@ Sweetchuck:
Trust me on this one: bag the pyramids too. I can't remember the last time I built them (I even generally skip them on 20Ks), and I do fine on monarch. Essentially, the pyramids are such a HUGE shield sink for that early in the game that for the same cost you can build a crapload of horsemen or swords or settlers (about 14, to be exact... more if you can chop forests for them. 14 swords will murder just about any AI civ in the AA on middle difficulties). Granaries are really cheap to build individually, and definitely do not need to go in every town. If you get an empire later where the amount of granary maint. you have to pay becomes a draw on the economy, you are probably large enough to just march over to whoever built it and take it from them
Even STAoW is too much of a sink for me... I'll only build it if I have a substantial lead over the AI. Again, rax are cheap, and not every town needs them. Convenient later, sure, but always conquerable. You can build 8.5 knights for the cost of STAoW... or better yet, crank out 20 horsemen and upgrade them to knights!