Finland's party-loving PM Sanna Marin is forced to apologise after compromising photo released

They were locked and hidden, and cannot be viewed let alone bumped.

A tragedy to the archivists and historical fappers everywhere.
I've read several different accounts of this party, and I still don't understand the outrage. Yes, perhaps the prime minister of a country should be more discreet about their personal activities. But the PM didn't break Covid protocols, like another PM did. There was nothing illegal going on and everyone at the party was an adult, at from what I read. So it's a big nothing burger. It's all about a female PM and the insane expectations women face in high profile positions.

If it happened here on government property it's not a good look.

Espicially with the economy. It's a let them eat cake type situation partying on government property while the plebs struggle.

If it was at her personal house no one would care to much.
If it happened here on government property it's not a good look.
Well, yes and no. I don’t know how the Finnish PM lives, but if they’re anything like America with living quarters in the center of government, there’s that fuzzy line between the private space and the public space.

What’s my point? I forgot. I really don’t care. I’m not Finnish, I don’t plan on being Finnish. They could be fascist anarchists. It still doesn't change the fact that I don't own a car.
Sure, not the point though. The point was the difference between Finland & its immediate neighbours and western Europe in general which is still filled with constitutional monarchies where the power is in the PM's hands and the republics more likely to have a MC as a President rather than an actual head of state. In case people are aware of this, excellent & kudos to them but I'm not expecting so as Finland is still often referred to as a part of Scandinavia and whatnot. The number of those people who think Finland is ran from the Soviet Embassy has at least dropped significantly since the 80s.
The closest President driven equivalent in Europe used to be France and might still be - I'm not too familiar with the internals of the former Soviet block apart from the Baltic states.
Oh Ive gotcha now, you meant it's a semi presidential system, that's not the impression I got before as I actually thought you were describing a parliamentary republic.

I was confused because "head of state" is a generic term which applies to all presidents and monarchs whether ceremonial or exercising governmental power. So when you say "Finland's president is a head of state" that doesn't clarify anything beyond it being a republic and I thought you were just saying that.

The term for this is semi-presidential, where both a president, and a PM/cabinet derived from parliament, share the actual governing power and authority. France is the classic example as you say, where the system works more presidentially if the PM and parliamentary majority are from the president's party bute if they're different and it's split, the president has less effective power due to needing parliamentary approval for many decisions and appointments. Not sure if that's the case in Finland too.

Semi-presidential systems contrast on the one hand with fully presidential republican systems like the US and most of the rest of the American republics where the president has extensive unilateral power and the legislature doesn't form a cabinet or otherwise get involved in government.

Semi-presidential also contrasts with parliamentary republics like many of your neighbours where the president doesn't have that executive role, and a parliamentary cabinet and PM exercise the governing authority.
No, if the genders were swapped they'd be more horrified but wouldn't be reposting the picture.

god damn it this is uncomfortable. she had to apologize for what is essentially a revenge porn situation, she was doing something at a private party, had barechest pictures of herself shared against her will, and had to apologize for it. what the hell

edit amusing that this thread is helping people figure out the political organization of finland (in a good way)
I've long thought that if I were leader of a country, I'd want to be the leader of somewhere like Iceland or Switzerland because then I could still have a normal life. Go out and mingle among the people and partake in some events like a normal person.

It seems Finland is another country where you can have a life outside of work while being in a leadership position.

I think there are only two things that are potentially questionable.

First, the "is this a private residence or a government office or some combo thereof?" From what Grendeldef said it's kind of both? Ultimately the reason it's questionable is that if there are secure documents on site, you could have potential security issues, especially if it's after hours and there aren't security guards to make sure people aren't accessing the secure areas. It kind of advertises to Sweden or Russia or whoever might want to spy on Finland, "if you can recruit someone who gets access to these parties, they might be able to slip a few documents out of a desk after everyone's been partying for a couple hours".

If it's just a nice stage to make announcement from and nothing else, no problem, other than perhaps the optics. But to use the local analogy, if tomorrow we woke up to pictures of a party happening in the Oval Office, it would definitely be a scandal, because there would be major security issues. It's not 1825 anymore, if Andrew Jackson were president today he wouldn't be permitted to invite everyone to the White House for a big party.

Second, the question of who makes a decision if Sweden decides to invade at 4 AM after the PM's been out partying? It sounds like the answer may well be, "the Finnish president" even if it were 4 PM and Marin had been working all day. But more generally, I think this is an area where the correct answer is always to have a chain of command where if one person isn't available, the next person can decide. When Henry Ford ran the Ford Motor Company, he went on vacations, including to places without telephones. Someone else got to make the decisions while he was on vacation. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union, one of the theories on why the Soviets did so poorly at first was that Stalin was on a weeklong bender and no one had the authority to make decisions without Stalin's approval. If Stalin weren't so paranoid and had made someone a deputy with decision-making power, maybe the Soviets would have done somewhat better in 1941.

Stalin was fortunate that TikTok wasn't a thing yet, so we don't know for sure why he was AWOL at the end of June, 1941. But other countries should still note the lesson - have a plan in case your leader is on a bender when something big happens. If your leader is always on a bender, then yeah you have a problem, but most people want to let their hair down occasionally.

So as long as you've got the government offices part secure, and you have a proper chain-of-command in case cell phone reception is down at the nightclub when the Swedes invade, why not let the PM party on the weekend? True, it might give Finland a reputation as a party country, but that could be good for tourism. The Swedes sure seemed to enjoy the party cruises to Finland and Estonia when I was there.
Why is this even "news"?

According to the article in the Heil, neither of the bosom-baring women in the picture is Sanna Marin...
was not surprised to read elsewhere on the web that a widow is suing some company for the death of her husband , along the lines that the ejection seat hsd faulty or missing parts . Naturally the automatic selection on the forum brought up some random threat that the Indian Sukhois randomly ejected crews . You know , Sanna Marin overjoyed at this "attempt" to bring her down . We will see things better after the Winter , or whatever .
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