First Annual IOT Awards


Heroically Clueless
Oct 13, 2011
Heart of Etheria
First Annual
IOT Awards



1. Anyone who played in at least one IOT game this year is eligible for participation in the First Annual IOT Awards.

2. You have until January 1st, 2013 to nominate as many candidates as you wish for any of the awards, with the exception that the nomination phase will close before this deadline if 48 hours pass with no new nominations.

You may not nominate yourself, a nation you played as, a map/ruleset you developed (or contributed to) or a game you hosted.

3. Each award will then be listed, and each will be accompanied by a description of the award and a list of nominated players/games/features.

4. After the nominees are set, there will be a lengthy period open for voting on all awards.

5. Voting procedure for Player Awards:

  • To vote, PM me a nominee for each category. Abstains are allowed
  • You cannot vote for yourself or a nation you played.

6. Voting procedure for Game Awards:

  • You are allowed to vote for a nominated game or feature in each category.
  • You cannot vote for games you hosted.
  • To vote, PM me a nominee for the category

7. Special/honorific mentions

  • You are allowed to propose a special or honorific mention for somebody.
  • You are allowed to propose as many people as you want.
  • You MUST specify the reason why each person deserves the mention.
  • You cannot propose yourself.
  • Every proposition submitted will be considered a nomination. As people vote, I will PM the proposed list with reasons (excluding the person if he is on the list), and their response must contain Nays and Ayes for every proposition. Propositions not answered will be considered Nays.
  • To propose somebody, PM me his name and the reasons. (it's supposed to be a surprise)

Player Awards:

Most Valuable Player
Best GM
Best Nation
Best RP
Worst Nation
Worst RP

Moderator Action: No need for the "worst" options. Let's stay positive.

Game Awards:

Best Game
Best Map
Best Ruleset
Best Innovation
Best Premise
2012 IOT Games*
*Games started or finished in 2012
Spoiler :
Nominations begin now.


- Each person may nominate as many players/games/features for as many awards as they wish.

- Nominate a player/game/feature using the following format:

Spoiler :
[B]Award:[/B] <insert award>

[B]Nomination(s):[/B] <insert player/game you want to nominate for this award>

<outline any reasoning for the nomination or any other comments you'd like to make; optional>

- The top x nominees for each award "advance" to the voting stage, where x is defined as the number of nominees above the minimum threshold n, where n = (total number of nominations) / (total number of nominees) for that specific award.

- You may NOT nominate yourself, a game you hosted, or a feature you developed. You are, however, allowed to nominate a game you played.

- Please try to only nominate a player/feature/game you truly believe is a legitimate candidate for the award you nominate them for.

- You are encouraged to go into detail of why you nominated someone/something for an award. It is by no means necessary, so don't feel compelled to do so.

- Even if you can't nominate yourself, you are still allowed to talk about your accolades and to try and convince others to nominate/vote for you.

The Nominees are:

Most Valuable Player
Spoiler :
  • Jehoshua
  • christos200
Best GM
Spoiler :
  • TaniciusFox
  • NedimNapoleon
Best Nation
Spoiler :
  • Xinjiang (christos200, MP)
  • Nazi Germany (Thorvald of Lym, IOT IX)
  • Sikkim (Civ'ed)
  • Papal States (Jehoshua, numerous IOTs)
  • Scandinavia (kiwitt, I&B2)
  • Partitionania (RedSpy, multiple IOTs)
Best RP
Spoiler :
  • Scarlet Lancers (Thorvald of Lym, MP)
  • I&B4 Timeline (Robert Can't, I&B4)

Best Game
Spoiler :
  • Iron and Blood 2 (by taillesskangaru)
  • Valkyrie (by NedimNapoleon)
Best Map
Spoiler :
  • Iron and Blood 2 (drawn by taillesskangaru)
  • MultiPolarity Rearmed (apported by Thorvald of Lym)
Best Ruleset
Spoiler :
Iron and Blood 2 (by taillesskangaru)
SonRISK 2 (by Sonereal)
SonRISK 4 (by Sonereal)
MultiPolarity Rearmed (by Thorvald of Lym)
Valkyrie (by NedimNapoleon)
Shattered Europe (by Mosher)
Back To Basics (by west india man)

Best Innovation
Spoiler :
  • Iron and Blood 4: Powerplay (worldbuilding) (game by taillesskangaru)
  • SonRISK 4 (combat system) (game by Sonereal)
  • The Multipolar World (game by TaniciusFox)
Best Premise
Spoiler :
  • Iron and Blood 4: Powerplay (game by taillesskangaru)
  • Mobius: Total Chaos (game by TaniciusFox)
  • The Next Step (game by Tyo)
  • Second American Revolution (game by Tyo)
  • IOT: Chiron (game by Robert Can't)
  • Tiberian Dawn (game by Sonereal)
  • Valkyrie (game by NedimNapoleon)
  • Shattered Europe (game by Mosher)

Credit to Zack for the format of the Awards
My nominations

Most Valuable Player: Mosher
Best GM: TK
Best Nation: Sikkim (Civ'ed)
Best RP: Robert Can't Timeline (I&B4)
Worst Nation: .....
Worst RP: Ceaser1345 giving his colonies to Greece

Game Awards:

Best Game: I&B 2
Best Map: Civoasis Map (I did help with it, but he did half of it)
Best Ruleset: WIMs back to basics
Best Concept: ......
Best Premise : I&B4 (Steampunk uber alles)
I'd advise taking out the "Worst x" awards, as they serve no purpose other than to belittle people, and might very well get the mods breathing down your back. IIRC, they were hesitant to give approval to the concept of the mafia awards in the first place (although that was two years ago).
Best Map: CivOasis Map (I did help with it, but he did half of it)

As stated above, this is invalid. You need to name the IOT, and it must have started this year. AFAIK, the map isn't even fully completed, not to talk of the game.

EDIT: Well, the idea is that the negative awards should be taken as a criticism. If people explain WHY it is the worst, then the person will be able to see what did he do wrong and how to improve. Which is simply why I took out the proposed Worst Player Award.
Most Valuable Player: Bsmith (Every single one of Bsmith's orders to me, in every game I ever hosted he's been in, have been great, concise, and clear)
Best GM: TF (Multipolarity)
Best Nation: (Hard to say)
Best RP: Thorvald and RobertCant (Does it matter which game?)
Worst Nation: Spammer's Crusade
Worst RP: Spammer's Crusade (Spammer's Crusade started off based on a bad joke, that continued to be a bad joke. The roleplaying isn't roleplaying, but just script conversations you can find in droves in the seedier parts of CivIV S&T. The country isn't very interesting. Katterland is a country that started off on somewhat of a joke, but has RP that was good enough to make others overlook this glaring flaw. Hell, Mechaerik even made a blatant Byzantine joke nation that acheived what the SC can't, be funny and interesting.)

Best Game: IOTE2 (As in, I had tons of fun before I got sick)
Best Map: Multipolarity Reloaded (Looks good, nice size)
Best Ruleset: Abstain (The best rulesets I've seen are constantly being worked on)
Best Concept: Abstain (If only Spirit of Man was around this year! Otherwise, the most interesting concepts came from Chiron and the upcoming IOTs being worked on by Mechaerik and Tyo)
Best Premise: Abstain (Premise and Concept are the same thing)

- Even if you can't nominate yourself, you are still allowed to talk about your accolades and to try and convince others to nominate/vote for you.

I haven't done anything on the list to warrant nomination or votes unfortunately. Though, I would like to note that I've been rather involved in the development of not only my own IOTs and own mechanics, but in helping other GMs with theirs. This is largely the reason I'm not voting on the last three "best" categories, but the "best" ones to me are the ones I've been watching developed the last few months.

Furthermore, even though this isn't an award exactly, I believe that Christos, Mosher, and Tyo deserve special mentions this year for being rather new GMs creating increasingly solid concepts, rulesets, and overall becoming quality GMs.
Good idea. I just added a "Special/honorific mention" section. Honorific mentions would be like RL Academy Awards to a whole career, whereas special mentions would be to remember remarkable feats that are nevertheless unfit for the official Awards.
My nominations

Most Valuable Player: Abstain
Best GM: Tani
Best Nation: Papal States (Jeho)
Best RP: I&B 4 Timeline
Worst Nation: Romney in MPIII
Worst RP: Abstain

Game Awards:

Best Game: ChristosIOT I Valkyrie
Best Map: I&B2 Map
Best Ruleset: Abstain (I am between Valkyrie and MP)
Best Concept: Abstain
Best Premise : Abstain
Most Valuable Player: Christos (For IoT's are no fun without a crazed axe wielding militarist to bring chaos to the world)
Best GM: Tani (for propagating delicious conflict)
Best Nation: (hard to say, I'll give an infamous mention to Xinjiang for reasons self-evident and an honourable mention to Coruscant for its sickening desire to see perpetual peace realised in a fallen universe. Can't give a best nation though)
Best RP: Thorvald of Lym (Scarlet Lancers and generally across the games I've played with him in it)
Worst Nation: Formatting Crew
Worst RP: Spammer's Crusade (Il Papa liked the lolcat, but its just so tacky and superficial with no real substance. My Katterland nation at least had some substance tacked on to it despite being essentially a parody nation of the more eccentric politicians of Australia)

Game Awards:

Best Game: The Multipolar World (for being the source of endless amusements)
Best Map: Multipolarity Reloaded Map (for the same reasons as Sone)
Best Ruleset: Iron and Blood 2 (If only it was realised over time :( )
Best Concept: Abstain
Best Premise: Abstain

PS: Good to see I get recognition somewhere, still waiting on your tithes though Christos :p
I agree with Jeho, IOT is absolutely nothing without Christos, he used to be the small kid everyone hated but now he's the small kid that everyone loves to hate he's like the little bother of the 2nd generation. He's what makes IOT what IOT was in the early parts of this year.
For these reasons:
Most Valuable Player: Christos

Secondly on the idea of a best GM I'm divided. I like Tani's games but I'm less keen on some of his schismatic tendencies. TK for however much I love him didn't manage to pull off I&B2 and Sonereal always gets busy (not that i'm not guilty of that). And since IOT7 wasn't this year I'm slightly hesitant but I'm going to have to pick Nedim as by far the most reliable and fun of the GMs. He also never over complicates things which is, I think, really important.
Thusly: Best GM: Nemid

It goes without saying that Port Hadley is the best nation - however I'm not allowed to vote for myself (or my girlfriend presumably) therefore I'm going to have to go with Scandinavia from I&B2 (Kiwitt) for the real depth that was put into that nation and its development.
Best Nation: I&B2 Scandinavia (Kiwitt)

I'm really torn on this next one between both someone who does a great deal of RP and someone who does it short and sweet. As everyone's pointed out Thor does an excellent job of the long narrative passages which develop back story, character and the general atmosphere of the world. The other chap I'd like to nominate is Sonereal, his RP is always short but somehow still manages to sum up that great atmosphere and grittiness of a real world situation.
One thing I was really sad about though was the lack of IBR being this year. Otherwise the choice would easily have been Mech in that game. He really did make that game what it was to me. We don't usually see Mech pull out the big guns on RP but his Quebec was fabulous and I was glad that my RP in that game was able to sit alongside it as a coherent story of ambition, revenge and lost love.
Best RP: Sonereal and Thorvald

Seriously... Again?
Worst Nation: Coruscant, solitude or whatever CivG calls it this time.

Worst RP: Abstain

Best Game: Hands Down Miot If only we were allowed to vote for ourselves.
Best Map: Iron and Blood 2 anyone?
Best Ruleset: Valkyrie - It was simple easy and to the point.
Best Concept: I don't care if we aren't allowed to vote for ourselves... MIOT... MIOT!
Best Premise: Tyo's The Next Step

Edit: I also feel truly honored to have been nominated twice for best RP. Its a real privilege.
You can propose Special mentions too, neh?
Most Ability to Self-Nominate: Double A
Award: MVP
Nomination(s): Jehoshua gets this one from me, as he is one of the best RPers I have seen. His playing of the Papal States is beyond comparison, and even when I rob that from him (like in MP2 :p) he still creates a great game. He does tend to draw the world either for or against him, but he keeps many IOTs going strong.
Another player is Christos. Sure, I hate him for pulling that stunt in IOT Valkyrie, but as Tobert Can't puts it, "I agree with Jeho, IOT is absolutely nothing without Christos, he used to be the small kid everyone hated but now he's the small kid that everyone loves to hate he's like the little bother of the 2nd generation."

Award: Best GM
Nomination(s): No contest. NedimNapoleon is the best GM I have ever played under. He handles all situations well, and his games are truly great.

Award: Best Nation
Nomination(s): So many could go here. I have to choose one, though, that stands out to me. And I can't say Italy of IOT Valkyrie. So, I have to go with Partitionania, despite my constant misspelling of it. It is a great nation, and Red Spy plays it well.
Honorable mention to the Downfall Gang, but see below for that ;)

Award: Best RP
Nomination(s): Thorvald with his various nations (and the Downfall Gang) and Jehoshua's holy popishness are the greatest RPers I have seen. Honorable mention to CivG, although Coruscant is in need of a break by now.

Worst Nation
Worst RP

Keeping opinions to myself for the above two. Wise, since expletives aren't permitted here ;)

Award: Best Game
Nomination(s): I am a loyal Nedim supporter, and his IOT, Valkyrie, is the best I've seen in a while.
Besides, I helped with the name ;)

Award: Best Ruleset
Nomination(s): IOT: Shattered Europe. Need I say more?

Award: Best Innovation
Nomination(s): The while Multipolarity series. This whole series screams "new idea!" and will definitely be the start of many new IOT branches.
Another great innovation was sonereal's short-lived Fiat Homo. That was a whole new concept that could have achieved greatness if it lived.

Award: Best Premise
Nomination(s): I&B4, although it hasn't even began yet, will be great, with it's history already almost fully complete.
Valkyrie, as I love such starts.
SARR, having a great post-apocalypse setting.
Tiberian Dawn, as I love C&C.
The best of all, though? IOT: SHATTERED EUROPE. This is a truly amazing backstory, IIRC having been spawned from a game of EUIII. The whole game is great, but the history of this one...truly beautiful. Can't wait for it to reboot.
The crazy thing about Mechaerik is that when he enters RP mode, he is easily one of the best. I didn't follow IBR closely but I did follow Iron and Blood, and whenever Mechaerik plans on joining a game, he puts a ton of behind-the-scenes thought into whatever nation he makes.

I agree with everyone saying about Christos. Not only has he become a better player overall, but he's enjoyable to have around. He's like our Monty.
Most Valuable Player: JoanK. For his maps. :goodjob:
Best GM: NedimNapoleon. No explanation needed.
Best Nation: Papal States when Jehoshua play Papal States. I&B2 comes to mind, there may be others too.
Best RP: Robert Can't, I&B Series.

Best Game: Valkyrie. See: Best GM.
Best Map: Valkyrie. See above,
Best Ruleset: I&B2. Very interesting and fun mechanics. Tragic that it was discontinued.
Best Innovation: I'm going to abstain on this one, I haven't been here long enough to really have a worthwhile opinion on this category.
Best Premise: Abstain again. Nothing really jumps out at for a nomination, although a few come close.
Ironic, given Marmot is pretty innovative for an IOT.
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