as far as I can tell there are no SDK changes to 0.21d from 0.21c) If this changes, I will update it then.

I am still working on a rebalance of the mod (point balance change) should have a 1.1.0 done soon.
Updated to be compatible with 0.21d. A quick note for mod-makers, none of the SDK files that were changed by me (for this mod) were changed from 0.21c to 0.21d. Minor changes were done to the CvEventManager.py
this is excately what I've been looking for - without knowing it.
thanks a lot for this mod!
I'd temporarily remove the Altar of Luonnotar from the maths, until there is a counterpart for evil civs. I'll be sure to try this mod the next game :)
In Blaze's Maxmod for FFH2 that includes your mod, there is a bug that I beleive is tied to your mod. The Civ's with the Adaptive traits do not work correctly when you don't select Total Victory as an option. The way they don't work is that you are never asked to choose a trait. I'm just posting here in hopes you may be able to help figure out what is causing the issuse. Thanks.

In regards to your question/concern, during my testing of my mod as a stand-alone mod, I did not notice any issues arising such as you are reporting. I made no changes that should affect the game in the way you indicated. though I will not rule anything out. Due to constraints on my time from work and as I do not have Civ 4 installed anymore at the present, there is not much I can do or suggest to you. While I did give permission for my mod to be included in Blaze's mod I cannot begin to offer support for it within Blaze's mod as I cannot be certain of how it interacts with the other mods included. I would suggest contacting the author of Blaze's mod for support, I left enough comments in my source code to try and make everything as clear as possible.

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