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First Church of State

I am the Future

Oi Oi Oi !!!
May 13, 2005
Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy
As we all know religion is the inspiration for all life. Religion, though not based in science, is the base of science. Without religion the first educated men would of had no reason to look up. Religion gives hope to all fighting men and women. It is a reason for them to risk their mortal lifes so that they may reach eternity sooner. Religion is the single thing that can bind, or destroy friendships. It can create unity among countrymen. And is the driving force behind global politics. Without religion our nation would surely crumble. It is for these reasons that we have gathered here. We intend to gather all of the people of the world under a single banner. WE wish that all people see the light, by force if neccessary.

It is under these ideas that I proclaim myself Head Shamen of the Pegan _______.

Once the great journey has begun we will devote ourselves to a new religion. All those who agree with the path to enlightenment should speak now, and bind themselves to this most holy of covenents.
We have yet to discovery a religion. So how can we even have a church? :)
The gods have come to me and said thta we shalt set up a canibalistic ritual in a small boat in the middle of the lake to bless the peole of our natio and give us fruitful game. All those wishing that their names be spoken as the human cadavers are eaten please post a request so the great gods will honor you. Also from now on the lake shall be called Lake Zergon by all followers of the church.

The Gods Comand it. So it shall be done.
Great idea Future! Just one RP thing: how can you expect to continue being "head Shaman" after a religion switch? Priests (or whatever their relevant name) are always most devote to their own religion, Head Priests even more so. A religion switch actually would mean a fall from power for the former Head Priest of the state religion, although he'd still be Head of his religion. (mmmm I see some great RP possibilities once religions have spread out a bit.. :D)
But we believe that the world is constantly changeing around us. So at one point the gods might decide to combine powers and BOOM we are Jewish. Their by keeping all TRUE believers on the same path.

Jesus was Jewish afterall and he is sorta important to christians.
I am the Future said:
But we believe that the world is constantly changeing around us. So at one point the gods might decide to combine powers and BOOM we are Jewish. Their by keeping all TRUE believers on the same path.

Jesus was Jewish afterall and he is sorta important to christians.
Wait, are you not a member of the Party? How can you be a member of both?:eek:
I am the Future said:
Jesus was Jewish afterall and he is sorta important to christians.

Agreed, slight problem though: The Jews themselves don't recognise him... :p
His early followers were Jewish. SO if at a certain point a NEw church is created with more added on to the current rules that would be accepted quite gracefully I would assume.

And yes I am a member of the party. This is just a thread that has very little to do with the game. Non-Political RolePlay. Just for fun
Well we could get into a whole nasty religious discussion here about it, but for the sake of the argument let's assume you're wrong and shut up about it.:D

Nah, actually for the sake of the argument let's assume you're right and get on with the RPing ;)
The worshipers of the Deity Chip wish to particpate in the cermony and will donate 20 pigs and two virgin cadavers for the Cannablism Ceremony. Alas We can not particapate in the feasting because As commanded by the Avatar of Chip, Swissy the First, we must durng the holy month of Jerir refrain from eating Human flesh and onions, nor shall we drink the urine of a boar, nor shall we particapate in the traditional saturday P.R.P.O.R.H.P match! Last part was a joke!
I can assure you Swissempire that the blessing of you and the followers of Chip will be a long, drawn out, and boreing one. So that it is in the true religious fasion of our forefathers fun in no way at all.
Boring or Boaring, cause if its boaring, we not supposed to have pig during the month of Teghip, so if thats the case then we also have a problem with next month, so after asking our prophet at his temple, he told us to "Shut up and stop bother me right now". Our preist beleive the god Chip controlled him, and that the word now means we should do it this month!
I pray for all human life! I am a heretic! Can some savior not save us from these ways of death! (Waiting for a religion to be founded to join the church)
Don't listen to Nomad Bryce, he is a heretic demon controlled by the Devil himself the OMEGACAT( get it ). Chip does exist, as do our other deities! I give you proof. On the Ides of Jerir, the heretic was struck by and acorn, and all no that Chips immacutlate god-child Hip-ca is lord of trees, and uses acorns to torment no beleives and to raise his holy Squirrel Army!! Muhahaha.

Warning: THe Cult of Chip claims not divine responsiblilty for untrue proof, and/or squirrel/acorn related injuries/deaths; From the office of Pic-ha the law-giver/maker/lawyer/judge god.
Can we worship Ra and Geb and Nut and and other Egyptian Gods? I've always wanted a staff with an ankh for our missionaries =]

And we need to support naming our peninsula the Peninsula of Geb for me to join. In honor of Geb the Earth God of the egyptians. Plus it is short and easy to refer to. (Hey, we cant let those dirty mongols settle on Geb. We need to get that incense on Geb. I played Geb in poker and he took all my money. Got Geb?)
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