Fix for culture flip?


Jan 21, 2002
I've been playing around with editor, and in the government section, I saw probability of assimilation box, with something like 4% for democracy and communism, and less for others. If Civilopedia is right, a foreigner has a chance of assimilation when he's living as a minority longer than part of majority. Hopefully, the count of majority starts from when you hold the city, not since 3500 BC, when that guy was born. Also, hopefully it's counted in turns, not in actual years. I've tried increasing that value for every gov't by a factor of 6, I'll see if it's going to have an effect. Has anyone tried doing that and had success? What I'm hoping to avoid is having some city that you hold for 50 turns in the middle of your country suddenly flip because of that one German (among 22 Babylonians) that you couldn't starve. I probably know what Sid was thinking of when doing cultural flip thing, a conquered city can remember their former country for a very long time, Ukraine has been under Russia for many centuries, yet there are still Ukrainians, and now they have their own country, and Scottish people have beeen part of UK for 3 centuries non-stop, yet some still want to separate. However, I think the idea was implemented poorly, and brings nothing but random frustration to the player, and I think that until Sid comes up with at least a half assed implementation, counteracting civ flipping by editing is perfectly OK.
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