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For the first time ever, gay marriage wins popular elections


Sep 5, 2012
Voters in Maryland and Maine on Tuesday approved measures to allow same-sex marriage, NBC News projected, marking the first time gay marriage has been approved by statewide popular votes.

In all, voters in four states – Maine, Maryland, Washington and Minnesota - considered ballot measures Tuesday on the issue of same-sex marriage.

In Washington and Minnesota, the votes were too close to call early Wednesday morning.

Proponents of same-sex marriage were happy to celebrate their first victories by popular vote.

“Tonight we’ve taken the talking point away that marriage equality cannot win at the ballot box,” said Fred Sainz, vice president of communications with the Human Rights Campaign, which invested millions of dollars in same-sex marriage initiatives.

Sainz gave some of the credit for the victory to President Barack Obama’s support for same-sex marriage.

The president said that his decision was informed by speaking with Americans including servicemen and women he met during the work to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Obama won re-election Tuesday night.

Obama’s challenger, Mitt Romney, had said that he would support and champion legislation defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

But in general, Sainz said he thought Americans have become more understanding of why gay and lesbian couples want to marry.

“The hearts and minds of the American public have changed,” he said. “For years now we’ve been having a long extended conversation and connecting with them about how marriage equality is about love, family and commitment, which are common human factors."

Opponents of same-sex marriage dismissed that argument, however. Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, noted that dozens of states have passed laws defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

He called states like Maryland “the most liberal of liberal states” and not a proxy for the general population.

“For the gay marriage groups to win in the most liberal states is not a tipping point at all,” Brown said.

The measures come as Americans appear to be growing more comfortable with the idea of gay marriage.

A Pew Research Center poll this summer found that 48 percent of Americans favor same-sex marriage, up from 31 percent in 2004.

Democrats were the strongest proponents, with 65 percent favoring same-sex marriage in the Pew survey. Only 24 percent of Republicans favor gay marriage, while 51 percent of independents favor it.

There are some states that issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples following legislative or court action. Those include Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York and the District of Columbia, according to the National Council of State Legislatures.

More than 30 states, including Arizona, Colorado and Texas, have laws or constitutional provisions defining marriage as between a man and a woman, according to the National Council of State Legislatures.

Here’s a look at the four states voting on the issue in this election.

Maine: This is the second time voters in Maine will decide about same-sex marriage. A bill allowing same-sex marriage was passed by the state legislature in 2006, but voters overturned it in 2009.

Maryland: In Maryland, voters are being asked to uphold a law allowing same-sex marriage that the governor signed into law last March.

Minnesota: In Minnesota, voters are being asked whether the state constitution should explicitly define marriage as between one man and one woman.

Washington: In Washington state, the legislature approved same-sex marriage earlier this year, and the law was scheduled to take effect in June. But opponents of the law were able to get a referendum on the ballot asking voters if they want to uphold the law.


BOOM! Obamed!

What states are next?
I think this is exactly how the legalization of gay marriage should be handled. State by state, not on a national level. Kudos to Maryland + Maine.
Maryland today, Texas next decade.

Mark your calendars, we're gonna put this one behind us.
Welcome to the civilized world!
So, as I've read somewhere, "What's the big deal with gay marriage?"
Welcome to the civilized world!

Now all they need is universal healthcare, affordable college education and zero political influence for religious zealots.
In a surprise result, Minnesota defeated both the Marriage Amendment (that would make gay marriage illegal in the consitution despite it already being illegal under Minnesota law) and the Voter ID Amendment.
The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.
The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.

Yeah, that's never actually happened....
The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.

Every society in the past that has deviated from polytheism has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.
Why are people voting on such important human rights issues?

Because it's moving too slowly through the courts.

Something like this shouldn't be up to popular vote..

Agreed. I expect the Supreme Court will take up the issue within the next few years, at which point they will either affirm it as a fundamental right, or less likely, leave it up to the individual states. I'd be surprised if it weren't legal in all 50 states by 2020.

Having said that, hooray!

Also agreed.
Maryland today, Texas next decade.

Mark your calendars, we're gonna put this one behind us.

Eventually you'll probably win this one. Although if you don't cheat by using the courts and instead actually take it state by state, I'm predicting it'll take at least 25 years (To be legalized in all states.)

Agreed. I expect the Supreme Court will take up the issue within the next few years, at which point they will either affirm it as a fundamental right, or less likely, leave it up to the individual states. I'd be surprised if it weren't legal in all 50 states by 2020.

@The Supreme Court- Please, please do not rape our constitution over this. Leave it to the states:p
Eventually you'll probably win this one. Although if you don't cheat by using the courts and instead actually take it state by state, I'm predicting it'll take at least 25 years (To be legalized in all states.)

This isn't a sport you cretin. This is something that actually affects people's lives, their happiness, their legal rights, and their children.
With growing Hispanic populations in Texas, I doubt that state will have a pro-SSM majority in the foreseeable future.

I disagree. I think the various minority groups will come to understand that the same political wave they're riding should naturally extend to the gays.

It won't happen overnight, but I project that it will happen.

The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.

Yeah, we'll be fine. Honestly, with my beliefs, I am a worse spiritual blight than any milquetoast agnostic homo, yet there's a distinct lack of frogs and red lightning.
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