Firaxis announces "Sid Meier's Starships"

Food are used to purchase cities:

Each city give 100 of each resource per turn.
A city cost 500 food times the number of cities that already exist on the planet.

Metal are used to build planet improvement and wonders:

A improvement exist for each type of resources.
Resource improvement increase resource production by 50% times its level.
This increase is after all other modifiers so it is better to focus your improvements on resources the planet are great at.

Improvement seems to cost 1000 metal times the level that will be gotten, half the cost on resources the planet are great at.

Each planet got a predetermined wonder it can potentially build.
First wonder cost 2500 metal.
You can win if you build 7 wonders.


Is used to uppgrade your spaceships as well as creating new spaceships.


Used to purcase technologies.
Technologies increase the abilities of the spaces modules.


Used on the market to trade for other resources.
You can pay 2000 credits to increase influence by one point on a planet.
- You can build megabots to protect your homeworld.
- If you lose your homeworld, you lose your entire federation, except on epic maps.
- Epic maps have 48 planets.
- You can build warp nexuses on your planets to connect them. Your crew will not get fatigued when travelling between planets with a warp connection.
- battles cost 2 crew fatigue
- traveling to planets cost 1 crew fatigue (if no warp connection)
- The marauders have a big homeworld. It is difficult to conquer but if you do, the planet automatically joins your federation and the planet has 20 cities so you get a big bonus in resources.
- AI faction will be more hostile to you if your borders touch but less hostile if you are far away (similar to civ).
We already have a thread where this should have been posted.

Nobody's going to find this thread here, now that all talk has been moved from the BE subforum :(

Best place for it, since it's not part of BE (even if it has some optional, probably limited link to your BE save) and if it got its own subforum it would be pretty much dead in a year anyway. Besides there are lots of other great games to discuss here.

$15 is nice and cheap, hopefully Valve won't do their usual thing and try and charge me £15.
Valve has no control over the prices for other companies games, it's the publisher's (in this case 2K, but pretty much every publisher does this) decision to pull that BS.
Moderator Action: Threads merged
Shore leaves leading to influence is a big deal, like how occ is a viable option in be. I wonder what setup leads to an optimal starships experience, be carryover of (player owned city count and output?) notwithstanding.
Game Informer has a 20 minute let's play of Starships.

Fair warning: the previewers are really really bad gamers:

Link to video.

So, according to the comments made around 7:40 in, diplo conditions carry over i.e. factions one is at war or peace with in BE can transfer to Starships.

Some introductory missions to the planets are limited to the flagship weaving through a maze of asteroids, which torpedoes can blast through (and fighters can scout for).

Losing a mission sends the fleet back to the planet they connect from...based on the video, the fleet moved two check points generating two fatigue and was sent back to their last base...whether the reduction of the additional two fatigue were the subject of losing the mission and having to fly back or just losing the mission is up in the air.

Additional starships to the fleet = 1000 energy.

Torpedoes not blocked by asteroids.
Sid basically lost the combat in this live stream's battle. No one shot kills this time.
that he lost almost shocked me. Sid did say earlier that Spaceships is "his game".

Considering that Spaceships is mostly about tactical combat, Sid should have played hundreds of battles during testing, polishing :eek:

energy and credits? Feels superfluous.

referring to
Link to video.
Sid states on influence (from 08:08. also look at the tooltip right below the resource tab at the top):
1 -> vision of neighboring planets
2 -> half of resources (obtaining the third influence point will double the resources obtained)
3 -> all resources
4 -> becomes part of the federation
Length of time playing a game doesn't equate to skill at said game.

Ability to successfully design a game doesn't correlate, nor need to correlate, with ability to play said game. You can design a good game but lack the mechanical skill to compete at it.
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