First 100 turns STRATEGY


May 28, 2011
Looking for tips or advice on the ever crucial first 100 turns. I am a CIV vet and have been using my CIV 5 strategies but to my dismay and pleasure, CIV 6 has changed things enough that the old build guidelines dont apply. I use random leader for now but would be willing to go exclusive if the experience is overall beneficial.
Pretty much what ive been doing is grabbing mining and whatever early luxury techs I need and then beelining for the industrial district tech in terms of science. In civics i beeline for political philosiphy right away. Ussually my first build is a scout, and then a slinger, or another scout depending on game size and how the map is looking so far. From there its kinda washy because how much land there is to settle tends to determine how hard and fast you go on settlers. If it looks like there is lots of open space and I need to grab land fast ill start chop rushing settlers asap, with a few slingers/warriors in between for barbs and defending new settlements. Try to sac as many barb camps as you can because you really need that early gold to buy builders and chop rush when industrial districts are ready to go up. I also try to get monuments in my citys if time permits just to get culture going.

Pretty much the first district that goes up in my citys is the industrial one, you want as many citys as possible to overlap for the factory and powerplant bonus later on.
These are the steps I follow for science victories:

Build an army
Win the ancient era war (There's always a war in ancient era.)
Build commerce and traders
Beeline factories and increase production
Build campuses for science

In roughly that order.
I usually build a scout, a slinger, a builder,
science usually I go for astrology, then after I got builder I put on holy site for a prophet
afterward I usually go for animal husbandry, mining, and irrigation while waiting for holy site.
Then I go for writing for campus.
I save my money for buying warriors, should barbarians or my neighbours decide to "visit"
Tech wise, I beeline for masonry and bronze working (to chop things), and then go to currency and apprenticeship to start my commercial hub and industrial zone.
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