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Forced to provide a resource? (Brothers in faith at war)


Mar 21, 2013
Maybe this happens with some frequency, but I don't remember this ever being the case. I got the random event about potentially helping out my "brothers in faith" who are at war. Usually there's one or more giving options lit up, plus an option to not provide anything. On this occasion, the option to decline was not a choice - I had to give the Babylonians horses. Does anyone know what circumstances would make this a forced thing, as opposed to an option?

Civ IV_ Beyond The Sword 12_30_2024 7_27_44 AM.png
I believe that the point is that that option is not available. The green options are the available ones and the greyed-out ones are possible options that are not available. Thus the decline option is listed as not available.
Wait, so you say all the other six options are not available, seeing how all six are same color as the decline one? Find it hard to believe - Optics is being researched, and by this time, it's extremely rare to have no copper, no iron and no ivory (corresponding 3 options). Especially seeing it's slower than normal speed (turn 425 but only 825 AD) - plenty turns to scout out and grab one or more of those resources. And double especially seeing that mine on non-hill plains 2 tiles SE from Nuremberg - should exactly be copper or iron, at this point.

Some weird bug?
From the event list:

Brothers in Need
Prereq: You and other AI have same state religion AND can trade resources AND you have more then 1 of any of the listed resources AND the other AI lacks this resource: COPPER or IRON or HORSE or IVORY or OIL or URANIUM AND other AI is at war AND you are not at war
Obsolete: None
Active/Weight: 100/1000
2.you gift Copper
3.you gift Iron
4.you gift Horse
5.you gift Ivory
6.you gift Oil
7.you gift Uranium

Note that more than one of a resource is required for that option to be available.
I believe that the point is that that option is not available. The green options are the available ones and the greyed-out ones are possible options that are not available. Thus the decline option is listed as not available.

MY point is that I've never encountered this without the decline option being available.
Wait, so you say all the other six options are not available, seeing how all six are same color as the decline one? Find it hard to believe - Optics is being researched, and by this time, it's extremely rare to have no copper, no iron and no ivory (corresponding 3 options). Especially seeing it's slower than normal speed (turn 425 but only 825 AD) - plenty turns to scout out and grab one or more of those resources. And double especially seeing that mine on non-hill plains 2 tiles SE from Nuremberg - should exactly be copper or iron, at this point.

Some weird bug?
I did not say that. The only option that could be selected was the one lit in the image above. I've never encountered this without being able to decline giving aid. I clicked repeatedly on that option and it would not select.
From the event list:

Note that more than one of a resource is required for that option to be available.
I see. My point was that I've always been able to select to decline giving aid. In the above instance, I was not allowed to select that option. No other option was selectable except the Horses option.
I did not say that. The only option that could be selected was the one lit in the image above. I've never encountered this without being able to decline giving aid. I clicked repeatedly on that option and it would not select.
I was replying a pen-dragon up there, with that "so you say ..." part. Anyway, all clear now: the decline option is shown, but not available (= "would not select"). I say, this shouldn't happen, and it must be a bug.

P.S. Wonder what causes it. Say, did any of the conditions mentioned by a pen-dragon - change at the same end-turn this event was generated, by any chance? I.e., did you or that AI switch to different religion, or did trade network between you and that AI break, or did that AI ended its war, or did you lose access to 2nd Horse resource maybe? Or maybe that AI got access to Horse resource even, exactly same end-turn phase this event was generated?
The only requirement I see for the first choice (EVENT_BROTHERS_IN_NEED_1) in Civ4EventInfos.xml is canDoBrothersInNeed1, which is a Python function that simply calls canTriggerBrothersInNeed, i.e. checks the requirements for the event trigger again. I suppose events trigger at the end of a human player's turn, and the popup doesn't get created until the start of that player's next turn. Or some one-round delay like that. And it doesn't normally double-check the trigger conditions at that point. For the other choices, the XML only has a "BonusGift" tag for each of the respective resources; the canTrigger function is not called. So I second Fins's conjecture. It's arguably a bug then.
Agree, I get this event often and there's always an option to decline. Probably a bug.

I would gift it anyway and cancel in 10 turns, for the free diplo points. Ofc that doesn't help you if you only have the one Horse resource...
Agree, I get this event often and there's always an option to decline. Probably a bug.

I would gift it anyway and cancel in 10 turns, for the free diplo points. Ofc that doesn't help you if you only have the one Horse resource...
Thai is exactly what I did. :D Counted turns and everything.
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