United in diversity
Is it impossible to you to believe in God and to not wear the veil ? We're talking about small kids here ! I don't see where atheism is promoted in here ! People are the same believers, there's no promotion of anything except the refusal of fundamentalism.Chirac is promoting Athiesm in public schools, which is as bad as promoting Christianity in public schools.
Really, I don't see where people can find any promotion of atheism in here. I'm jew, I believe in God, I've been raised in French public school, I've never felt any pressures on me to make me think God doesn't exist or anything else !! That sounds actually as a great shock to me to imagine such a thing... and to be honnest, I consider the french public school doesn't deserve such an insult.
I remember when I was at the University in my first year. A girl was wearing a black niqab (a kind of black ghost suit for people who doesn't know the word). I have really no opposition about it since she was over 18 and then we can consider her choice to be done freely. However, I must admit I felt sorry for her. She was always alone... when we wanted to talk with her, she was scared and just flee...
Of course everyone must remain free to wear a niqab and it would inadmissible to ban it. Actually this would be totally against the freedom of religions. However, the decision of wearing such a dress must be taken by a responsible person, and I can't consider children to be enough responsible to do so inside public school. We are not enough responsible to vote or to drink alcohol as a kid. I consider that kind of choice to be the same.