Very lucky start with 3 food bonuses and many river tiles and I do not want to mess up (I never restart if I get a bad initial position). Emperor (with extra restrictions), huge, everything else random, no desired winning condition, no ancient tech trading, no extra tech for philosophy. I need advice.
Long story made short I think about 3-mine-road-8-irrigate-road-6-irrigate-road-1-mine-road-ignore the game forest for now and head straight to the BGs on the NW. the crucial questions are
1. I irrigate both wheats, right?
2. When do I chop the game forest?
3. Is the tempo saved by beginning with 3 instead of 9 (I end the whole south-east buisness north of the river this way and can reach the NW BGs one round earlier) worth delaying the irrigation of the wheats? Or those NW tiles are not a priority and I can survive with my 5 south tiles and prefer something like 9-6-1-1-3 or 9-6-1-2-7 followed by chopping the other two forests (or at least the rivered one)? After all, those BG tiles are for a city above pop 5 and are not rivered...
Edit: NW is also a quite probable destination for my first settler, second one behind NE.
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