I am the Future
Oi Oi Oi !!!
As we all know religion is the inspiration for all life. Religion, though not based in science, is the base of science. Without religion the first educated men would of had no reason to look up. Religion gives hope to all fighting men and women. It is a reason for them to risk their mortal lifes so that they may reach eternity sooner. Religion is the single thing that can bind, or destroy friendships. It can create unity among countrymen. And is the driving force behind global politics. Without religion our nation would surely crumble. It is for these reasons that we have gathered here. We intend to gather all of the people of the world under a single banner. WE wish that all people see the light, by force if neccessary.
It is under these ideas that I proclaim myself Head Shamen of the Pegan _______.
Once the great journey has begun we will devote ourselves to a new religion. All those who agree with the path to enlightenment should speak now, and bind themselves to this most holy of covenents.
It is under these ideas that I proclaim myself Head Shamen of the Pegan _______.
Once the great journey has begun we will devote ourselves to a new religion. All those who agree with the path to enlightenment should speak now, and bind themselves to this most holy of covenents.