First game on Emperor. Shadow/advice wanted.


Aug 13, 2010

After lurking on this board for a few months (I picked up Civ IV about 3 months ago and started reading here 2 months ago) I decided it was time to try my hand at a higher difficulty setting. I've played monarch for about a month and although i don't win every game, i win 8/10. So i figured i'd try my hand at emperor. One of the things that has helped me the most when playing is following other games and reading the discussion related to them. Long story short i wanted to make my first emperor difficulty game a public one :).

The settings i've gone for are: Hemispheres (3 continents), large, 11 AI (so 4 on each continent), Tropical, Epic speed, No huts, and no tech-brokering (I really hate that tech-brokering is standard)

I have chosen my "goto" leader when i up the difficulty; Huayna Capac! The reason for this is mostly that i love the terrace and that financial makes life a little easier. Besides it doesn't hurt when i can get wonders out faster :)

Allright! Starting location!

My initial thoughts are weee! it looks like there is a lot of food there for the grabs. I don't have fishing though so should i start with a worker anyway and just go for fishing->AH? Or should i research fishing first while building a warrior and then swap to wb when i get fishing?

Looking forward to your feedback :)

PS: this being my first ever post on the forums, I beg of you, be gentle ;)


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Looking forward to your feedback

Feedback: turn on resource bubbles! if not always, at least when you are capturing pictures to share.

With wet rice, cows, and trees, I'd go with worker first (surprise) on a (Agri)->AH->Mining->BW start. That undersells the Quecha a little bit, but I can live with that.

Second choice: lag the worker by training a Quecha as you grow to size 2. Working the flood plains alone, you'll be at 0/36 with 11/22 :hammers:. Finish that Quecha at 5 :hammers: / turn, so at Turn 14 look around. If there's a rushable neighbor, steal a worker, pound out more quecha, and capture a capital.
Worker first makes sense. Will be a strong cap when fishing's in. I'd definitely scout around to see if it's worth it to make a run for the great lighthouse.
Hi there! I will turn on resource bubbles for future screenshots.

So it seems like both of you recommend not researching fishing even tho I have 3 seafood resources in bfc. What is your reasoning behind this if I may ask? I suppose its because i would grow to happy cap so fast that the time spent building workboat would be better spent building other things...

Anyway, I will play up until turn 25 now
Please increase the resolution on those images too.

I would go fishing first and then AG>BW. Still worker first since you have strong land tiles that exceed the seafood. Fish would be different. Workboats can be hammer rushed or whipped later.
So it seems like both of you recommend not researching fishing even tho I have 3 seafood resources in bfc. What is your reasoning behind this if I may ask?

Not so much reasoning, as a gut feel that in this position a worker helps produce boats more than the boats help produce the worker.

So i decided to research fishing-AH-wheel-pottery-mining-BW

The reason behind this was simply that i was afraid of having nothing to do/build, so if i had workboats to build after my worker i could research faster using the 3 commerce 4 food sea tiles.

I spotted stone on my second turn, and found a city i can place there that would admittedly be hard to grow but would give me gold stone and ivory. i figured i want to settle my second city on the stone. Building a granary won't take very long due to the extra hammers and i can road to it easily. The extra 2 happiness would be nice since it will be easy to grow the cap.

So with stone (in the future) what wonder do i try for? Personally i would like to try GW and Pyramids.

I met wang kong on turn 8. He is about 10 tiles away. I could possibly attack him early but i think i will skip on that unless i get axes soon.

Spoiler :


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well the stone has no food around...
what about that fish+rice+gold spot? that would be nice city i would say, but it's too soon... you should see first where horses pop and bronze eventually
I don't like going for wonders, but it might work here. Your stone city would be awful, but the capital might make up for that.
Your capital should be able to run something like 10 specialists pre-biology, and it will have some wonders, so you will get lots of GPP there. And with early representation, that's also some nice research.

About your scouting: when you find a place you want to settle, you should definetely scout all of it's surrounding first. There might be corn or pigs NEE of your stone city - in that case, we wouldn't discuss that city because it's great. But the pigs or corn might also be NEEE instead, and in that case, your city placement would just be horrible.

Also, building some Quechuas after your worker would not be the worst thing in the world. If you get the GW, you don't need many spawnbusters, but one or two additional scouts are always helpful.
Work on exploring proberly ... you should preferly explore so you know more and more the closer to your own captial you get, so you have the best idea as of where your second city should be, which means run in circles around you're capital

Stone site is fairly crappy since, as mentioned allready, it completely lacks food
Would be nice to know what's between the rice, the pigs, and the floodplains. Though it may be all jungle. Would also be nice to know what is North of and East of your capital. Both look at least grassland-ish.
Turn 50.

Built WB. Got health event. +2 health in cap, but got angry population. Building settler.

I know the stone city is pretty crappy, but it will be able to work both gold and ivory and some farms with CS. The main reason for building it would be to hook up stone and the happiness resources as early as possible.

Feel free to suggest other city sites :)



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With these cows, the stone city isn't even that bad.

You are planning on settling one east of the stone, right?
That health event can be crippling at that stage of the game. I'm not sure it pays off in the long run - health is usually not that hard to get but the turns lost in setting up your empire due to unhappiness and lost population can be huge.
Soo, got caught up and played a little while :D turn 202.

Built Stonehenge in stone city, great wall, pyramids, oracle and parthenon in capital.
Founded confucianism with oracle.

Gonna settle one or two more citys and tech to rifling. I haven't really scouted out my neighbors yet. I always forget to do that :/
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oh and civ crashed for me and i only had the save from turn 25, so i had to replay from there and didn't get the health event again.
Congrats on the leading score.

Barb city to the South looks like a reasonable target. So does Liverpool I think? As you mentioned you should really have the whole continent explored at this point. But now you might as well trade maps when you get paper.

oh and civ crashed for me and i only had the save from turn 25, so i had to replay from there and didn't get the health event again.
If you checked the autosave folder right after it crashed, it will have saves every 4 turns going back 5(?) saves by default. It's probably overwritten by now though.

You can change the number and frequency of autosaves in civilization.ini in the My Games folder.
you seem way to scared to overlap ...

to cure chant this 100 times

"overlap aren't bad, overlap helps me get better research and more units"
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