Fidel Castro dead

Canada is not remotely Communist. There are communist parties both provincially and federally that turn up in a small scattering of ridings, but they're extremely fringe, and only a few people ever vote for them.
Not only that, but the official Communist Party, of which Trudeau was supposedly a member, isn't even the most successful; in the 2015 elections, they got around half as many as the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), who are a pro-Albanian breakaway, which is to say, a bunch of weirdos even by the standards of people who hang pictures of Stalin above their bed. That is not a party with its tentacles deep in the workings of Canadian government.
Tentacles? You're a Commie so you should know. Are they really in league with Cthulhu to bring about the end of the world as we know it?
Cthulu is a Revisionist. Long live Marxism-Leninism-Yog Sothoth Thought!
I'll drink a pint of Shoggoth's Old Peculiar to that.

Now, getting back to business, I agree with Cutlass. The Castro regime has been an abomination. Why and how the hell has the government of the U.S. of A. managed to find itself supporting scum who were very, very often as bad, if not worse, just to counteract his influences? Selling weapons to Iran (!) to then bankroll anti-leftist guerillas should be probably the lowest points but, alas, it is not.
Canadian liberals use red, therefore, Canadian liberals are communist. Flawless logic

Cthulu is a Revisionist. Long live Marxism-Leninism-Yog Sothoth Thought!

You should be put to the wall for this treason against the motherland. Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Cthulhuism!
I'll drink a pint of Shoggoth's Old Peculiar to that.

Now, getting back to business, I agree with Cutlass. The Castro regime has been an abomination. Why and how the hell has the government of the U.S. of A. managed to find itself supporting scum who were very, very often as bad, if not worse, just to counteract his influences? Selling weapons to Iran (!) to then bankroll anti-leftist guerillas should be probably the lowest points but, alas, it is not.
When you think it hits the rock bottom, you bring out a drill and dig further.
Canadian liberals use red, therefore, Canadian liberals are communist. Flawless logic
The French have red in their flags and that's why they have a Socialist in charge. Hey, it even happened to 'Murica for the last eight years.
west india man said:
You should be put to the wall for this treason against the motherland. Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Cthulhuism!
Motherland? I thought Communism was supposed to be internationalplanetary.
When you think it hits the rock bottom, you bring out a drill and dig further.
This is the ‘drill, baby, drill’ mentality, eh?
I don't know whether Castro's regime was unusually "evil", per se, but they did cooperate with the Soviets to precipitate the Cuban Missile Crisis. They were a threat to the U.S. that needed to be weakened. And the sanctions did do that. But Cuba was neither at odds with Canada, nor did they have nuclear missiles within 100 miles of them.
Threats to the US don't necessarily need to be weakened

The French have red in their flags and that's why they have a Socialist in charge. Hey, it even happened to 'Murica for the last eight years

Donald Trump is a Republican, they use red, therefore, Trump is a communist infiltrator

Motherland? I thought Communism was supposed to be internationalplanetary.

The motherland is the universe. All glory to FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY GAY SPACE COMMUNISM
I don't know whether Castro's regime was unusually "evil", per se, but they did cooperate with the Soviets to precipitate the Cuban Missile Crisis. They were a threat to the U.S. that needed to be weakened.
See, that's what Castro said about the US., that it was a threat to Cuba and needed to be weakened. Not immediately obvious why his argument had any less merit, at the time.
And back in the day Castro kept trying to egg Khrushchev on to further his favourite tactic of brinkmanship.

Also, yes, it was and is. It has regularly provided moral support and justification for generations of authoritarian governments that plundered their own countries -the results of the latest wave you can still see, and I am not luiz!
As opposed to governments which have plundered both their own and other countries?

That these justifications worked, that the United States has made such a nuisance of itself in Latin America that people prefer whatever tinpot strongman can most convincingly waive the flag, is simply a comment on how deeply screwed up the whole region is, and how little American stewardship has done to improve things. That hardly comes down to Castro personally, or even to the Cuba regime as a whole, even if they seem to be the star pupil.
Well, they each laundered one another's dirty proceedings for a fee, does that count as plundering?

(this feels as if I were still playing Rise of Nations)
The OAS (who was basically the Panamerican Congress) voted unanimously in 1962 to suspend Cuba, and that includes Canada. It was a different world in 1962.
Your flag is red.
Our flag is red and white.

Canadian liberals use red, therefore, Canadian liberals are communist. Flawless logic
True thing that happened during the election last year. The Elections Canada workers were hired the same way they were back when I was a Deputy Returning Officer. The incumbent MP's people got to do the hiring, and anyone who couldn't convince them that they supported the incumbent had a pretty low chance of being hired. I had plenty of experience, but the interviewer asked me if I was a party member. She immediately said, "Oops, I wasn't supposed to ask that... but now that I did...?" and obviously expected an affirmative answer. I told her truthfully that I had known the incumbent for many years because he used to be one of my high school biology teachers. She beamed at me, accepting that as an indication that of course I would be voting Canadian Alliance (the forerunner of the current Conservative Party of Canada after they hijacked the Progressive Conservatives). I got the job.

I suspect a similar hiring practice went on last year, because the shenanigans in some polling stations were unbelievable. The Harperites were so determined to win, and the EC workers so poorly trained, that at one polling station the PDRO (person in charge of the polling station) demanded that the Canadian flag be taken down from the flag pole outside the building. At another polling station the PDRO became livid at seeing some of the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks wearing Canadian flag or maple leaf lapel pins (in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Canadian flag), and demanded that they remove the pins. When some of them didn't want to, she said, "Remove them, or you're fired."

These idiots evidently did not understand the part of the training that dealt with campaign literature. Posters and buttons in the polling station - forbidden. EC workers wearing partisan clothing such as a T-shirt - forbidden. But these twits decided that because the Canadian flag has the color red in it, and since the official color of the Liberal party is red, that meant that our country's flag is the equivalent of Liberal campaign literature.

Another absurd thing someone mentioned on CBC was that at one polling station, a scrutineer was thrown out of the polling station because her hair was dyed red. Funny thing... she was there for the Conservatives.

This all led to a series of comments on about partisan colors. One woman stated that "My polling station is next to the Atlantic, which is blue. I demand that the ocean be drained immediately, so it doesn't influence how people vote." Another person demanded that all the leaves be raked in his riding, because they were orange, and he didn't want that to influence anyone to vote NDP. And of course there were comments about the problem of the color of the sky - blue=Conservative, and grey=Bloc or "Other" (the colors used on the newscasts).
"I demand that the ocean next to the polling station be drained because it is blue.". LOL!

But you know what makes that polling process stand head-and-shoulders above this U.S. election? That you actually know all this.

What do we know of all the poll-watching and ballot-counting that went on in the U.S. election? Not a whole lot. Anything at all?
Re: Castro's plunder - the secret history of the relationship between fidel Castro and Pablo Escobar
Salient points translated on the fly: John Jairo Velázquez a.k.a. ‘Popeye’ has published an autobiography. There he claims -among other things- that the route to Florida, for some two years, was Colombia-Mexico-Cuba-Florida, and that the Cubans (he calls Raúl Castro a serious, enterprising man) took in 10-12,000 kilograms of cocaine per shipment in an operation organised by General Arnaldo Ochoa and official Tony de la Guardia, on the direct orders of Raúl Castro. The fees the Cubans are quoted as charging were USD 2,000 for every kilo transported and USD 200 for every kilo in custody. Eventually the DEA was onto them and they were forced to use other routes after one of their shipments was seized.
The OAS (who was basically the Panamerican Congress)
Right, no.

x-post with Valka: last year, the pro-Castro Argentine government's media outlets procalimed a victory even before polling stations had closed. And they were wrong in any event, but incumbents rigging the vote in their favour is, sadly, the norm.
Say what you want, however, these are some of the benefits of Fidel's choice of government (Communism): free post-secondary education, free medical and dental care, paid sick days and vacation days (annually), guaranteed jobs for everyone willing to work. Communism dissalowed: public owning guns, labor strikes, joblessness, porn(as a part of capitalist decadence).
Well, those were not all bad things/ideas, now were they?

After the fall of Communism, I notice that the Rich are gradually getting Richer, while the Middle Class and the Lower Class are getting Poorer...
Where do you think such state of affairs might lead to, one of these days?
The day will come when a new revolution will start, except against armies and robots, the 21st century proletariat won't be able to accomplish much.
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