Firaxis: Question regarding Domination victory


Shaken, not stirred.
Jan 1, 2002
Nanaimo BC Canada
I am hoping that someone (Dan? :)) can answer a question about the Domination victory condition: Is it intentional that this victory condition is very difficult to predict?

To my mind, there are two things about this victory condition which when combined can make it a game-wrecker at times. I suspect that one of these issues is an unintentional oversight and that the other is a bug. If I'm wrong about this please let us know. :) It would be very helpful to know whether this behavior is intentional.

The issues are:

1) There appear to be bugs in the way Domination is calculated. The Civilopedia says "Have 66% of the world's land surface within your borders." Anecdotal evidence and some testing by a couple of players has shown that the actual threshold is usually larger, often 80% or more. The percentage feels like it is different depending on map size and type. It seems that coastal tiles count in addition to land at least some of the time. And there have been at least two games reported where the Domination victory occurred at a time when a player's borders did not expand, indicating that something other than "within your borders" is also sometimes involved.

2) There does not seem to be a way for the player to know when a Domination victory is imminent. This is very different in game feel from all the other victory conditions. With all other victory conditions, it is possible to see a win or loss coming. The player can savor the satisfaction of closing in on a goal. Or can see defeat coming and can try to avoid it. The Retirement date is emphasized and there is a warning as it approaches. Approaching a conquest win or loss is obvious. There are messages about other Civs' space race progress. The player gets a chance to control the UN and when controlling it decides whether voting occurs. There is displayed information about city culture values (the player's and the rivals'), and the Histograph can be used to see whether and when a total culture score victory/loss could happen. But Domination? There's no information anywhere. One can be in the middle of an exciting war, anticipating the next military success, and wham! A Domination "victory" happens. When it happens that way it does not feel like victory at all, it can be a frustrating disappointment.

The second issue is made much worse by the first. I have not found it possible to "eyeball" the map and to make any decent guess as to when Domination might occur.

So, to re-state the question a bit differently, is it intentional that there is a victory condition which the player cannot attempt to precisely anticipate and control? I hope not - to my mind it is important in the game to be able to anticipate success or failure.

A final request related to this: If you determine that there are bugs related to the Domination victory condition, please consider NOT fixing them. If they were fixed in a future patch, that could "break" many saved games (games in progress, HOF entries) from prior versions. If the Domination threshold were changed, people would find that loading some past saves would instantly trigger it. Instead of fixing any bug(s) in this area, I think it would be great just to tell us what the rule actually is. And much more importantly, to provide a way for us to see it coming. It doesn't matter so much what the rule is, what matters is that we can see it coming. One suggestion in this regard: a possible place for this information would be the Histograph. A new choice in the "Show" drop-down for "Domination". That would make it easy to see if any Civ is approaching the 2/3 limit. (Or whatever value the limit actually is.) That would not be as precise as an actual number somewhere, but it would be sufficient to see the victory/loss coming and to allow the player to strive to achieve or avoid it.
I agree that during the game people should know how far one is on domination victory.

I only disagree that Firaxis shouldn't change it. The reason you mentioned, making previous games invalid, is only an inconvenience on our side. But wherever the game can be improved, it should be done! But perhaps the domination victory isn't flawed. After all, you don't even know when it happens. :p
Forgive what might be a stupid question: How do you know what percentage of the world's land mass you control? I know in the statistics section it tells you how many ... whatever the unit is. But how many are there to begin with?
Originally posted by foodguy
Forgive what might be a stupid question: How do you know what percentage of the world's land mass you control? I know in the statistics section it tells you how many ... whatever the unit is. But how many are there to begin with?
That's part of this problem. It seems you can only get part way there. For each size of map you can guess at the total land. A medium map has 100*100/2 =5000 tiles. If you use the 70% water setting there should be about 1500 "land" tiles. So far so good. On the Demographics screen you can learn how many tiles are within your "sphere of influence" by dividing the displayed land area by 100. BUT, those tiles seem to include coastal and sea tiles as well as land. Then to make matters worse, the program's calculation of Domination appears to at least sometimes include coastal but not sea. And to sometimes be affected by something else altogether. On the map I just described you can definitely go well past 1000 land tiles within your sphere without triggering Domination. So in a nutshell, it seems that you can't know...
100% agreed & I've already been in on the posting about this. I've already said that if there's 1 thing that needs improving, it is knowing the victory conditions. After all, what good is playing a game that you don't know how to win?

Now, knowing when a domination victory is imminent is not hard to tell. I mean, when someone controls most of the land, you know it's coming. But, it's still anti-climactic to read the "you've won by domination" popup as you're merrily plundering the last civ or 2. Furthermore, by all our analysis, it is not a straight-forward calculation.

I assume SirPleb, you've read the old threads by the sounds of it cause your post kinda refers to the old arguments & are summed up nicely. Your domination graph is a great idea. I've seen nothing more & I can't answer anything new. I agree with all you've said & am still keeping an eye out for any more clues.

PS, already been stated by many but the Cultural victory could be a little clearer too. The histograph just doesn't cut it. Imagine a nice Pie chart with percentages...
Originally posted by chiefpaco
I assume SirPleb, you've read the old threads by the sounds of it cause your post kinda refers to the old arguments & are summed up nicely.
Thanks! I have probably missed some, I think many threads may have touched on this. I've read a number though :)

Originally posted by chiefpaco
the Cultural victory could be a little clearer too
That sure would be nice! What would be ideal to me would be for the Histograph screen to show, down the right under "World Ranking", the numeric values for the currently selected Histograph. I.e. the numeric values by Civ for "Score", "Culture", "Power", or "Domination", whichever is currently selected. I've actually used a ruler a number of times to measure the culture graph and then done the arithmetic to get a numeric estimate of a rival's culture. Pathetic, I know :) I don't know what the numeric meaning of "power" is but I'm sure it would be something interesting and useful.
When we start a fresh map there are many unknowns. If we were provided with a number that represented how close you were to a domination victory, this may provide unintended clues to how much land mass remains that you may not have discovered, I don't believe that is acceptable. If a predomination victory clue is presented then I hope it's only revealed when your current intended move would trigger the domination victory and allows you to reconsider that move and that move only.. However, once you have discovered all land masses then a percentage towards domination victory could be presented.

Cartouche Bee
Originally posted by Cartouche Bee
When we start a fresh map there are many unknowns. If we were provided with a number that represented how close you were to a domination victory, this may provide unintended clues to how much land mass remains that you may not have discovered.

However, once you have discovered all land masses then a percentage towards domination victory could be presented.
Or, the game could tell you that you control x% of the known world, where the known world would of course be all discovered land only.
I think telling you how much of the known world your control is a good compromise. It would encourage you to scout out everything so you know the true number is.
I think even an explanation about the domination calculation would suit me fine. Without the charts, graphs, numbers, etc, no one really has much of an idea how it's calculated.

However, I've been convinced by the arguments that the exact numbers are not necessary but an explanation along the lines of their city flipping probability guide would make me happier.
Originally posted by Cartouche Bee
When we start a fresh map there are many unknowns. If we were provided with a number that represented how close you were to a domination victory, this may provide unintended clues to how much land mass remains that you may not have discovered
That's a good point. I've been mulling it over. I've ended up up thinking it wouldn't make much difference. If you know the parameters used to create a map then this is pretty much known information from the start. If you don't know the parameters, it is fairly easy to guess the dimensions of the map early in the game (by the size of the known territory in the World Map.) It usually won't take long in a game to guess both the land type and the water percentage. On a custom map it could be harder. But usually size and style of land don't seem to be hidden information anyway :)

There's already a lot of information "leakage" which I think is more valuable than this would be. (And this isn't necessarily a bad thing.) For example, in an Emporer or Deity game within a few turns of the start you know how many Civs there are. (Check the Demographics screen, knowing you are in last place.) Even at Chieftain level, if you don't settle on your first turn then on turn two you can see how many Civs there are.

At a later stage in the game I guess a determined player (now who could possibly be that determined? :rolleyes: ) could use exact numeric domination information to work out whether there were any remaining small islands in unexplored parts of the ocean. Doesn't seem game altering to me.

Having said all that, I do strongly agree with chiefpaco. An explanation of how Domination works sure would make me happier. (Including a statement as to whether it is intentionally fuzzy or not.) Anything beyond that would be a nice bonus. A graph (percentage of known world would be fine if it is considered important not to leak more information) would be great, would put this victory condition's fuzziness on a par with Cultural victory. To have numeric info for both Diplomatic and Cultural would be wonderful icing on the cake! One step at a time though, so:

Please Firaxis, please explain how Domination works. (Or, if we're not supposed to know how it works please tell us that.)
i most definately agree that things should be made clearer......the domination victory is way to ambiguous for my liking - never know when it's going to come...or not!

although, cartouch bee has very good point - it needs to be based around the known world - this shouldn't be a problem however as by the time you are concerned about domination victories, i would imagine the world would be pretty much known by then anyhows.

to be honest, when things are close, i think the charts are pretty useless as they are anyway. i mean, should sirpleb need to be using a ruler to read the graphs?! (respect to sirpleb for his patience :)) give us numbers!! something clear and tangible!! in fact, i think many of the statistics need an overhaul in regards to how they are presented......

the more i play this game (although i do like it a lot) the more i really think it was rushed out for christmas. back in november PC Gamer (UK mag) was informed by firaxis the game would be delayed until march 2002, and then viola, it comes out for christmas. i think maybe firaxis knew the problems the game had but released it for chrimbo anyhows - but, hey, i'm sure you've all been through that one a million times :) - sorry, new to the forum.

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