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For the first time ever, gay marriage wins popular elections

I'm glad you could get that far. I'm still struggling to find examples of a societal collapse where marriage was even tangentially involved. The best I'm getting is the inbreeding amongst the Habsburgs, and that doesn't even involve homosexuals.
Because discrimination never results in physical externalizations like public segregation, Jim Crow laws, minority disenfranchisement, economic disparity, and educational disparity amirite herr kaiser?

That's lovely, but you'll notice that I was specifically talking about discrimination itself, NOT the legislation inspired by it.
I'm glad you could get that far. I'm still struggling to find examples of a societal collapse where marriage was even tangentially involved. The best I'm getting is the inbreeding amongst the Habsburgs, and that doesn't even involve homosexuals.

Seeing as how they managed to persist in a position of power till about 1918-19 I don't think inbreeding that occurred 150-200 years prior had anything to do with it, compared to say...World War I. Incest takes a few generations to bring those defects to the fore, at least the way the Habsburgs did it. It took the sharing of several grandparents to produce Ferdinand.

The Ptolemys on the other hand and Mithridates in Armenia had brother-sister marriages, but I don't recall ever reading accounts of genetic defects resulting from that.
So integrating the schools, was that cheating? What about abolishing slavery? Obvious hax, amirite? And don't even get me started on repealing prohibition.

Supreme Court is OP

Slavery was abolished by freaking constitutional amendment. Make my day trying to do that.

I'd have to check the 14th amendment but I think that would prohibit public segregation. It doesn't have anything to do with gay "marriage."

Obviously slavery would have "faded away" like racism and other forms of discrimination

Actually yes. And I think, while slavery would have taken longer had the civil war not happened, I think "Jim Crow" type laws would not have lasted as long.

I find it strange how it's "cheating" when the courts are involved, yet relying on supersition and simple ol' bigotry is somehow "okay" or "fair".

I find it strange that you have to use the word "Bigotry" over and over as if that were going to work.

Yes, Texas. That would be the state whose largest city has had an openly gay mayor since the 2009 elections.

They aren't as conservative as popular perception says are they?

The walls of bigotry are falling all over. Somewhat more slowly in the retrograde South, but what else is new?

I'm betting at least five states don't change by 2050 barring a SCOTUS ruling (How likely is that to happen?)
I'm betting that hilariously knee-jerk reactions, including such phrases as "all previous societies that did X", will never go out of fashion either. Neither are hardly something about which to be proud.
We also shouldn't forget that all people who have gay sex eventually die.
All people who even look at another person with lust in their thoughts will eventually die. God's really hot on them thar Ten Commandments.
Very true! What with all the rape, murder and pillaging that went on in the Old Testament, I'm surprised that they didn't release a "late-night" version of the Bible, provisionally entitled: The Bible: After Hours: What Elijah & Enoch Did Next.

If you want a catchier title, we could always go with: The Bible's Untold Stories: The Sin of Sodom.

Spoiler :
Lack of hospitality, don't you know!
Can we stop talking about slavery and discrimination (ie racism) like it's the same thing? Slavery is an economic system, discrimination is a mental state of mind.
No, the term discrimination specifically refers to actions taken because of the belief that certain people are different because of certain attributes. And that doesn't only include legal discrimination. If I don't hire someone only because of his gender or ethnicity, it's discrimination.

Actually yes. And I think, while slavery would have taken longer had the civil war not happened, I think "Jim Crow" type laws would not have lasted as long.
Sure, but its people with arguments like yours that would have delayed it.

They aren't as conservative as popular perception says are they?
Do you even notice your own self-contradictions?
The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.

This is just a talking point you heard somewhere and are repeating, right?

Or did you come to that conclusion yourself? I would love to see the research you did to reach that conclusion, if so.

If not, you should really not repeat things you have heard just because they sound good to you at the time. Do some research first! Otherwise it might make you look like a fool and people are just going to jump all over you for it.
A wise man (also known as myself) once said:
...And on gay marriage (this is the part I'll get really fired up about): Anyone who disagrees with any type of homosexual marriage because of, well, any issue, should be dismissed as an incompetent moron intent on disregarding the Constitution and enforcing religious law. The scum of society they are. People like Limbaugh and Christie make me sick; if they don't allow gay people to be married, then maybe they shouldn't allow anyone to marry more than once, or anyone who is overweight to be married; it's all the same, you know.
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