Finally, a bunch of feminists whom I can agree with!


Aug 26, 2001
Mountain View, California, USA
I just came across this brilliant feminist website.

For the first time, I actually saw how feminism could be stripped of all the bullcrap it had accumulated over the years.

The thing I found most encouraging was the complete - and I mean it, COMPLETE - lack of the "Look at me, I'm the poor victim!" attitude.

No bullcrap, no victim mentality, no entitlement attitude, no glorification of some pathetic feminine ideal, no cooked-up pseudo-scientific theories about "the greatness of the female sex" being used for "feel-good" reasons, no hatred of men, complete honesty, and a total lack of tolerance for nonsense.

I'd like others to comment on this.

The link.

EDIT: Fantastic. The autocensor messes up the link. OK, note that the actual site rhymes with heartless-beaches.
Your link is being censored by CFC's profanity filter, even within url tags. You will have to use Tinyurl or a similar service.
Looking at the site now.

You should note Aneeshm, that the link doesn't work because of the profanity in the web address. Which is kind of annoying.


Here's the big one:
I've been reading for a few minutes now. That site is officially awesome and has my resounding endorsement. :clap:

Ninjaed you, Elrohir! ;)
I just came across this brilliant feminist website.

For the first time, I actually saw how feminism could be stripped of all the bullcrap it had accumulated over the years.

The thing I found most encouraging was the complete - and I mean it, COMPLETE - lack of the "Look at me, I'm the poor victim!" attitude.

No bullcrap, no victim mentality, no entitlement attitude, no glorification of some pathetic feminine ideal, no cooked-up pseudo-scientific theories about "the greatness of the female sex" being used for "feel-good" reasons, no hatred of men, complete honesty, and a total lack of tolerance for nonsense.
That doesn't sound like feminism. That sounds more like equality.
I've decided I'm going to start talking as though sex-positive feminism is the only type of feminism that exists.

I mean, everyone else acts as if their definition is somehow exclusive, so why shouldn't I?
Nice. But I think I've only met one or two such women.
Well the I one I know is a damn hot redhead. (well ginger, truth be told) With a brain too, you can talk to her about intellectual stuff. Though I might have played the sexist arrogant handsome bastard personality around her too much.

Meh....women, cant live with them.......the end.
It's too big to give a resounding approval after a few minutes perusal, but I liked the articles I read.

"One-Note Whinging Not So Nice Guys" showed a remarkable degree of insight, in my opinion. There really are a lot of useless clods among my sex that make a lifetime carrer of abusing women though psychological warfare and flat-out meanness. I'm glad to see women who can easily recognise these misogynists straight away and not waste time on them.

Besides, there are enough of us men who really are nice guys and who really do like women. There is not reason at all for women to settle for creeps.
looks like a site for whiners whining about whiners whining.
It's good to see that there's a no bullcrap site that doesn't constantly try to show the superiority of the fairer sex.

there's this one that I'm a bit ambivalent about:

Have you HAD IT with people telling you that you are TOO LOUD, TOO ASSERTIVE, or TOO OPINIONATED?

I've met a person who fits those three descriptions and she happens to be a woman. I don't, however, dislike her due to the fact that she's a woman and has these traits. I just find the traits themselves to be annoying and counterproductive. Also about the sappy love poem things, they really are a matter of personal taste. They shouldn't have to correlate to that mushy, emotionally weak female stereotype.
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