FIRAXIS PLEASE READ Latest update killed direct IP connection


Jul 13, 2013
The direct IP connection option is missing after the lastest update. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!
Direct IP still works fine for CD users. It's only the steam version where the functionality has been removed. Yes, it's nonsense.

I've written 2K this message:

The recent Steam multiplayer update for Civilization IV - specifically the removal of "Direct IP" - has broken the Pitboss functionality of the game for Steam users. There is a small but enthusiastic community of several hundred people who still play active Civilization IV Pitboss games daily (see e.g. for one of several sites tracking these games).

As of today, Direct IP functionality was removed for Steam users, which means only users with the CD version of the game can continue playing Pitboss games. As a result, a significant number of Pitboss players are unable to continue to play in games they have invested - in many cases - months of their time into.

Pitboss games are hosted locally by individuals on a private server to which other players can connect via Direct IP, with each game typically running for 6-12 months. Pitboss games are not, and have never been, connected through Gamespy or any third party. There is no practical reason why Pitboss games need be affected by the end of Gamespy services. I can only imagine legal reasons (e.g. attempting to make all multiplayer exclusive to Steam).

I would like to urge any parties responsible to reconsider the removal of "Direct IP" from Steam version of Civilization IV. The hundreds of Pitboss enthusiasts are a small fraction of the total multiplayer audience, but they too are paying customers. It does not seem right to remove functionality from their games which is entirely unrelated to Gamespy/Steam services, especially since CD users still maintain full access to Direct IP and Pitboss.

Please re-integrate Direct IP functionality into the Steam version to accommodate the hundreds of Pitboss enthusiasts! If you are unable to help, please forward this email to someone who can. Hundreds of paying customers are awaiting an answer.
Steam doesn't allow Direct IP because people could use it to avoid there DRM and pirate the game, Civ5 has never had directIP for this reason....I know it sucks.

But come to the Civ4 chat I have setup and you can use Steam's ability to join games by clicking on the hosts name and click Join Game, this launches you directly into the staging room of the is the steam way of doing things....I know this will be a learning curve for old players used to Gamespy.

There is no way to connect to pitboss games anymore CS. That's what just got broken.
Steam doesn't allow Direct IP because people could use it to avoid there DRM and pirate the game, Civ5 has never had directIP for this reason....I know it sucks.

How do they figure that? :confused: The folks who use Direct IP in Civ4 are a relatively small crowd who already bought the game long ago.
There is no way to connect to pitboss games anymore CS. That's what just got broken.

Ya I know, Firaxis would have to somehow recode Pitboss to have a fake steam account so that players could connect to it, and I don't see that happening sadly.

How do they figure that? :confused: The folks who use Direct IP in Civ4 are a relatively small crowd who already bought the game long ago.

True and I'm sure a lawyer would tell you that taking 2K to court for a breach of contract is an option. But I know from asking these questions in the years we have had Civ5, that no Steam games have any version of Direct IP, Steam has not figured out how to allow that and prevent players from hacking it to get around the Steam DRM.

There is already a large group in Russia that runs a VPN to fake Civ5 LAN games, so that players with Pirated Civ5 copies can play MP.....

CS, have you heard back from 2K about the patch? I'm not sure if they didn't believe my photograph of the discs and box because it's a signed copy, or they are slow, or if due to time zones they've only just gotten to work...

I do know that one person with the steam copy has said that there is a new pitboss client, but he thinks everything is borked with it.
I haven't sent my pictures in yet, because since I moved twice in the past few years, my boxes and disks are still packed, so I just sucked up the $30 for Civ4 complete on steam :-/

I believe you can view the status of your ticket on the 2K web site though, yes this was in my email

Your request (#682487) has been updated.

To review the status of the request and add additional comments, follow the link below:

You should have one similar.

I bet they are handling a high volume of these requests though, I replied to my email stated that making people look for boxes/disks that have not been needed for years due to the last patch is going to create a lot of unhappy customers....I have not received a reply either :-/

I have made a post in the official 2K forums about the removal of Direct IP from Steam versions of the game. Here it is:

To everyone who plays Direct IP games: Please take a minute to register an account, and make a short post in the thread linked above.

I suggest to write in your short message:

- Your username and which civ fansite(s) you hail from.
- Which version of the game you purchased (CD or Steam).
- Mention how this issue affects all players, because even CD users can't continue Direct IP games with Steam users. The removal of Direct IP from Steam divides an already small multiplayer community down the middle.
- End with a strong request that Direct IP be re-integrated into the Steam version of Civ4.

Feel free to use your own words. Be firm, but civil - profanity won't help the cause.

For example, in my case:

I am Lord Parkin from Civfanatics and Realms Beyond. I purchased the CD version of Civ4. I am deeply disappointed with the removal of Direct IP from Steam versions, because all of my friends with the Steam version can no longer play in our Pitboss games together. This issue has needlessly divided our community. Please re-integrate Direct IP into the Steam version of the Civ4.

Please register an account and post your own quick message in the thread linked above now. It only takes a minute, and it could make a real difference! :)
One of my league members has posted a solution on our FB page, if you rename your old Civ4 directory, before you install the steam version, you will have both the new Steam version to play new games. And your old version that still has Direct IP and can play Pitboss.

That sounds like it only works if you haven't yet installed the Steam version?

In any event, it would be nice if 2K/Steam recognized that it's much nicer to just make Direct IP available on all versions of the game, rather than to force people to fiddle about with their games to re-enable the setting.
That sounds like it only works if you haven't yet installed the Steam version?

In any event, it would be nice if 2K/Steam recognized that it's much nicer to just make Direct IP available on all versions of the game, rather than to force people to fiddle about with their games to re-enable the setting.

I haven't tried reinstalling the disk version after steam, but they are in different locations anyway, but yes we should not have to burn up twice as much disk space to keep what we had before.

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