Originally posted by Kinniken
Funny that you would attack Akka for using a "petty debating technique" - and use exactly the same in the same post
Yeah, I just noticed that. Oops. My apologies to Akka for attacking his debating technique, though I do have problems with someone comparing Islam to an ancient irrelevant religion.
Originally posted by Kinniken
Not women, MrPresident. Little girls.
What about little women? The terminology doesn't really matter. They are female and they're under the age of 18.
Originally posted by Kinniken
And you can say what you want
Originally posted by Kinniken
You are not trying to protect the rights of the schoolgirls to express their religion, but that of their families to impose the veil on them.
The imposement of clothing on a child is a matter for the parents, not the state. If a parent tells a kid to wear non-brand name clothes the state should not get invovled despite the fact that the kid will probably suffer socially because of this. If the "little girl" is abused as a result of not wearing the veil then the state should, of course, step in to stop it.
Originally posted by Kinniken
Some muslims, nearly always male, believe that if their wife is treated by a male doctor, she is sinning and are thus demanding that public hospitals, even in cases of emergency, have a woman doctor treat them. If none is available, they want the woman to wait. I honestly ask you, should a democratic state allow that in the name of freedom of religion?
Health of the woman overrides family concerns. However if the women demands to be treated by only a female doctor then you have a slight ethnical problem. I don't want people treated agains their wishes but then I don't want them to die. I suspect this is one of those problems which needs a greater mind than I.
Originally posted by Kinniken
It is about preventing families from imposing a costume which prevents the girls from interacting normally with other children.
So this law prevents families from imposing a costume on Muslim girls by imposing a law. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy in this? Also many Muslim women, and this includes the few I have spoke to about this, want to wear the veil. They consider it part of their faith. Why deny them this? Because you know better? This is parental government gone way too far.
Originally posted by Kinniken
Students who pick on people of other religions are usually banned
Students who pick on any person, regardless of religion, are usually banned. Religion has nothing to do with bullying. Children will always bully other children.
Originally posted by 10Seven
I've always felt that a parent's apparent need to indoctrinate their children from a young age stems from an insecurity in their own faith.
So my father insistence that I listen to "his" music stems from his insecurity in his own musical tastes? Hmm...interesting.
Originally posted by 10Seven
My experience is that christian people tend to shove their beliefs down everyone's throats
I don't think that is limited to just Christians. In my experience vegetarians are the worst, and they literally do shove stuff down your throat.
Originally posted by Kinniken
Now, we cannot stop parents or brothers from forcing them to wear the veil at home or in the streets.
Why not?