Forest Stealth


May 6, 2008
Reading through the FF-thread i stumbled across their addition of "Forest Stealth", did not this use to be a part of FFH? I believe it was in when I started playing, but I’m not sure. Anyone knows the story behind it?
It was cut from FfH for performance reasons. Basically to work a "forest stealth" sort of promotion needs a function that checks all the promotions on a unit every time they move into a new plot (so it can find that one requires forests and remove it if the plot doesn't have a forest).

We decided that the performance cost (every movement of every unit) wasnt worth the benifit of this promotion.

I cant speak for Fall Further, but I believe they went ahead and took the performance hit for the function but they use it in more places. So they get more value out of the additional overhead so it made more sense for them to do it.

Hopefully that makes some sense. Features that require infrastructure support (as opposed to those that work with given functions) are always hard to justify unless you can use the feature in a lot of places. Otherwise, even if the feature is cool its often not worth it.
I heard it was cut for performance reasons. Every time a unit moved there had to be a callback to check if it entered a forest, and then apply the invisibility.
Thanks for the quick reply. Sad though, would have reinforced the sneaky shadowy feel of the Svartalfar.
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