Finnish Civ3 players in Civfanatics ?

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Jan 10, 2002
Järvenpää, Finland
Ye I`d like to know if here are Finnish Civ3 players at civfanatics ?
If you are a finnish civ3 player, please reply this thread :D

So that I could be sure that you are finnish, translate my thread to finnish at ur reply:D

And check my homepage: Hyvanenaika
I´m finnish, but i actually talk swedish instead. Don´t wanna bother with the translation, even if i could.
Juu suomalainen oon :)
Because I feel pretty national.
By the way Iam building a finnish civ-site. It will be ready at february.
Onhan täällä meitä. Jos nyt on pakko kääntää, niin okei :)

Joo haluaisin tietää, onko täällä Civfanaticsissa suomalaisia Civ3:n pelaajia. Jos olet suomalainen Civ3-pelaaja, ole hyvä ja vastaa tähän (mikskä nyt threadia kutsutaankaan).

Jotta voisin varmistua siitä, että olet suomalainen, käännä threadini suomeksi vastauksessasi.
WHY THE HELL DO YOU FINNS KEEP DOING THIS? Juize has been closed down so many times for his trying to gather around him a bunch of fellow Finns. And now we got another one...we have a membership list that you can find out nationality from AND we have a rule about writing ENGLISH on the forum. Why you Finns think you are so special...hey, a mere 150 odd nations may as well have a thread for each one!


P.S if you have a civ3 site to pedal then we have a section appropriate for that entitled OTHER CIV SITES...crazy huh?

:) Just extending the warm kitten welcome :)
Yeah. He's just a little kid, so I guess that's why...
:eek: Err, I think I am wrong here. Thought about FINISHING someone - maybe a MP Thread?

But Finnishing is great, too - maybe it means catching some real BIG fish?;)
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